Improving Medium-range Streamflow Forecasting Across U.S. Middle Atlantic Region

Book Description

Short- to medium-range (forecast lead times from 0 to 14 days) streamflow forecasts are subject to uncertainties from various sources. A major source of uncertainty is due to the weather or meteorological forcing. In turn, the uncertainties from the meteorological forcing are propagated into the streamflow forecasts when using the meteorological forecasts (i.e., the outputs from a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model) as forcing to hydrological models. Additionally, the hydrological models themselves are another important source of uncertainty, where uncertainty arises from model structure, parameters, initial and boundary conditions. To advance the science of hydrological modeling and forecasting, these uncertainties need to be quantified and modeled, using novel statistical techniques and robust verification strategies, with the goal of improving the skill and reliability of streamflow forecasts. This, ultimately, may allow generating in advance (i.e., with longer lead times) more informative forecasts, which could eventually translate into better emergency preparedness and response.The main research goal of this dissertation is to develop, implement and verify a new regional hydrological ensemble prediction system (RHEPS), comprised by a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, different hydrological models and different statistical bias-correction techniques. To implement and verify the new RHEPS, the U.S. middle Atlantic region (MAR) is selected as the study area. This is a region of high socio-economic value with populated cities and, at the same time, vulnerable to floods and other natural disasters. To meet my research goal, the following objectives are carried out: Objective 1 (O1) - To choose a relevant NWP model or system by evaluating and verifying the outputs from different meteorological forecasting systems (i.e., the outputs or forecasts from their underlying NWP models); Objective 2 (O2) - To verify streamflow forecasts generated by forcing a distributed hydrological model with meteorological ensembles, and to develop and evaluate a statistical postprocessor to quantify the uncertainty and adjust biases in the streamflow forecasts; Objective 3 (O3) - To develop, implement and rigorously verify a multimodel approach for short- to medium-range streamflow forecasting. The overarching hypothesis of this dissertation is that the combination and configuration of the different system components in the streamflow forecasting system can have a significant influence on forecast uncertainty and that hydrological multimodeling is able to significantly enhance the quality of streamflow forecasts. The RHEPS is used to test this hypothesis.To meet O1, precipitation ensemble forecasts from two different NWP models are verified. The two NWP models are the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 11-member Global Ensemble Forecast System Reforecast version 2 (GEFSRv2) and the 21-member Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF) system. The verification results for O1 reveal the quality of the meteorological forcing and serve to inform the decision of selecting a NWP model for O2. As part of O2, the meteorological outputs from the GEFSRv2 are used to force the NOAAs Hydrology Laboratory-Research Distributed Hydrological Model (HL-RDHM) and generate short- to medium-range (1-7 days) ensemble streamflow forecasts for different basins in the MAR. The streamflow forecasts are postprocessed (bias-corrected) using a time series model. The verification results from O2 show that the ensemble streamflow forecasts remain skillful for the entire forecast cycle of 7 days. Additionally, postprocessing increases forecast skills across lead times and spatial scales, particularly for the high flow conditions. Lastly, with O3, a multimodel hydrological framework is tested for medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts. The results show that the multimodel consistently improves short- to medium-range streamflow forecasts across different basin sizes compared to the single model forecasts.

Improving Post Processing of Ensemble Streamflow Forecast for Short-to-long Ranges

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A novel multi-scale post-processor for ensemble streamflow prediction, MS-EnsPost, and a multiscale probability matching (MS-PM) technique for bias correction in streamflow simulation are developed and evaluated. The MS-PM successively applies probability matching (PM) across multiple time scales of aggregation to reduce scale-dependent biases in streamflow simulation.For evaluation of MS-PM, 34 basins in four National Weather Service (NWS) River Forecast Centers (RFC) in the US were used. The results indicate that MS-PM improves over PM for streamflow prediction at a daily time step, and that averaging the empirical cumulative distribution functions to reduce sampling uncertainty marginally improves performance. The performance of MS-PM, however, quickly reaches a limit with the addition of larger temporal scales of aggregation due to the increasingly large sampling uncertainties. MS-EnsPost represents a departure from the PM-based approaches to avoid large sampling uncertainties associated with distribution modeling, and to utilize fully the predictive skill in model-simulated and observed streamflow that may be present over a range of temporal scales.MS-EnsPost uses data-driven correction of magnitude-dependent bias in simulated flow,multiscale regression over a range of temporal aggregation scales, and ensemble generation using parsimonious error modeling. For evaluation of MS-EnsPost, 139 basins in eight RFCs were used. Streamflow predictability in different hydroclimatological regions is assessed and characterized, and gains by MS-EnsPost over the existing streamflow ensemble post processor in the NWS Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service, EnsPost, are attributed. The ensemble mean prediction results show that MS-EnsPost reduces the root mean square error of Day-1 to -7 predictions of mean daily flow from EnsPost by 5 to 68 percent, and for most basins, the improvement is due to both bias correction and multiscale regression. The ensemble prediction results show that MS-EnsPost reduces the mean Continuous Ranked Probability Score of Day-1 to -7 predictions of mean daily flow from EnsPost by 2 to 62 percent, and that the improvement is due mostly to improved resolution than reliability. Examination of the mean Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Scores (CRPSS) indicates that, for most basins, the improvement by MS-EnsPost is due to both magnitude-dependent bias correction and full utilization of hydrologic memory through multiscale regression. Comparison of the mean CRPSS results with hydroclimatic indices indicates that the skill of ensemble streamflow prediction with post processing is modulated largely by the fraction of precipitation as snow and, for non-snow-driven basins, mean annual precipitation.The positive impact of MS-EnsPost is particularly significant for a number of basins impacted by flow regulations. Examination of the multiscale regression weights indicates that the multiscale regression procedure is able to capture and reflect the scale-dependent impact of flow regulations on predictive skills of observed and model-predicted flow. One of the motivations for MS-EnsPost is to reduce data requirement so that nonstationarity may be considered.Comparative evaluation of MS-EnsPost with EnsPost indicates that, under reduced data availability, MS-EnsPost generally outperforms EnsPost for those basins exhibiting significant changes in flow regime.

Improving Drought Monitoring and Forecasting

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Atmospheric Rivers

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This book is the standard reference based on roughly 20 years of research on atmospheric rivers, emphasizing progress made on key research and applications questions and remaining knowledge gaps. The book presents the history of atmospheric-rivers research, the current state of scientific knowledge, tools, and policy-relevant (science-informed) problems that lend themselves to real-world application of the research—and how the topic fits into larger national and global contexts. This book is written by a global team of authors who have conducted and published the majority of critical research on atmospheric rivers over the past years. The book is intended to benefit practitioners in the fields of meteorology, hydrology and related disciplines, including students as well as senior researchers.

Investigation of Techniques for Improvement of Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Upper Rio Grande Basin

Book Description

The purpose of this dissertation is to develop and evaluate techniques for improvement of seasonal streamflow forecasts in the Upper Rio Grande (URG) basin in the U.S. Southwest. Three techniques are investigated. The first technique is an investigation of the effects of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on temperature, precipitation, snow water equivalent (SWE), and the resulting streamflow at a monthly time scale, using data from 1952 to 1999 (WY). It was seen that the effects of ENSO on temperature and precipitation were confined to certain months, predominantly at the beginning and end of the winter season, and that the effect of these modulations of temperature and precipitation by ENSO can be seen in the magnitude and time variation of SWE and streamflow. The second part is a comparison of the use for snowmelt-runoff modeling of the newly available snowcover product based on imagery from the satellite-borne Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) with the long-time standard snowcover product from the National Hydrological Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC). This comparison is made using the Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) in two watersheds located inside the URG basin. This comparison is important because the MODIS snowcover product could greatly improve the availability of snowcover information because of its high spatial (500m) and temporal (daily) resolutions and extensive (global) coverage. Based on the results of this comparison, the MODIS snowcover product gives comparable snowcover information compared to that from NOHRSC. The final part is an investigation of streamflow forecasting using mass-balance models. Two watersheds used in the comparison of MODIS and NOHRSC snowcover products were again used. The parameters of the mass-balance models are obtained in two different ways and streamflow forecasts are made on January 1st, February 1st, March 1st and April 1st. The first means of parameter estimation is to use the parameter values from 1990 to 2001 SRM streamflow simulations and the second means is by optimization. The results of this investigation show that mass-balance models show potential to improve the long-term streamflow forecasts in snowmelt-dominated watersheds if dependable precipitation forecasts can be provided.

Next Generation Earth System Prediction

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As the nation's economic activities, security concerns, and stewardship of natural resources become increasingly complex and globally interrelated, they become ever more sensitive to adverse impacts from weather, climate, and other natural phenomena. For several decades, forecasts with lead times of a few days for weather and other environmental phenomena have yielded valuable information to improve decision-making across all sectors of society. Developing the capability to forecast environmental conditions and disruptive events several weeks and months in advance could dramatically increase the value and benefit of environmental predictions, saving lives, protecting property, increasing economic vitality, protecting the environment, and informing policy choices. Over the past decade, the ability to forecast weather and climate conditions on subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) timescales, i.e., two to fifty-two weeks in advance, has improved substantially. Although significant progress has been made, much work remains to make S2S predictions skillful enough, as well as optimally tailored and communicated, to enable widespread use. Next Generation Earth System Predictions presents a ten-year U.S. research agenda that increases the nation's S2S research and modeling capability, advances S2S forecasting, and aids in decision making at medium and extended lead times.

Western Water Supply

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Advances in Streamflow Forecasting

Book Description

Advances in Streamflow Forecasting: From Traditional to Modern Approaches covers the three major data-driven approaches of streamflow forecasting including traditional approach of statistical and stochastic time-series modelling with their recent developments, stand-alone data-driven approach such as artificial intelligence techniques, and modern hybridized approach where data-driven models are combined with preprocessing methods to improve the forecast accuracy of streamflows and to reduce the forecast uncertainties. This book starts by providing the background information, overview, and advances made in streamflow forecasting. The overview portrays the progress made in the field of streamflow forecasting over the decades. Thereafter, chapters describe theoretical methodology of the different data-driven tools and techniques used for streamflow forecasting along with case studies from different parts of the world. Each chapter provides a flowchart explaining step-by-step methodology followed in applying the data-driven approach in streamflow forecasting. This book addresses challenges in forecasting streamflows by abridging the gaps between theory and practice through amalgamation of theoretical descriptions of the data-driven techniques and systematic demonstration of procedures used in applying the techniques. Language of this book is kept simple to make the readers understand easily about different techniques and make them capable enough to straightforward replicate the approach in other areas of their interest. This book will be vital for hydrologists when optimizing the water resources system, and to mitigate the impact of destructive natural disasters such as floods and droughts by implementing long-term planning (structural and nonstructural measures), and short-term emergency warning. Moreover, this book will guide the readers in choosing an appropriate technique for streamflow forecasting depending upon the given set of conditions. Contributions from renowned researchers/experts of the subject from all over the world to provide the most authoritative outlook on streamflow forecasting Provides an excellent overview and advances made in streamflow forecasting over the past more than five decades and covers both traditional and modern data-driven approaches in streamflow forecasting Includes case studies along with detailed flowcharts demonstrating a systematic application of different data-driven models in streamflow forecasting, which helps understand the step-by-step procedures

Information and Control in Networks

Book Description

Information and Control in Networks demonstrates the way in which system dynamics and information flows intertwine as they evolve, and the central role played by information in the control of complex networked systems. It is a milestone on the road to that convergence from traditionally independent development of control theory and information theory which has emerged strongly in the last fifteen years, and is now a very active research field. In addition to efforts in control and information theory, the text is witness to strong research in such diverse fields as computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Aspects that are given specialist treatment include: · data-rate theorems; · computation and control over communication networks; · decentralized stochastic control; · Gaussian networks and Gaussian–Markov random fields; and · routability in information networks. Information and Control in Networks collects contributions from world-leading researchers in the area who came together for the Lund Center for Control of Complex Engineering Systems Workshop in Information and Control in Networks from 17th–19th October 2012; the workshop being the centrepiece of a five-week-long focus period on the same theme. A source of exciting cross-fertilization and new ideas for extensive future research, this volume will be of great interest to any researcher or graduate student interested in the interaction of control and information theory.