Life - The Outburst of Life in the Human Sphere

Book Description

Science and philosophy have both undergone radical transformations in recent times. Now they are poised for a pivotal alliance. Science has abandoned the mechanistic model of nature. Philosophy has broken through the tight, traditional circle of conceptualisation, intellectualistic preconceptions and cognitive presuppositions. The two now meet to focus on the palpitating, fluctuating stream of nature/life. Their traditional prejudices dispersed under the pressure of new evidence, philosophy/phenomenology of life and the sciences of life meet in the Archimedean point of the human creative condition (proper to the phenomenology of life) and the role of the human subject (central to the scientific view of reality). They necessitate each other: without the sciences of life, philosophy/phenomenology of life cannot penetrate the intricacies of nature/life; without recourse to philosophy to delineate, design, provide clues to the organisation of natural evidence, the sciences of life cannot devise new strategies for inquiry nor survey their field. The present collection throws open the barriers that separate nature and culture, works of physis and those of the spirit. Following the philosophical model of the ontopoieisis of life, focusing on its specifically human sphere - that of the human self-interpretation-in-existence - it encircles the vast, new horizons of the new alliance.

Material Culture and Mental Spheres

Book Description

This volume is contains the contributions held at the international symposium in honor of Prof. H.J. Nissen's retirement concerning the topics "Settlement Patterns and the Study of Irrigation in Southern Mesopotamia," "Ecological Determinism," "Political History and Conflict Management," "The Development of Urbanisation and the Uruk Period," "Economy and Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East," "The Neolithic and Theories on the Neolithisation in the Levant and Anatolia," and " Iran between East and West."

European Cities, Youth and the Public Sphere in the Twentieth Century

Book Description

The late nineteenth century witnessed unprecedented levels of urban growth as migration swelled the population of European cities to new heights. The resulting problems of overcrowding and inadequate civic utilities prompted the governing elites to look for new planning solutions to address the needs of an increasingly urbanised society. At the same time young people were also increasingly recognised as being adversely affected, both politically and morally, by the on-going process of urbanization. Church groups, civic authorities, middle-class reformers and political movements all tried to steer youth toward their own concept of respectable behaviour, concepts that often tended to share many similarities in their paternalistic emphasis upon social discipline. This volume directly addresses the confluence of these issues, the point at which the city government, youth and public space meet and the resulting problems and tensions that were often created. Whether it be the corruption of the rural youth flooding into the cities at the beginning of the twentieth century, battles between Hitler Youth and working-class gangs in Nazi Germany, hooliganism in 1950s Hungary or the appropriation of, or withdrawal from, public spaces by youths in more recent times, all the chapters in this book explore ways in which authorities and adult groups have sought to control young people, both directly and indirectly. Drawing on a broad selection of methods and disciplines, a wide variety of case studies from across Europe are used to investigate the interactions between youth and authority, and show how these adapted and changed over time and in different countries. By taking a fresh look at these issues within a comparative framework, this volume furthers our understanding of modern European society during the twentieth century.

Pauline Hamartiology: Conceptualisation and Transferences

Book Description

The understanding of Pauline sin as an action, a personification, and as a power is overturned by the application of cognitive semantic theories. In this work, Steffi Fabricius reveals a metaphoric-ontological thinking of Paul which conveys the ontological effectivity and actuality of metaphors.

Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman and Early Christian Antiquity

Book Description

This book presents a range of case-studies of pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman antiquity, drawing on a wide variety of evidence. It rejects the usual reluctance to accept the category of pilgrimage in pagan polytheism and affirms the significance of sacred mobility not only as an important factor in understanding ancient religion and its topographies but also as vitally ancestral to later Christian practice.

The Theme of Recompense in Matthew's Gospel

Book Description

Matthew's theology of the Spirit has received scant scholarly attention, a regrettable oversight since the evangelist is careful to note that the eschatological redemption described in his Gospel is the direct result of the activity of God's Spirit. Matthew's narrative of God's restoring work, which begins with Jesus and continues through his followers, is informed by, even as it extends, the larger biblical narrative concerning God's creative, redemptive, and restorative work at the centre of which stands his Spirit, his active presence. As the study elaborates upon the broad sweep of Matthew's interest in the Spirit, the operation of the Spirit is examined in relation to the three theological categories of christology, soteriology, and ecclesiology.

Die Gottesvorstellungen in der antik-jüdischen Apokalyptik

Book Description

This monograph studies the theological motivations behind certain Jewish apocalypses by focusing on the mighty acts of God recounted in these writings. In particular, the work examines the various depictions of God’s acts and attributes as a means for learning about the individuals and groups responsible for the transmission of these apocalypses. Three prominent motifs, among others, receive attention here: theophanies (e.g., I Enoch 1:3–9; 25:3; 77:1; Daniel 4:10, 20; 7:9–10, 13–14), portrayals of the resurrection (e.g., I Enoch 102 – 104; Daniel 12:1–3), and interpretations of the (Babylonian) Exile in connection with the “new creation” (e.g., Qumran, Jubilees, Pseudo-Philo). Apocalypticism provides a framework for various theologies. Generally speaking, God is shown as the most prominent figure in these dramas of eschatological events. The authors of these writings typically held that their only deliverance could arise from the imminent arrival of an otherworldly eon ushered in by the power of God.