In Search of Flexibility

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Perestroika in the Soviet Union has necessitated a radical transformation of the labour market. This book encompasses a broad range of views of labour policy-makers and economists from the USSR and abroad. It analyzes recent developments in employment, unemployment, wages and social protection.

Exceptions in EU Copyright Law

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Information Law Series Volume 45 In a copyright system characterised by broad and long-lasting exclusive rights, exceptions provide a vital counterweight, especially in times of rampant technological change. The EU’s controversial InfoSoc Directive – now two decades old – lists exceptions in which an unauthorised user will not have infringed the rightholder’s copyright. To reform or not to reform this legal framework – that is the question considered in great depth in this book, providing detailed theoretical and normative analysis of the Directive, the national and CJEU case law arising from it, and meticulously thought-out proposals for change. By breaking down the concepts of ‘flexibility’ and ‘legal certainty’ into a set of policy objectives and assessment criteria, the author thoroughly examines such core aspects of the framework as the following: the justifications for exceptions, e.g., safeguarding the fundamental rights of users; the regimes established in legislation and case law for key exceptions; the need to promote technological development; the importance of avoiding re-fragmentation caused by uncoordinated national legislative responses to technological changes; the legal status of digital technologies that rely on unauthorised uses of copyright-protected works; and the pros and cons of importing a fair use standard modelled after that of the United States. In an invaluable concluding chapter, the author puts forward a set of reform proposals, articulating their advantages and responding to potential objections. In doing so, the chapter also identifies, synthesises and critically examines the various proposals that have been advanced in the academic literature. In its decisive contribution to the debate around the InfoSoc Directive and the rules that guide its implementation, interpretation, and application, this book isolates the contentious structural features of the framework and examines them in a critical fashion. The author’s systematised review of scholarly and policymaking proposals for increasing flexibility and legal certainty in EU copyright law will be welcomed by practitioners in intellectual property law and other areas of economic law, as well as by interested policymakers and scholars.

Stretching Your Boundaries

Book Description

The Science and Physiology of Flexibility and Stretching

Book Description

Stretching is a fundamentally important part of sport and exercise, playing a role in improving performance, and preventing injury and rehabilitation, but its scientific underpinnings have, to this point, been overlooked in book publishing. The Science and Physiology of Flexibility and Stretching is the most up-to-date and comprehensive book to cover the underlying physiology and psychology of stretching, critically assessing why, when, and how we should stretch, as well as offering a highly illustrated, practical guide to stretching exercises. Placing stretching in the context of both health and performance, the first section of the book sets out the science behind stretching, critically assessing the benefits, disadvantages, and roles of different types of stretching, exploring the mechanisms behind increasing range-of-movement through stretching and other methods, and offering evidence-based guidance on building stretching into warm-ups. In its second section, the book provides a step-by-step guide to static, dynamic, and PRF stretching exercises for beginners, through recreational athletes, to elite performers. Richly illustrated, and including an online resource, The Science and Physiology of Flexibility and Stretching provides an important scientific enquiry into stretching, and an invaluable reference for any strength and conditioning coach or student, personal trainer, sports coach, or exercise scientist.

Stretching for Functional Flexibility

Book Description

Stretching for Functional Flexibility is a reference guide for the safe, effective, and efficient application of stretching exercises to improve range of motion and movement potential. Based on the most current research, this text is a valuable reference for physical, occupational and massage therapists, athletic trainers, fitness trainers, coaches, sports and orthopedic physicians, doctors of chiropractic, and many other professionals dealing with the health and performance of the musculoskeletal system. The text provides all of the information necessary to design and implement a safe and effective stretching program. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank for instructors.

Super-Flexibility for Knowledge Enterprises

Book Description

strategy, but we also focus on execution. We talk about organizational design, and also refect on leadership practices. Our assumption is that in a dynamic world, leaders at all levels, have to constantly switch gears, wear different hats, and na- gate at different altitudes. They have to think about the “total” enterprise, not in terms of compartmentalized silos or felds of functional expertise. Much like a g- eral contractor, they have to draw on specialized expertise, as and when needed, yet keep the big picture in mind. Our hope is that our diagnostic tools can help teams develop a shared frame of reference and generate cross-functional dialogue. The third driving force behind this second edition is the gradual convergence between the worlds of entrepreneurial start-ups and challenges facing established corporations. Innovation, agility, and initiative are no longer the exclusive preserve of start-ups. Established companies are looking for ways to re-invent themselves, to innovate, to think creatively, and to make their enterprises more fexible, agile and entrepreneurial. We have had the good fortune to sit at the intersection of these two worlds. We hope our ideas can beneft both groups. We set out to provide a “buffet table”, a menu of options that can be helpful for the two ends of the spectrum.

Flexibility in Engineering Design

Book Description

A guide to using the power of design flexibility to improve the performance of complex technological projects, for designers, managers, users, and analysts. Project teams can improve results by recognizing that the future is inevitably uncertain and that by creating flexible designs they can adapt to eventualities. This approach enables them to take advantage of new opportunities and avoid harmful losses. Designers of complex, long-lasting projects—such as communication networks, power plants, or hospitals—must learn to abandon fixed specifications and narrow forecasts. They need to avoid the “flaw of averages,” the conceptual pitfall that traps so many designs in underperformance. Failure to allow for changing circumstances risks leaving significant value untapped. This book is a guide for creating and implementing value-enhancing flexibility in design. It will be an essential resource for all participants in the development and operation of technological systems: designers, managers, financial analysts, investors, regulators, and academics. The book provides a high-level overview of why flexibility in design is needed to deliver significantly increased value. It describes in detail methods to identify, select, and implement useful flexibility. The book is unique in that it explicitly recognizes that future outcomes are uncertain. It thus presents forecasting, analysis, and evaluation tools especially suited to this reality. Appendixes provide expanded explanations of concepts and analytic tools.

Full-body Flexibility

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Describes a total body routine designed to help people build muscle flexibility, strength, and balance, and includes specific routines for fitness and sports. Includes photographic sequences.

On Flexibility

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On Flexibility presents a force planning concept that will enable armies to cope with the growing diversity of battlefield requirements, and especially with technological and doctrinal surprises, through applied adaptability and flexibility, minimizing the over dependence on intelligence and prediction involved in this process today.

Software Design for Flexibility

Book Description

Strategies for building large systems that can be easily adapted for new situations with only minor programming modifications. Time pressures encourage programmers to write code that works well for a narrow purpose, with no room to grow. But the best systems are evolvable; they can be adapted for new situations by adding code, rather than changing the existing code. The authors describe techniques they have found effective--over their combined 100-plus years of programming experience--that will help programmers avoid programming themselves into corners. The authors explore ways to enhance flexibility by: Organizing systems using combinators to compose mix-and-match parts, ranging from small functions to whole arithmetics, with standardized interfaces Augmenting data with independent annotation layers, such as units of measurement or provenance Combining independent pieces of partial information using unification or propagation Separating control structure from problem domain with domain models, rule systems and pattern matching, propagation, and dependency-directed backtracking Extending the programming language, using dynamically extensible evaluators