In the Footsteps of a Saint

Book Description

In the summer of 1976 at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Professor Dr. Waclav Soroka invited Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski to be the keynote speaker at the next meeting of the Annual Lectures on Poland. Cardinal Wyszynski was an old friend, and Soroka hoped to shed some light on the plight of the Polish people under Communist rule. However, the Cardinal could not make it, so he made a suggestioninvite the other Polish Cardinal. The other Polish cardinal, as he was known at the time, was Cardinal Karol Wojtyla. Providentially he was attending the International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia that summer and was willing to travel to a small rural city in central Wisconsin to give the academic lecture. Little did anyone know at the time that they would be welcoming a future Pope (John Paul II) as well as a living saint.

In the Footsteps of Saint Clare

Book Description

This book is a guide to the spirituality of Saint Clare of Assisi at the places where she lived and where her body lies.

In the Mystic Footsteps of Saints

Book Description

The author presents a deeply insightful assessment of the various causes of human suffering that is so rampant in the 21st century, despite all the technological advances.


Book Description

Jesus told us to be perfect, and the Second Vatican Council highlighted this command by speaking of the universal call to holiness for all Christians. How do we answer this call? One great way is to learn from and pray with the saints, the ordinary men and women who fought the good fight to be holy until the end of their lives – and won. The saints have inspired Christians for more than two thousand years because they show us what it looks like to follow Jesus Christ despite countless challenges and obstacles. This unique book contains short biographies of several saints, along with prayers to each one, for every day of the year. It also provides definitions of Church terms and other helpful back - ground information. The saints in this collection come from every period of Church history and all walks of life. They represent numerous countries, cultures, age groups, and vocations. They show us that holiness truly is a path open to anyone, and by their example and prayers they help us to follow it.

In the Footsteps of Paul

Book Description

Follow a trailblazer’s path and see for yourself all the places that Paul visited . . . Paul’s missionary journeys are much more than mere dotted lines on rough maps at the back of your Bible. His travels changed the world, and when you, too, follow In the Footsteps of Paul, you’ll experience those amazing journeys more powerfully than ever. The lens of renowned photographer Ken Duncan traces everywhere Paul is known to have traveled. Ken’s stunning photos, combined with Scripture and writings from noted authors, creates an exciting platform for experiencing the life and times of one of the apostles who introduced Jesus to the Roman world and beyond.

In The Steps Of St. Paul

Book Description

In the Steps of St. Paul dazzlingly retraces the apostle's famed journey of faith through Israel, Greece, and Italy, using the Bible itself as a guide. With an ear for good stories and an eye alert to detail, Morton creates a compulsively readable narrative that will satisfy the most curious traveler as well as the most informed and passionate reader of the Bible.

In the Footsteps of Francis and Clare

Book Description

The author's exploration of the spirituality of place makes even the armchair pilgrim understand the meaning of such locales as the streets of Assisi, Rocca Maggiore, San Damiano, La Verna, Greccio, and more.

On the Ignatian Way

Book Description

In 1521 Ignatius of Loyola decided to change his life, and he became a pilgrim, setting out for Jerusalem. Ignatius the pilgrim lived radically: traveling on foot, seeking reconciliation, and striving for interior transformation through a deep encounter with God. Through this book modern pilgrims can follow his example and the route he took to Manresa, Spain, near Barcelona. The route began in the castle of the Loyola family, where young Ignatius, the wounded soldier, was recovering from injuries received in battle. His body was broken, but his heart was ardent as he longed to recuperate and to rebuild his life. What should he do with himself? What is the true path to happiness? Should he pursue a career in the king's court or follow some other course? These were the questions Ignatius was asking himself. He was experiencing a sixteenth-century identity crisis, which was in many ways like the twenty-first-century version. This book is a guide to Ignatius' experiences of conversion, healing, and freedom. It includes accounts by various people who have taken the Ignatian Way and offers guidance for planning and embarking on a similar pilgrimage, with some help from the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius. Anyone can use this book to create his own way, even without leaving home, for as Ignatius says, the fundamental goal of the pilgrim is to come into contact with his inner source of light and happiness—God the Creator.

Footprints of the Northern Saints

Book Description

Presents the late Cardinal’s personal reflections on themes such as prayer, solitude, and living the Christian life today. A beautiful book with full colour photographs.