In the Spirit of the Ancestors

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Published in association with the Bill Holm Center for the Study of Northwest Coast Art, Burke Museum, Seattle, Washington.

Spirit of the Ancestors

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Spirit of the Ancestors: Lessons from Africa explores modern problems using a beautifully simple window to our inner truths. Westerners who have never traveled to Africa, or in some cases had no particular interest in African culture, report their success using the author's healing practice of honoring their ancestors. Mystical guidance was never so clear

Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors

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Following the removal of the gray whale from the Endangered Species list in 1994, the Makah tribe of northwest Washington State announced that they would revive their whale hunts; their relatives, the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation of British Columbia, shortly followed suit. Neither tribe had exercised their right to whale - in the case of the Makah, a right affirmed in their 1855 treaty with the federal government - since the gray whale had been hunted nearly to extinction by commercial whalers in the 1920s. The Makah whale hunt of 1999 was an event of international significance, connected to the worldwide struggle for aboriginal sovereignty and to the broader discourses of environmental sustainability, treaty rights, human rights, and animal rights. It was met with enthusiastic support and vehement opposition. As a member of the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation, Charlotte Cote offers a valuable perspective on the issues surrounding indigenous whaling, past and present. Whaling served important social, economic, and ritual functions that have been at the core of Makah and Nuu-chahnulth societies throughout their histories. Even as Native societies faced disease epidemics and federal policies that undermined their cultures, they remained connected to their traditions. The revival of whaling has implications for the physical, mental, and spiritual health of these Native communities today, Cote asserts. Whaling, she says, “defines who we are as a people.” Her analysis includes major Native studies and contemporary Native rights issues, and addresses environmentalism, animal rights activism, anti-treaty conservatism, and the public’s expectations about what it means to be “Indian.” These thoughtful critiques are intertwined with the author’s personal reflections, family stories, and information from indigenous, anthropological, and historical sources to provide a bridge between cultures. A Capell Family Book

Communing with the Ancestors

Book Description

Explore the realm of the ancestors with author and Pagan scholar Raven Grimassi. In this fascinating and far-ranging guide, you will learn practices and rituals both ancient and new for communing with the ancestors, specifically: How to build shrines and altars and make offers. Where to find and work with sacred sites, power places, and special portals to the ancients. Guided imagery that will take you into the “Cavern of the Ancestors,” the spiritual corridor where the ancestors can be directly approached. How to access the Spirit-Rider, an ancestor that can travel between the realms of mortals and ancients. How to see and understand the restless dead who remain bound to the Earth realms. The role of reincarnation in the soul’s relationship to ancestral lineage. Plus some of the extraordinary folklore, legend, and superstition surrounding the topic.


Book Description

Exactly who are the Ancestors? This book discusses the role and function of the Ancestors in our everyday lives while detailing the proper way to propitiate them. Included are Offerings, Prayers and Reverence as well as the procedure for establishing the ancestor altar.

African Spirituality

Book Description

Using the Akan in Ghana as a paradigmatic African representative group, African Spirituality: On Becoming Ancestors, Third Edition offers a unique African developmental praxis to eternal life immortality. Indeed, this way of life is predicated on the awareness and application of certain intrinsic values, which, if followed, lead to eternal life. As a way of living, African spirituality begins when an individual becomes morally and ethically responsible for one’s own actions while engaged on an ethical path (Ɔbra Bↄ) in pursuance of one’s unique career endeavor (Nkrabea). Though an individual quest, society is, however, the arbiter of one’s ethical and moral life, when society confers on the person adjudged a success the stage title of Nana. At old age, Ɔbra Bↄ ends as an active endeavor. However, as repositories of wisdom, senior elders continue to inculcate in succeeding generations the principles, art, and mastery of ideal life (Ɔbra pa). Then upon death, senior elders are transformed into deities, bequeathing to living descendants names worthy of evocation and worship. Indeed, this book is the first study of its kind to draw on the experiences of an entire people, their psychological dispositions and effects on the Akan during adulthood. Thus, this book brings a unique perspective to the study of spirituality, religion, developmental psychological theory, what it means to achieve perfection as an elder on earth, and upon death join the esteemed company of the Nananom Nsamanfo (Ancestors).

Connecting with Your Ancestors

Book Description

Do you ever long to communicate with your lost loved ones? Do you wonder how they are doing or where they are? Do you miss the sage wisdom and sound advice that they used to provide? Many people find themselves reminiscing about their life loved ones on occasion. These types of memories often resurface during trying or troubling times in our lives. Because that’s when we tend to need the love and support of our lost loved ones the most. What if you could still have their wisdom and guidance in your time of need? Well, you can. It is as simple as connecting with your lost loved one through the ancient practice of ancestor veneration. In order to restore or renew your relationship with your ancestors, all you have to do is invite them into your life. There are many ways to extend such an invitation. Some of them are based on customs and traditions from specific cultural groups. Others are basic yet effective strategies that anyone can implement. This book includes several tools and techniques that you can use to restore lost ancestral connections. It also outlines foundational principles for developing an ancestral veneration practice and discusses the many benefits of doing so. This book guides you on setting up an ancestor altar, giving ancestral offerings, conducting elevation ceremonies, and applying other strategies to honor your lost loved ones. Even more, it provides a foundation for propitiating, understanding, and discerning spiritual communication. Finally, it outlines the tenets of ancestral veneration in a responsible, easy-to-follow format that will benefit you for years to come.

Connecting With Your Ancestors

Book Description

How difficult is it to communicate with your ancestors? We sense their presence, instinctively, and wish to communicate with them. It’s time to realize it is possible. There are numerous reasons you may want to learn how to communicate with your ancestors. For me, the main reason is for healing. To ultimately let go of old hurts and not transfer them on to the next generation. Within the pages of this short read, you will learn: • The Traditions of Ancestral Communication • Who is an Ancestor? • Spiritually Connect With Your Ancestors • How to create an ancestral shrine or altar as well as offerings and prayers. Just like any other relationship, you will need to work at it. Be consistent. Your ancestors will respond to you. By increasing your awareness, you may see the signs they are trying to show you. The best way to begin is now!

Honoring Your Ancestors

Book Description

Discover the Spiritual Nourishment and Magical Power of Ancestor Veneration Learn how to connect to your ancestors and receive the benefits that come from veneration—deeper spirituality, more love in your life, better outcomes in creative pursuits, powerful magic and spellwork, and an improved sense of wellness. Filled with hands-on techniques and tips, Honoring Your Ancestors shows you how to create an ancestor altar so you can work with ancestors of all kinds. Author Mallorie Vaudoise also shares fascinating ideas for incorporating rituals, spells, family recipes, and even practices like music and dancing to help you open this wonderful new dimension of your spiritual journey. Ancestor veneration is one of the most widespread spiritual practices in the world. This book shares the important distinctions between working with blood ancestors, lineage ancestors, and affinity ancestors while helping you recognize the signs that your ancestors are responding to your petitions and offerings. You will also explore important topics like mediumship and ancestral trauma so you can be sure to develop a veneration practice that's uplifting and affirming for you.

Ancestor Paths

Book Description

Have you ever had an unexplained phenomena - a knock at the door but no one is there; the hairs on your arm standing up, as though you're suddenly chilled; a gradual aroma arising from nowhere; an abrupt noise; a strange sensation on different parts of your body, like someone stroking your hair; or dreams of your deceased loved ones? These are just a few examples of how your ancestors and spirit guides may be trying to gain your attention.Perhaps you've felt empty or unfulfilled at some point in your life. Have you ever wondered if there is something waiting for you beyond your sphere of existence - your friends, your job, your loved ones, your church - do you pray for a deeper understanding of the world around you? Priestess Aladokun was a newcomer to spirituality, but through curiosity, dedication, and perseverance, she has learned to let herself be guided by the spirits of her ancestors. She has studied various schools of spirituality, primarily Afrikan, Latino, and Native American spirituality. She has made many deep connections through these forms of study and worship. Much of what she learned did not come easily, whether through a lack of resources, qualified teachers, or negative energy in her own life that blocked her spiritually. Despite the obstacles, she emerged stronger, wiser and more prepared than ever to guide others down the path paved for us. She has given us "Ancestor Paths." Simply put, "Ancestor Paths" is about ancestor reverence and communication. If you have an interest in spirituality, do not let the complexity of the ideas confuse and discourage you. Do not be disheartened by misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Let Aladokun be your guide to finding your own spirituality, through the veneration of ancestors and the spirits you can learn to access. Let your life become enriched by the knowledge and understanding that "Ancestor Paths" will give you - no matter your race or heritage."Ancestor Paths" is a tribute to all divinities within the universe that continue to guide, bless, and elevate our souls toward higher consciousness and enlightenment. No matter what path you walk, it is the ancestors and the guardian spirits who protect and guide you. This book was written to spread knowledge of how to acknowledge and communicate with your ancestors and guardian spirits on an everyday basis through cleansing rituals, constructing ancestor shrines/altars, suggested prayers, encountering spirits, and fundamental divination. For those interested in spirit contact, this book is for you!