Increasing Job Opportunities in the Private Sector

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Conference report on national level employment policy for employment creation in the private sector in the USA - considers problems of improving employment opportunity, particularly for the socially disadvantaged, and covers structural unemployment, effects of employment subsidies, management attitudes rowards labour force programmes, prospects for youth employment, etc. Graph and references. List of participants. Conference held in Washington 1978 October 19 and 20.

Oregon Blue Book

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Does Regulation Kill Jobs?

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As millions of Americans struggle to find work in the wake of the Great Recession, politicians from both parties look to regulation in search of an economic cure. Some claim that burdensome regulations undermine private sector competitiveness and job growth, while others argue that tough new regulations actually create jobs at the same time that they provide other benefits. Does Regulation Kill Jobs? reveals the complex reality of regulation that supports neither partisan view. Leading legal scholars, economists, political scientists, and policy analysts show that individual regulations can at times induce employment shifts across firms, sectors, and regions—but regulation overall is neither a prime job killer nor a key job creator. The challenge for policymakers is to look carefully at individual regulatory proposals to discern any job shifting they may cause and then to make regulatory decisions sensitive to anticipated employment effects. Drawing on their analyses, contributors recommend methods for obtaining better estimates of job impacts when evaluating regulatory costs and benefits. They also assess possible ways of reforming regulatory institutions and processes to take better account of employment effects in policy decision-making. Does Regulation Kills Jobs? tackles what has become a heated partisan issue with exactly the kind of careful analysis policymakers need in order to make better policy decisions, providing insights that will benefit both politicians and citizens who seek economic growth as well as the protection of public health and safety, financial security, environmental sustainability, and other civic goals. Contributors: Matthew D. Adler, Joseph E. Aldy, Christopher Carrigan, Cary Coglianese, E. Donald Elliott, Rolf Färe, Ann Ferris, Adam M. Finkel, Wayne B. Gray, Shawna Grosskopf, Michael A. Livermore, Brian F. Mannix, Jonathan S. Masur, Al McGartland, Richard Morgenstern, Carl A. Pasurka, Jr., William A. Pizer, Eric A. Posner, Lisa A. Robinson, Jason A. Schwartz, Ronald J. Shadbegian, Stuart Shapiro.

How the Private Sector Develops Skills: Lessons from Turkey

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Despite its vital role in development to increase access to sustainable income, skills training has been experiencing severe problems worldwide, such as lack of physical, legal and educational infrastructure, absence of a win-win based cooperation between the private sector and vocational education and training agencies as well as matters of financing. The state and development agencies on their own are limited in their capacity to tackle these problems. It is difficult to close the gap between the supply of labour and the demands of the market, which exacerbates the exclusion of the base of the pyramid from the economy, especially in a globalizing world where the technological requirements are changing rapidly. Private sector, on the other hand, has significant potential to address the deficiencies in skills development and bridge the gap between what the labour force has to offer and what the industry demands. The companies can contribute to the skills training process, which in turn can provide the required skilled employees for the market and offer employment opportunities, particularly to the disadvantaged. Private sector will not only help to improve national competitiveness and realize an increase in its profitability due to the availability of a better trained staff, but also improve the inclusiveness of the market. The publication is intended to be a first step towards generating knowledge on the role of private sector in skills generation for increased inclusiveness and employability. It includes several case studies from Turkey, in which the private sector has created significant added-value through private sector-led or PPP models of skills design and delivery. It elaborates on the lessons-learned from these cases to pave the way for further action and research on how business actors can contribute to skills development, especially for the disadvantaged. The publication will lead to further research products and reports, and eventually toolkits on how to mobilize and engage the private sector in skills generation for better development results. Workshops will be organized for the private sector, governments and other relevant stakeholders based on these toolkits to facilitate knowledge-sharing and encourage innovation.

Jobs or Privileges

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Policies that constrain private sector competition and job creation abound in MENA. Such policies are often captured by few privileged firms with deep political connections. The millions of workers who bear the brunt are often unaware of the adverse impact of these policies on the jobs to which they aspire.

The Job Guarantee

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This timely collection will be the first of its kind to focus on the practical application of the government job guarantee (JG) for both developed and developing economies. Global case studies include: United States, China, Ghana, Argentina, Ireland, Iceland, and India.

Transforming the Development Landscape

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Private sector activity is crucial for development. It shapes the investment climate, mobilizes innovation and financing in areas such as global health, and can either cause or mitigate social and environmental harm. Yet so far, the international development debate has not focused on the role of the private sector. This volume—written by members of the private sector, philanthropic organizations, and academia—investigates ways to galvanize the private sector in the fight against global poverty. Using a bottom-up approach, they describe how the private sector affects growth and poverty alleviation. They also review the impediments to private capital investment, and discuss various approaches to risk mitigation, including public sector enhancements, and identify some specific new plans for financing development in neglected markets, including an equity-based model for financing small-to-medium-sized enterprises. From the top-down, the authors look at the social and environmental impact of private sector activities, investigate public-private partnerships, explore new perspectives on the role of multinationals, and discuss an in-depth case study of these issues as they relate to global public health. In addition to providing a broad overview of the current issues, this forward-looking volume assesses the action-oriented initiatives that already exist, and provides templates and suggestions for new initiatives and partnerships. Contributors include David DeFerranti (Brookings Institution), Timothy Freundlich (Calvert Social Investment Foundation), Ross Levine (World Bank), Sylvia Mathews (Gates Foundation), Jane Nelson (Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government), Alan Patricof (APAX Partners), Warrick Smith (World Bank), and Julie Sunderland (APAX Partners).