Bridging the Higher Education Divide

Book Description

Education has always been a key driver in our nation's struggle to promote social mobility and widen the circle of people who can enjoy the American Dream. No set of educational institutions better embodies the promise of equal opportunity than community colleges. Two-year colleges have opened the doors of higher education for low-income and working-class students as never before, and yet, community colleges often lack the resources to provide the conditions for student success. Furthermore, there is a growing racial and economic stratification between two- and four-year colleges, producing harmful consequences. Bridging the Higher Education Divide faces those grave realities in unblinking fashion. Led by co-chairs Anthony Marx, the president of the New York Public Library and former president of Amherst College, and Eduardo Padron, the president of Miami Dade College, the task force recommends ways to reduce the racial and economic stratification and create new outcomes-based funding in higher education, with a much greater emphasis on providing additional public supports based on student needs.The report also contains three background papers: "Community Colleges in Context: Exploring Financing of Two- and Four-Year Institutions" by Sandy Baum of George Washington University and Charles Kurose, an independent consultant for the College Board; "School Integration and the Open Door Philosophy: Rethinking the Economic and Racial Composition of Community Colleges" by Sara Goldrick-Rab and Peter Kinsley of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; and "The Role of the Race, Income, and Funding on Student Success: An Institutional-Level Analysis of California Community Colleges" by Tatiana Melguizo and Holly Kosiewicz of the University of Southern California.

A Nation at Risk

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Neo-nationalism and Universities

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"This book offers the first significant examination of the rise of neo-nationalism and its impact on the missions, activities, behaviors, and productivity of leading national universities. This book also presents the first major comparative exploration of the role of national politics and norms in shaping the role of universities in nation-states, and vice versa, and discusses when universities are societal leaders or followers-in promoting a civil society, facilitating talent mobility, in researching challenging social problems, or in reinforcing and supporting an existing social and political order"--

A Nation at Risk

Book Description

An open letter to the American people.

Independent Colleges and Universities

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Independent, or private, colleges and universities are diverse in their depth and variety -- in students, faculty, academic offerings, tuition levels. Surprising to many is just how affordable a quality private college education can be. It's an attainable dream for students from every social and economic segment of the nation. A private college education is a highly personal experience. It is marked by faculty who care about students as individuals, a wide array of counseling and guidance services, and a warm community of students, faculty, and staff who respect and support each other. Independent colleges and universities are involved in the world beyond the classroom and campus in countless ways--as major employers, sources of a ready pool of volunteers, and leaders in research to benefit all of society. The nation's 1,600 independent colleges and universities are flexible enough in their programs and convenient enough in their locations to meet the needs of virtually everyone pursuing higher education--whether coming directly out of high school, returning as an older degree student, or improving career skills part-time while continuing to work. Whatever the expectations and needs of individual students, the real measure of a college education is how successful those students become. That means more than salaries and status. This document contains brief stories, including facts and numbers, of those who a part of independent colleges and universities. [Additional support for research used in this publication was provided by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC).].

Private Higher Education

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Higher Education in Crisis

Book Description

Since New York is a leader in the nation's higher education arena, most of the issues and concerns faced in New York have direct implications throughout the entire United States. Financing college, access, quality, time-to-degree, and demographic changes in student and faculty populations are a sampling of the concerns raised in this volume. These are issues that transcend local and state boundaries and offer a challenge to higher education at the end of the 20th century.