iNTELLYJELLY-Junior_Nov'21 edition.

Book Description

Dear thoughtful parents, November edition is 'The Building Blocks of Powerful Emotions'. Once, there was a colony of ants who worked very hard to make an anthill. One day, it rained heavily, and the rainwater entered the anthill. The ants were hopeless and gave up on what they thought was their destiny approaching them. One of the ants looked out of the anthill and noticed a giant tree adjoining the top of the anthill. He called to the other ants to follow him, but they refused. The ant alone crawled up the tree trunk all the way to a leaf. It bit on the leaf, and the leaf lightly floated down to the ground, safely bringing the ant down as well. The clever ant looked back at the ruined anthill and wished that his friends had not given up so soon. This month's iNTELLYJELLY edition is designed to have our children learn the very same fundamental, as Sir Dhirubhai Ambani has put it, 'I am deaf to the word NO.' Keep in mind that every childhood story you opt to share with your child shapes their way of being and adds a lot of value.

iNTELLYJELLY-Junior_Jul'21 edition.

Book Description

‘When you wish good for others, good things come back to you. This is the LAW of NATURE’ ~ Buddha Dear thoughtful parents, This edition weaves around 'LAW of KARMA'. I want to be concise and leave you with some food for thought by simply asking you a few questions. While sharing your stories with your child: - Do you share incidents where you could not find success in what you did and fail? - If yes, do you emphasise the fact that your failures could have been a result of your Karma? - Do you celebrate the good life you are living by virtue of having done more good Karmas than bad. Think! Decide! Share!

iNTELLYJELLY-Junior_Dec'21 edition.

Book Description

Dear thoughtful parents, If you are one of those who ensures immediate help to your child whether they seek it or not, you must take into consideration the effect it may have on their thinking ability. The most obvious outcome of readily available help will be the lack of CRITICAL THINKING. Give your child a fair chance to manage and tackle UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS by themselves. This edition covers thought-provoking stories of Tisyha, who always knows how to manage UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS. I would like to encourage all you parents to enjoy the fantastic lessons that your child will learn and discuss with you after reading this edition.

iNTELLYJELLY-Junior_Sep'21 edition.

Book Description

Dear thoughtful parents, A zillion thanks for continuously showering your love and blessings on iNTELLYJELLY; our exponential progress is an obvious result. This month's theme is EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED, an essential that plays a pivotal role in enhancing CRITICAL THINKING skills. In this edition, the real-life lead characters of iNTELLYJELLY are being challenged by their opponents. They are faced with situations where they have no clue about what is happening around them. As a result, they cannot put their courageous leadership ahead of them without EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED. However, the way they manage the situation is going to leave our young readers in AWE! As we say, intelligent reading is fun!

iNTELLYJELLY- Junior_Feb'21 edition.

Book Description

-Learn how blaming contributes to inaction -Learn how instead of exploring the solutions by introspection, people inadvertently allow others to control them

iNTELLYJELLY- Junior_Mar'21 edition.

Book Description

A vain Peacock met a Crane one day, and to impress him, spread his gorgeous tail in the sun. With a sneer to the Crane he said, “What a colourless bird you are! You have no beautiful and colourful feathers like mine.” The Crane replied ,”Of course I don’t have beautiful feathers! But my feathers can make me fly across the lake. Can your feathers make you fly?” Each one of us has a unique strength . If you want your child to be happier, keep acknowledging her/his strengths.

iNTELLYJELLY- Senior_Nov'21 edition

Book Description

Dear thoughtful parents, November edition is 'The Building Blocks of Powerful Emotions'. Once, there was a colony of ants who worked very hard to make an anthill. One day, it rained heavily, and the rainwater entered the anthill. The ants were hopeless and gave up on what they thought was their destiny approaching them. One of the ants looked out of the anthill and noticed a giant tree adjoining the top of the anthill. He called to the other ants to follow him, but they refused. The ant alone crawled up the tree trunk all the way to a leaf. It bit on the leaf, and the leaf lightly floated down to the ground, safely bringing the ant down as well. The clever ant looked back at the ruined anthill and wished that his friends had not given up so soon. This month's iNTELLYJELLY edition is designed to have our children learn the very same fundamental, as Sir Dhirubhai Ambani has put it, 'I am deaf to the word NO.' Keep in mind that every childhood story you opt to share with your child shapes their way of being and adds a lot of value.

iNTELLYJELLY-Junior_Apr'21 edition.

Book Description

Once, there was a colony of ants who worked very hard to make an anthill. One day, it rained heavily, and the rainwater entered the anthill. The ants were hopeless and gave up on what they thought was their destiny approaching them. One of the ants looked out of the anthill and noticed a giant tree adjoining the top of the anthill. He called to the other ants to follow him, but they refused. The ant alone crawled up the tree trunk all the way to a leaf. It bit on the leaf, and the leaf lightly floated down to the ground, safely bringing the ant down as well. The clever ant looked back at the ruined anthill and wished that his friends had not given up so soon. This month's iNTELLYJELLY edition is designed to have our children learn the very same fundamental, as Sir Dhirubhai Ambani has put it, 'I am deaf to the word NO.'

iNTELLYJELLY- Senior_Sep'21 edition

Book Description

Dear thoughtful parents, A zillion thanks for continuously showering your love and blessings on iNTELLYJELLY; our exponential progress is an obvious result. This month's theme is EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED, an essential that plays a pivotal role in enhancing CRITICAL THINKING skills. In this edition, the real-life lead characters of iNTELLYJELLY are being challenged by their opponents. They are faced with situations where they have no clue about what is happening around them. As a result, they cannot put their courageous leadership ahead of them without EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED. However, the way they manage the situation is going to leave our young readers in AWE! As we say, intelligent reading is fun!

iNTELLYJELLY- Senior_Apr'21 edition

Book Description

Once, there was a colony of ants who worked very hard to make an anthill. One day, it rained heavily, and the rainwater entered the anthill. The ants were hopeless and gave up on what they thought was their destiny approaching them. One of the ants looked out of the anthill and noticed a giant tree adjoining the top of the anthill. He called to the other ants to follow him, but they refused. The ant alone crawled up the tree trunk all the way to a leaf. It bit on the leaf, and the leaf lightly floated down to the ground, safely bringing the ant down as well. The clever ant looked back at the ruined anthill and wished that his friends had not given up so soon. This month's iNTELLYJELLY edition is designed to have our children learn the very same fundamental, as Sir Dhirubhai Ambani has put it, 'I am deaf to the word NO.'