International Guide to Student Achievement

Book Description

The International Guide to Student Achievement brings together and critically examines the major influences shaping student achievement today. There are many, often competing, claims about how to enhance student achievement, raising the questions of "What works?" and "What works best?" World-renowned bestselling authors, John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman have invited an international group of scholars to write brief, empirically-supported articles that examine predictors of academic achievement across a variety of topics and domains. Rather than telling people what to do in their schools and classrooms, this guide simply provides the first-ever compendium of research that summarizes what is known about the major influences shaping students’ academic achievement around the world. Readers can apply this knowledge base to their own school and classroom settings. The 150+ entries serve as intellectual building blocks to creatively mix into new or existing educational arrangements and aim for quick, easy reference. Chapter authors follow a common format that allows readers to more seamlessly compare and contrast information across entries, guiding readers to apply this knowledge to their own classrooms, their curriculums and teaching strategies, and their teacher training programs.

Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement

Book Description

Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement critically examines the major influences shaping student achievement today. A revision of theInternational Guide to Student Achievement, this updated edition provides readers with a more accessible compendium of research summaries – with a particular focus on the school sector. As educators throughout the world seek to enhance learning, the information contained in this book provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant material and research-based instructional strategies that can be readily applied in classrooms and schools to maximize achievement. Rich in information and empirically supported research, it contains seven sections, each of which begins with an insightful synthesis of major findings and relevant updates from the literature since the publication of the first Guide. These are followed by key entries, all of which have been recently revised by the authors to reflect research developments. The sections conclude with user-friendly tables that succinctly identify the main influences on achievement and practical implications for educators. Written by world-renowned bestselling authors John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman, this book is an indispensable reference for any teacher, school leader and parent wanting to maximize learning in our schools.

Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement

Book Description

Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement critically examines the major influences shaping student achievement today. A revision of the International Guide to Student Achievement, this updated edition provides readers with a more accessible compendium of research summaries - with a particular focus on the school sector. As educators throughout the world seek to enhance learning, the information contained in this book provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant material and research-based instructional strategies that can be readily applied in classrooms and schools to maximize achievement. Rich in information and empirically supported research, it contains seven sections, each of which begins with an insightful synthesis of major findings and relevant updates from the literature since the publication of the first Guide. These are followed by key entries, all of which have been recently revised by the authors to reflect research developments. The sections conclude with user-friendly tables that succinctly identify the main influences on achievement and practical implications for educators. Written by world-renowned bestselling authors John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman, this book is an indispensable reference for any teacher, school leader and parent wanting to maximize learning in our schools.

A Policy Maker's Guide to International Achievement Studies

Book Description

This guide provides policy makers with research based information about international achievement studies.

The Educator's Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement

Book Description

Tap the power of emotional intelligence and watch school-wide achievement soar "Bringing all this information together in one spot is quite a contribution. There isn't too much research or theory here, but lots

Evaluating Programs to Increase Student Achievement

Book Description

This updated edition on evaluating the effectiveness of school programs provides an expanded needs-assessment section, additional methods for data analysis, and tools for communicating program results.

Visible Learning

Book Description

This unique and ground-breaking book is the result of 15 years research and synthesises over 800 meta-analyses on the influences on achievement in school-aged students. It builds a story about the power of teachers, feedback, and a model of learning and understanding. The research involves many millions of students and represents the largest ever evidence based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Areas covered include the influence of the student, home, school, curricula, teacher, and teaching strategies. A model of teaching and learning is developed based on the notion of visible teaching and visible learning. A major message is that what works best for students is similar to what works best for teachers – an attention to setting challenging learning intentions, being clear about what success means, and an attention to learning strategies for developing conceptual understanding about what teachers and students know and understand. Although the current evidence based fad has turned into a debate about test scores, this book is about using evidence to build and defend a model of teaching and learning. A major contribution is a fascinating benchmark/dashboard for comparing many innovations in teaching and schools.

A Guide to Early College and Dual Enrollment Programs

Book Description

This is an accessible guide for school leaders and educators who seek to build, support, and expand effective early college and dual enrollment programs in their communities. One of the first books to bring together research in a practical way, this book is full of real stories, critical insights from leaders, teachers, and students, examples of what works and doesn’t work, and strategies to help students successfully make an important jump in their lives, putting them on track to post-secondary education and a career. Whether you’re starting a program from scratch or want to improve an existing dual enrollment and early college program, this book will provide you with the research base, tools, and resources to understand where you and your students fit into the national landscape, and provide guidance and inspiration on the journey to creating an effective program.

How to Create a Culture of Achievement in Your School and Classroom

Book Description

No school improvement effort can be effective without addressing school culture, and in this book you'll learn how to put in place the five pillars essential to building a culture of achievement.

Excellence Through Equity

Book Description

Excellence Through Equity is an inspiring look at how real-world educators are creating schools where all students are able to thrive. In these schools, educators understand that equity is not about treating all children the same. They are deeply committed to ensuring that each student receives what he or she individually needs to develop their full potential and succeed. To help educators with what can at times be a difficult and challenging journey, Blankstein and Noguera frame the book with five guiding principles of Courageous Leadership: Getting to your core Making organizational meaning Ensuring constancy and consistency of purpose Facing the facts and your fears Building sustainable relationships. They further emphasize that the practices are grounded in three important areas of research that are too often disregarded: (1) child development, (2) neuroscience, and (3) environmental influences on child development and learning. You'll hear from Carol Corbett Burris, Michael Fullan, Marcus J. Newsome, Paul Reville, Susan Szachowicz, and other bold practitioners and visionary thinkers who share compelling and actionable ideas, strategies, and experiences for closing the achievement gap in your classrooms and school. Ensuring that all students receive an education that cultivates their talents and potential is in all our common interest. As Andy Hargreaves writes in the coda: "The opportunity for all Americans is to articulate and believe in an inspiring vision of educational change that is about what the next generation of America and Americans should become, not about a target or ranking that the nation should attain." From the Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu: "Letting go of a system of winners and losers in favor of what is proposed in this book is a courageous leap forward that we all must take together. Let this bold, practical book be a guide; and may you travel into this new exciting vista, in which every child can succeed."