International Higher Education’s Scholar-Practitioners

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The idea of the professional who bridges both research and practice has been largely overlooked and at times even disregarded by the academic and administrative structures that govern activity in higher education today. In international higher education, the number of students who now engage in mobility and exchange has expanded globally, along with the administrative cadre that manages all facets of internationalization, and the quickly growing scholarly attention to understanding the phenomenon. In this process, two distinct professional categories have emerged: those who ‘study it’ and those who ‘do it’ – the scholars and the practitioners. Practitioners are seen as those who manage the daily logistical flow of students and personnel around the globe, while scholars are seen as those who conduct research, collect and analyze data, and publish findings to inform, improve, and justify the activity. Yet this dichotomy is overly simplistic, outdated, and excludes the large and growing class of hybrid scholar-practitioners who now engage regularly in both kinds of activity. It is this rapidly growing population of bridge builders that are profiled and discussed in this book through critical essays on the notion of the scholar-practitioner and its implication for the further development of international higher education. The chapters include detailed analyses from university faculty, senior international officers and other high-level administrators, directors of research centers, key leaders from influential professional associations and private organizations, managers of study abroad and exchange, and graduate students. This book launches a much-needed dialogue about the perception and reality, potential and promise, of the scholar-practitioner in higher education today. It will be of relevance to a wide variety of readers, from those within universities and organizations to those who are outside observers of higher education.

U.S. Power in International Higher Education

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2021 ASHE/CIHE Award for Significant Research on International Higher Education U.S. Power in International Higher Education explores how internationalization in higher education is not just an educational endeavor, but also a geopolitical one. By centering and making explicit the role of power, the book demonstrates the United States’s advantage in international education as well as the changing geopolitical realities that will shape the field in the future. The chapter authors are leading critical scholars of international higher education, with diverse scholarly ties and professional experiences within the country and abroad. Taken together, the chapters provide broad trends as well as in-depth accounts about how power is evident across a range of key international activities. This book is intended for higher education scholars and practitioners with the aim of raising greater awareness on the unequal power dynamics in internationalization activities and for the purposes of promoting more just practices in higher education globally.

The Handbook of International Higher Education

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Co-published with AIEAInternational higher education has evolved, in some respects dramatically, in the decade since publication of the first edition of this handbook. The new issues, trends, practices and priorities of research that evolved over this time have in some instances been transformed by one of the most dynamic and tumultuous periods in the history of international higher education, brought on by the pandemic, a re-emergence of nationalism, and the recognition of the power imbalances between the developed economies and the global south, and racial inequities within and across borders. This new edition addresses the myriad changes across all aspects of international education, each chapter addressing to the extent possible the reality of the present in which they were written and offering some insights for the future. While updating a number of chapters from the first edition, it also includes a preponderance of new chapters written by contributors representing wider and more diverse backgrounds.In keeping with the first edition, the overall message is that the internationalization of higher education has a vital role to play in a world that is more interconnected than ever before. Recognizing changing economic, geopolitical, climatic, and public health issues, as well as the importance of international and cross-cultural collaboration to address global problems, this handbook offers a comprehensive range of models, data and ideas to stimulate new directions in the conception and practice of international education.This edition reflects today’s concerns around inclusion, diversity and equity, and how international education is being changed by issues such as decolonization, the focus on learning outcomes, the impact of digital tools to enhance access and learning and collaboration such a virtual exchange, competition for resources, risk, new patterns of mobility, and new models such as joint programs and qualifications.As with the first edition, the chapters often intentionally pair scholars and practitioners from different parts of the world, and include text boxes that highlight concrete institutional, national, or regional experiences, providing diverse voices and perspectives from around the world. This comprehensive new edition provides ideas, concepts, theories and practical ideas from around the world for those seeking to enhance the quality of the three core functions of higher education: teaching, research and service to society. It constitutes an essential resource for everyone involved in the delivery of international education and in determining its future direction. Summary of ContentsMaintaining a similar structure of the first edition, this revised Handbook is comprised of four sections. The first section includes five chapters that address national, regional and international frameworks and contexts. The second addresses key aspects of internationalization at the strategy level, covering leadership, institutional strategies, outcomes assessment, resources and financing, risk management, and institutional linkages and partnerships. The third describes core functions of internationalization, addressing intercultural competence development, the internationalization of the curriculum, teaching and learning, virtual exchange, international perspectives on the work of student affairs professionals, student engagement, engaging staff and faculty, the internationalization of research and finally, and a chapter on serving communities.

Education Abroad

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Recent decades have seen unprecedented growth in the number of students travelling abroad for the purpose of short-term academic study. As such, attention is turning to the role that education abroad can have in enhancing student learning and producing global-ready graduates. This volume provides a succinct and accessible analysis of the existing research and scholarship around the world on a range of important areas related to contemporary education abroad, providing practitioners with important implications for programming and practice. Focusing on fourteen key topics relating to education abroad, this accessible desktop compendium not only synthesizes what is already known, but also indicates which topics need further research and how the existing literature can be applied to daily programming and practice. Extending beyond student learning outcomes to look at essential topics such as institutional outcomes, program models, and host community outcomes, this volume covers major trends in contemporary research as well as an assessment of the methodological and design challenges that are common to education abroad research. The fourteen distinct topics address the broad themes of participation, programming, student outcomes, institutional outcomes and societal outcomes, and include chapters from a broad range of widely acknowledged and respected international experts. Bridging the gap between scholarship and practice, this accessible guide is essential reading for anyone working in higher education today and involved in shaping and managing education abroad programs. It is useful for all who want to understand and leverage existing research to inform education abroad programming and practice.

People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internationalization of Higher Education

Book Description

Traditionally, internationalization efforts in higher education have been rooted in (neo)liberal transactional models that restrict or compromise the space for meaningful exchanges of socio-cultural capital. Recently, researchers and practitioners in the international education field have taken issue with programming and practices in education abroad; international student recruitment; and internationalization of the curricula that perpetuate systems of imbalance, fossilize prejudices, adversely impact host communities abroad, and limit student learning to the confines of the Western epistemological traditions. As a result, scholars and practitioners are creating new paradigms for engagement and exchange. People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internationalization of Higher Education is an essential scholarly publication that examines the praxis of internationalization in higher education with empirical research and relevant models of practice that approach the topic critically and responsibly. The book innovates and (re)humanizes internationalization efforts, including education abroad, international recruitment, international scholar and student services, and internationalization of curriculum, by focusing on the people and communities touched, intentionally and unintentionally, by said efforts. It is ideal for higher education faculty, education professionals, academic advisors, academicians, administrators, curriculum designers, researchers, and students.

International Scholarships in Higher Education

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This book explores the multiple pathways from scholarships for international study to positive social change. Bringing together studies from academic researchers, evaluators and program designers and policymakers from Africa, Asia, Latin and North America, Europe, and Australia, the book compiles the latest research and analysis on the policy, practice, and outcomes of international scholarship programs. Contributions examine the broad trends in sponsored overseas study, program design considerations, the dynamics of the immediate post-scholarship period and the impact of scholarships on international education and development. Particular attention is focused on assessment and evaluation, the complexities of selecting awardees, the dynamics of returning home and concerns about brain drain and the state of knowledge and research on long-term outcomes of international scholarships with social change aims.nt>

Internationalisation of Higher Education and Global Mobility

Book Description

Continuous and rapid developments in global higher education today more than ever before present new questions, greater challenges, and vast new opportunities for institutions, policy makers, scholars and students alike. This book is a collection of studies and essays by many of the leading experts in international higher education who share their analysis of current trends and the implications they see for present and future policy and practice. The volume is organized into three sections that address, first, global, supranational concerns in internationalization and mobility; second, focus on specific cases in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Africa, Asia, and Latin America; and third share profiles of individual institutions, practitioners and participants involved in uniquely shaping international education in their everyday practice. The intention of this book is to expand the scope of research in the field of Comparative and International Education, to facilitate theory development, to influence policy formation, and most of all to inform anyone fascinated by the evolving and dynamic processes related to educational internationalization and global mobility. This book will be a valuable information source for scholars, policy makers and students intent on understanding the wide scope of factors that today are shaping the fluid and changing global higher education landscape.

International Student Support and Engagement in Higher Education

Book Description

International Student Support and Engagement in Higher Education examines innovative practices in campus, academic, and professional support services which serve the various and unique needs of international students seeking undergraduate and graduate degrees. Divided into three sections pertaining to campus, academic, and professional support services, the authors present case studies and original research that examine strategies for how institutions of higher education can operate to promote international student success beyond the classroom. The international range of contributors showcase research from across Canada, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, and the United States. Foregrounding support services with innovative and successful methods for collaborating with one another, the book crucially addresses how the myriad support services available on campuses can work together to support international students and foster a sense of belonging and connection, rather than maintaining a focus on acculturation. It examines the origins of these partnerships, asking whether the services are designed to support the international student community specifically, or to serve the student population more generally. Identifying new emerging trends and with a view to establishing a broad and global context for best practices in international student support, this book will appeal to faculty, researchers, scholars, and scholar-practitioners with interests in higher education, student support services, and international and comparative education.

Wisconsin in the World

Book Description

During the 2020 and 2021 phases of the global COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant prognostication regarding what internationalization in higher education would look like in its aftermath. Within the field of international education, many stated the need to reimagine internationalization in and of higher education in the face of severe budget cuts, restrictions on travel, and increased government protectionism in the face of growing nationalistic populism globally to name a few challenges. Absent from many of those discussions, however, were the voices of many leader-practitioners who have had to think flexibly about internationalization in higher education in order to sustain and grow programs throughout the last 20 years despite numerous exogenous factors, e.g., earlier economic recessions and viral outbreaks, along with endogenous factors like internal leadership transitions and institutional reorganizations. Wisconsin in the World explores how internationalization at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW) has been a decades-long, ongoing endeavor. Against that backdrop, the various chapters also provide a snapshot of how people across the UW campus were reflecting on their work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and on the implications of the pandemic regarding the future of campus internationalization. The book is organized into four overarching sections—internationalization of the curriculum (general and language); experiential learning (co-curricular engagement and education away); establishing linkages (institutional and outreach); and administration. To highlight the expansive way campus units have been engaging in internationalization, a wide-ranging set of chapter case studies have been included. Although not exhaustive, this volume does provide a robust cross-sectional view into internationalization at UW. For international education scholars and practitioners then, a number of the chapters also highlight areas that may warrant further engagement and exploration moving forward. Finally, by examining how internationalization at UW has been informed by the Wisconsin Idea, this book explores how institutional internationalization strategies can align with and be tailored to institutional values for long-term sustainability. In addition to the 34 chapters focusing on different units and programs at UW, Wisconsin in the World also includes a number of contributions from colleagues at other institutions. Each section has a lead-in chapter which provides an overview of the scholarship in that particular area and/or a concluding chapter from a scholar-practitioner situating the UW “cases” in relation to their own work. The intention of structuring the book this way was to facilitate a dialogue among UW colleagues, across institutions, and with the scholarship in the field. The target audience for Wisconsin in the World includes practitioners or scholar practitioners in the field of international education (study abroad, education away, internships, partnerships, program development), as well as faculty and students in global higher education or comparative and international education graduate programs. Additionally, this volume may be of general interest for any higher education administrator who may not have a background in international education but may become responsible for programs and support within a school or college context (e.g., a dean or department chair).

"Proof," Policy, and Practice

Book Description

How can we “fix” our schools? Improve graduation rates in college? What works?These are questions that make the headlines and vex policy makers, practitioners, and educational researchers. While they strive to improve society, there are frequently gulfs of mutual incomprehension among them.Academics, longing for more influence, may wrongly fault irrationality, ideology, or ignorance for the failure of research to inform policy and practice more powerfully. Policy makers and practitioners may doubt that academics can deliver ideas that will reliably yield desirable results. This book bridges the divide. It argues that unrealistic expectations lead to both unproductive research and impossible standards for “evidence-based” policy and practice, and it offers promising ways for evidence to contribute to improvement. It analyzes the utility and limitations of the different research methods that have been applied to policy and practice, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of educational reform strategies. It explains why using evidence for “accountability” often makes things worse rather than better.Paul Lingenfelter offers educational researchers and policy makers a framework for considering such questions as: What problems are important and accessible? What methods will be fruitful? Which help policy makers and practitioners make choices and learn how to improve? What information is relevant? What knowledge is valid and useful? How can policy makers and practitioners establish a more productive division of labor based on their respective capabilities and limitations? He cautions against the illusion that straight-forward scientific approaches and data can be successfully applied to society’s most complex problems. While explaining why no single policy or intervention can solve complex problems, he concludes that determination, measurement, analysis, and adaptation based on evidence in specific situations can lead to significant improvement. This positive, even-handed introduction to the use of research for problem-solving concludes by suggesting emerging practices and approaches that can help scholars, practitioners, and policy leaders become more successful in reaching their fundamental goals.