Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 15 (2015)

Book Description

This is volume 15 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "Questioning: The Divine Plan," "Three Streams of Gratitude for Jesus," "A Welcome Introduction," "Providing a Better Understanding for All Concerning the History of Joseph Smith’s Polygamy," "An Easier Way to Understanding Joseph Smith’s Polygamy," "Rediscovering the First Vision," "Say Now Shibboleth, or Maybe Cumorah," "Why the Oxford English Dictionary (and not Webster’s 1828)," "Psalm 82 in Contemporary Latter-day Saint Tradition," "Seeing Ourselves Through the Eyes of a Friendly and Thoughtful Evangelical," "Getting Cain and Gain," "'The Great and Terrible Judgments of the Lord': Destruction and Disaster in 3 Nephi and the Geology of Mesoamerica," "Freemasonry and the Origins of Modern Temple Ordinances," "A Mormon Theodicy: Jacob and the Problem of Evil."

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 16 (2015)

Book Description

This is volume 16 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "Toward Ever More Intelligent Discipleship," "A Response to Denver Snuffer’s Essay on Plural Marriage, Adoption, and the Supposed Falling Away of the Church – Part 1: Ignoring Inconvenient Evidence," "A Response to Denver Snuffer’s Essay on Plural Marriage, Adoption, and the Supposed Falling Away of the Church – Part 2: Facade or Reality?", "Careless Accounts and Tawdry Novelties," "The Prodigal’s Return to the Father: House of Glory and Rediscovery," "The Deuteronomist Reforms and Lehi’s Family Dynamics: A Social Context for the Rebellions of Laman and Lemuel," "The Doctrine of Resurrection in the Book of Mormon," "Not Leaving and Going On to Perfection," "Learning Nephi’s Language: Creating a Context for 1 Nephi 1:2," "The Treason of the Geographers: Mythical “Mesoamerican” Conspiracy and the Book of Mormon," "John Bernhisel’s Gift to a Prophet: Incidents of Travel in Central America and the Book of Mormon," "A Treasure Trove of Questions," "The Theory of Evolution is Compatible with Both Belief and Unbelief in a Supreme Being."

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 7 (2013)

Book Description

This is volume 7 (2013) of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including a transcript of a talk by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, an essay on morality and freedom, a book review of Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes, a description of the original text of the Book of Mormon and its publication, a book review of The Mother of the Lord, a book review of Deconstructing Mormonism, a book review of Passing the Heavenly Gift, and an analysis of the arguments alleging The Late War as a source for the Book of Mormon text.

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 2 (2012)

Book Description

This is volume 2 (2012) of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture by the Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on diverse topics such as the role of apologetics in Mormon studies, a book review of "What Latter-day Saints Teach and Practice: Mormonism Explained," evaluating three arguments against Joseph Smith's First Vision, a book review of "Redeemed by Fire: The Rise of Popular Christianity in Modern China," a comparison of the weeping God in Moses 7 with ancient texts, an analysis of the variants in the vision of the Apostle Paul, a book review of "Saint Peter: The Underestimated Apostle," an analysis of why one sixth of the Book of Mormon was set from the original manuscript, a book review of "Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One's Testimony in the Face of Criticism and Doubt," the obligation of the Saints to defend the King and his kingdom, and an analysis of the apocryphal acts of Jesus.

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 9 (2014)

Book Description

This is volume 9 (2014) of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including reflections on the mission of The Interpreter Foundation, the doctrinal and temple implications of Peter's surnaming, literacy and orality in the Book of Mormon, the temporality of sin, an analysis of epistemology in historiography, and two book reviews of David Bokovoy's Authoring the Old Testament: Genesis-Deuteronomy.

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 13 (2015)

Book Description

This is volume 13 (2015) of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including an exhortation to study the two "books" of the scriptures and of Nature, Tyndale versus More in the Book of Mormon, two book reviews of Blake Ostler's Fire on the Horizon, onomastic play on Mary and Mormon in the Book of Mormon, a study of the phrase "secret combinations" in the Book of Mormon, the Hinterland Hypothesis of the geography of the Book of Mormon, temple themes and parallel structures in the Jacob Cycle, thoughts about Jesus Christ as a baby at Christmas, and what command syntax tells us about Book of Mormon authorship.

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 20 (2016)

Book Description

This is volume 20 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "Reflecting on the 'Marks of Jesus'," "Dating Joseph Smith’s First Nauvoo Sealings," "A Pilgrim’s Faith," "'Idle and Slothful Strange Stories': Book of Mormon Origins and the Historical Record," "The Scalp of Your Head: Polysemy in Alma 44:14–18," "Now That We Have the Words of Joseph Smith, How Shall We Begin to Understand Them? Illustrations of Selected Challenges within the 21 May 1843 Discourse on 2 Peter 1," "Reading 1 Peter Intertextually With Select Passages From the Old Testament," "Turning to the Lord With the Whole Heart: The Doctrine of Repentance in the Bible and the Book of Mormon," "Many Witnesses to a Marvelous Work," "Nephi’s Change of Heart," "The Ammonites Were Not Pacifists," "'O Ye Fair Ones' — Revisited," and "Beauty Way More Than Skin Deep."

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 10 (2014)

Book Description

This is volume 10 (2014) of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including some notes on faith and reason, dating Christ's birth, Mary Whitmer's witness of the gold plates, the LDS Church's polygamous past, dissenters, Book of Mormon anachronisms, the comma in the Word of Wisdom, Enos's adaptations of the onomastic wordplay of Genesis, Mormonism and intellectual freedom, differing investigative approaches of Jeremy Runnells and Jeff Lindsay, a theological poem in the Book of Mormon, and reading the scriptures geographically.

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 14 (2015)

Book Description

This is volume 14 (2015) of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including "Sustaining the Brethren," "Who Was Sherem," "Whoso Forbiddeth to Abstain from Meats," "Where in Cincinnati Was the Third Edition of the Book of Mormon Printed?" "Celestial Visits in the Scriptures, and a Plausible Mesoamerican Tradition," "Father is a Man: The Remarkable Mention of the name Abish in Alma 19:16 and Its Narrative Context," "A Redemptive Reading of Mark 5:25-34," "Restoring the Original Text of the Book of Mormon," "The Implications of Past-Tense Syntax in the Book of Mormon," "Reflections of Urim: Hebrew Poetry Sheds Light on the Directors-Interpreters Mystery," "John L. Sorenson's Complete Legacy: Reviewing Mormon's Codex," "Lehi the Smelter: New Light on Lehi's Profession," and "Place of Crushing: The Literary Function of Heshlon in Ether 13:25-31."

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 18 (2016)

Book Description

This is volume 18 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "Cloud Illusions and the Perfect Day," "Viewing the Temple Through Wilford Woodruff’s Eyes," "The 'Fiery Darts of the Adversary' in 1 Nephi 15:24," "'He Did It': A Christmas Message," "Jesus Christ’s Interactions with the Women of the New Testament," "The More Part of the Book of Mormon Is Early Modern English," "Joseph Smith Read the Words," "Untangling Scripture from the Philosophies of Men," "The Case of the {-th} Plural in the Earliest Text," "The Case of Plural?Was in the Earliest Text," "To 'See and Hear'," "Samuel the Lamanite, Christ, and Zenos: A Study of Intertextuality," "The Yoke of Christ: A Light Burden Heavy With Meaning," "The Faith to See: Burning in the Bosom and Translating the Book of Mormon in Doctrine and Covenants 9," "'They Were Moved with Compassion' (Alma 27:4; 53:13): Toponymic Wordplay on Zarahemla and Jershon," and "Onomastic Wordplay on Joseph and Benjamin and Gezera Shawa in the Book of Mormon."