Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors and Systems

Book Description

This book is a collection of papers that originated as a Special Issue, focused on some recent advances related to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors and systems. Conventionally, this book can be divided into three parts: intelligent systems, new types of sensors, and original interrogators. The intelligent systems presented include evaluation of strain transition properties between cast-in FBGs and cast aluminum during uniaxial straining, multi-point strain measurements on a containment vessel, damage detection methods based on long-gauge FBG for highway bridges, evaluation of a coupled sequential approach for rotorcraft landing simulation, wearable hand modules and real-time tracking algorithms for measuring finger joint angles of different hand sizes, and glaze icing detection of 110 kV composite insulators. New types of sensors are reflected in multi-addressed fiber Bragg structures for microwave–photonic sensor systems, its applications in load-sensing wheel hub bearings, and more complex influence in problems of generation of vortex optical beams based on chiral fiber-optic periodic structures. Original interrogators include research in optical designs with curved detectors for FBG interrogation monitors; demonstration of a filterless, multi-point, and temperature-independent FBG dynamical demodulator using pulse-width modulation; and dual wavelength differential detection of FBG sensors with a pulsed DFB laser.

Fiber Bragg Grating Interrogation Systems

Book Description

This thesis work deals with the development of three different categories of interrogation techniques for Fiber Bragg Grating based sensor networks. Such networks are used for structural health monitoring and other applications. A bulk grating based interrogation system is described first, which includes an optical source, switch, circulator, embedded controller, and software. The center wavelength determination technique employed is detailed and is shown to be highly accurate from test data. The comparison with resistance strain gauges is presented which shows that the system developed provides an accurate strain reconstruction. The system is also compared with a commercial optical spectrum analyzer and is found to exhibit good accuracy and fidelity. The system has been field tested on an aircraft structure with 14 sensors spread over 4 channels. Strain data reconstruction from these tests is shown to accurately reproduce the loading conditions. A second system developed is based on the matched filter technique using a mechanical fiber stretcher; the details of this system are presented with a mathematical treatment of the technique. The design of the fiber stretcher is also described. This design is regarded to be novel since it tries to provide large interrogation bandwidths using a parallel topology. The results of tests have shown good resolution and comparative tests with resistance strain gauges have shown accurate reproduction of strain. Finally, an interrogation system based on a wavelength tunable source is presented. This system is a precursor to a time division multiplexed interrogation system, which has also been described. Three laser configurations have been set up and characterized. The laser sweep tests have been performed on two configurations and a sensor grating reconstruction test has also been carried out.

Fiber Bragg Gratings

Book Description

Fiber Bragg gratings are flexible, cost-effective and highly efficient, with a vast range of potential applications. This timely new work provides a comprehensive description of the principles and practical applications of this latest technology, which has the potential to revolutionize telecommunications and significantly impact optical fiber sensing. Here the authors explain the underlying physics and practical aspects in a clear and unambiguous manner.

Interrogation system of fiber bragg grating sensors using time division multiplexing and waveleght division multiplexing

Book Description

Um sistema de interrogação de sensores a rede de Bragg utilizando multiplexação no tempo e multiplexação no comprimento de onda é proposto e demonstrado. O sistema apresenta uma solução para a medição de grandezas associadas ao espectro de reflexão de redes de Bragg, possibilitando o aumento do número de sensores a rede de Bragg monitorados através de grandes distâncias em uma mesma fibra óptica, sem um aumento significativo dos custos. O aspecto inovador deste sistema reside na particular associação das seguintes características: o uso de fonte pulsada de banda larga, a disposição, em série, de um grande número de sensores a rede de Bragg de baixa refletividade, a técnica de reutilização dos mesmos comprimentos de onda nominais em grupos contendo vários sensores com comprimentos de onda nominais distintos e um processo de filtragem espectral e análise de sinais pulsados utilizando o filtro DWDM comercial. Aspectos teóricos e experimentais considerando os princípios de trabalho desta técnica são discutidos. Comparações entre resultados simulados e experimentais do sistema implantado mostram boa concordância. Resultados experimentais apontam uma faixa dinâmica de 1,7 nm, podendo encontrar aplicações em medição de temperatura com uma faixa de 150°C. Incertezas com valores médios abaixo de 20 picometros foram obtidas. Simulações experimentais apontam a possibilidade de utilização de um número de aproximadamente 70 sensores com 0,4% de refletividade, por comprimento de onda. Considerando a largura de banda do dispositivo DWDM (1539-1565 nm) utilizado neste sistema, e um espaçamento de 7 nm por comprimento de onda nominal de sensor, extrapolações mostram que este número pode chegar a 210 sensores em três diferentes comprimentos de onda nominais de sensor. Considerando as bandas C e L este número pode chegar a aproximadamente 1000 sensores em 14 diferentes comprimentos de onda nominais de sensor.

Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors and Systems

Book Description

This book is a collection of papers that originated as a Special Issue, focused on some recent advances related to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors and systems. Conventionally, this book can be divided into three parts: intelligent systems, new types of sensors, and original interrogators. The intelligent systems presented include evaluation of strain transition properties between cast-in FBGs and cast aluminum during uniaxial straining, multi-point strain measurements on a containment vessel, damage detection methods based on long-gauge FBG for highway bridges, evaluation of a coupled sequential approach for rotorcraft landing simulation, wearable hand modules and real-time tracking algorithms for measuring finger joint angles of different hand sizes, and glaze icing detection of 110 kV composite insulators. New types of sensors are reflected in multi-addressed fiber Bragg structures for microwave-photonic sensor systems, its applications in load-sensing wheel hub bearings, and more complex influence in problems of generation of vortex optical beams based on chiral fiber-optic periodic structures. Original interrogators include research in optical designs with curved detectors for FBG interrogation monitors; demonstration of a filterless, multi-point, and temperature-independent FBG dynamical demodulator using pulse-width modulation; and dual wavelength differential detection of FBG sensors with a pulsed DFB laser.

Free Spectral Range Matched Interrogation Technique for Wavelength Demodulation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors

Book Description

Free Spectral Range Matched Interrogation (FSRMI) technique for wavelength demodulation of fiber Bragg grating sensors. We designed and tested a new wavelength demodulation system based on free-spectral-range-matched interrogation which employs a tunable fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) and a multi-channel bandpass filter. This technique was deployed to test fiber Bragg gratings (FBG), long period gratings (LPG) and tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBG). In the experimental setup, a broadband source launches light into a fiber Bragg grating under test and the reflection/transmission spectrum is fed into a tunable FPI. By tuning an external bias applied to the FPI, the transmission spectrum of FPI scans over a wavelength range. The input optical signal is therefore selectively passed through the FPI and then fed into a four-channel bandpass filter followed by four photodetectors. The optical signal is converted to electrical signal by the photodiodes and is acquired by a data acquisition system. Since a bandpass filter with four channels are used in this interrogation system it can scan four distinguished wavelength ranges simultaneously and thus the scan rate is four time faster. We used this setup for doing some temperature and strain sensitivity measurements on some fiber gratings. Strain sensitivity measurements were done on FBG, TFBG and LPG and temperature sensitivity measurements were performed on TFBG. The strain and temperature sensitivity coefficients of these fiber Bragg grating sensors were obtained from experimental data. Our results show the potential of the integration of the FSRMI system with fiber Bragg gratings for temperature and strain multiple-sensor arrays with high sampling speed and high accuracy.

Current Trends in Short- and Long-period Fiber Gratings

Book Description

In this book the reader will find a collection of chapters written by different experts around the world, describing the current research trends in both short- and long-period fiber grating technology. This work is mainly addressed to researchers already working in this area, but it is also accessible to anyone with a scientific background who desires to have an updated overview of the recent progress in this domain. It will also be valuable to scientist and engineers who have become newly involved in this field. Each chapter is self-contained and can be read independently of the others. This book intends to provide highlights of the current research in this area, showing the recent advances in the field of fiber gratings.

Interrogation system for multiple bragg grating sensors using time domain reflectometry and fixed filters

Book Description

Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de interrogação de sensores a rede de Bragg em fibras ópticas, baseado em reflectometria no domínio do tempo e filtros fixos a rede de Bragg. Utilizando uma fonte de luz pulsada, a posiçãoespectral do sensor é relacionada à razão da intensidade dos pulsos, tornando a detecção independente de variações de intensidade. São abordados aspectos teóricos e experimentais referentes aos princípios de funcionamento desta técnica. Uma vez que a filtragem é feita com redes de Bragg, apenas um circuito de fotodetecção é utilizado e um número reduzido de acopladores/circuladores ópticos é necessário, o sistema possibilita reduzir consideravelmente o custo para a interrogação de um conjunto de sensores. Autilização de apenas um circuito de fotodetecção apresenta a vantagem de manter as mesmas características para todos os pulsos, minimizando influências externas neste circuito como, por exemplo, variações da temperatura ambiente. Foi montada uma bancada de testes para a interrogação de seis sensores. Comparações entre os resultados experimentais e simulados mostram boa concordância. Extrapolações indicam que seria possível interrogar sensores com uma variação espectral de 2 nanômetros, com incertezas menores que 10picometros, o que é adequado para sensores de temperatura. Análises de interferência entre dois canais adjacentes mostram pouca influência entre eles e são apresentadas opções para diminuir essa interferência.