Brought to Light

Book Description

Secret societies are becoming increasingly controversial—thrust into public awareness by popular books, films, the Internet, and a host of recent documentaries. In academia, this exposure finds a parallel in the proliferation of research, institutes, and conferences. Yet the media depictions tend to be caricatures, a playing to pervasive stereotypes for public consumption, while the academic stress historical and philological matters. Indeed, to the extent a sociological focus exists, it largely emphasizes the roles these groups played in social history. And for the societies’ members themselves, there has been a paucity of work on the contemporary meaning of these groups—a neglect made mystifying by the vast social changes that have taken place over the past century. In this study, and for the first time by any scholar, Kenney moves beyond history and applies the methods and theoretical tools of contemporary sociology to study the lived world of freemasons in today’s society. To provide a clear portrait of the patterned experiences of contemporary freemasons and the issues faced by “the Craft” today, Kenney draws on qualitative data from three primary sources: (1) extensive interviews with 121 contemporary freemasons in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia; (2) video footage shot for a feature film on contemporary freemasonry; and (3) his observations and experiences in nearly fifteen years as a freemason. Brought to Light provides a highly original contribution to sociology, Masonic scholarship, and the social sciences generally.

My Journey to Light

Book Description

My Journey to Light is a 200 Page Chronology of your Masonic Journey. Record important dates that you received degrees Record Appointments. Record Dates Served in various Bodies, or Committees. Record stories that need to be remembered. Most Importantly, Preserve the History of your Lodge and Personal Journey for generations to come. $2.00 from the sale of this book will go to Masonic Widows and Orphans. This Book Covers Blue Lodge, York Rite Bodies and Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Space is also included for appendant bodies as you go through your journey.

Masonic Light from Ancient Africa

Book Description

This book explores the critical thinking that Freemasons of African descent have towards the understanding of the Bible as well as the impact of Christianity in African American culture. To the Mason, the Bible is the guide of faith for it gives us God's holy instructions. It also has within it a secret knowledge that many of our traditional churches refused to tap into. Therefore this knowledge is esoteric in nature and this is what masonry thrives on. This book will examine not only the contributions by ancient Kemet (Egypt) To religion but the entire content of Africa which has a conglomerate of religions all are pointing to one divine creator.

Light on Masonry

Book Description

Brought to Light: The Mysterious George Washington Masonic Cave

Book Description

The George Washington Masonic Cave near Charles Town, West Virginia, contains a signature carving of George Washington dated 1748. Although this inscription appears authentic, it has yet to be verified by historical accounts or scientific inquiry. Like all great legends, there is probably a kernel of truth to the Cave-but so too is there likely an aura of embellishment that developed over time. This book painstakingly pieces together the chronicled events and real estate archives related to the cavern in order to sort out fact from fiction. George Washington, the man, is justly remembered for his talents on the battlefield, in political arenas, and on his tobacco farms. He was also a smart surveyor and, by his own written account, a speleologist (that is, an explorer of caves). The Masonic Cave conveniently connects all of these fascinating chapters in the life story of Washington; through it, we can better view the transformation that occurred over the decades of the Virginian's life. From his entrance into the secretive Masonic fraternity as a precocious teen to his associations with scores of captivating characters ranging from Lafayette to Lord Fairfax, to his worldly ambitions that became transmuted into something much bolder and universal, to his strong sense of guilt and remorse as a slaveowner (along with a desire to end that horrid practice), to his struggles with disease and his own mortality, many of the lesser-known aspects of Washington's life are covered herein. Washington's biography is one of the most inspiring in American history. Meandering the dark passageways of the Cave brings us to an even closer appreciation of why that is so. Jason Williams, MD, grew up in California and Montana but now calls Virginia's Shenandoah Valley home. He is a board-certified psychiatrist who trained at Johns Hopkins Hospital and has subspecialty training in psychosomatic medicine. He is also a proud father of three young adults. As an intrepid, independent scholar of largely forgotten history, Dr. Williams staunchly believes studying the past can lead to personal development and growth, which empowers our collective future. Research findings elucidated in Brought to Light include: George Washington entered the Cave on multiple occurrences, and it was a place of some importance to him. Young Washington personally surveyed the land historically attached to the Cave. But due to an oversight on his part, the survey has wholly been neglected (until now). Circumstantial evidence suggests the Cave was used for Masonic meetings by Washington, two of his brothers, and other close allies. The men-a group of nine-purchased the Cave shortly before the Revolutionary War. These same Cave owners went on to become significant instigators in America's rebellion. Generals and other officers in Washington's army stopped by the Cave during the Revolutionary War, suggesting it may have served as an unofficial meeting place far from the battlefields but at hand to Washington's closest confidants and brothers (both biological and fraternal). While there is no direct or circumstantial evidence the "G Washington 1748" carving on the Cave's back wall is genuine, there are logical reasons why it may be. The Cave was discreetly handed down through the bloodline of a forgotten godson of George Washington during the 1800s. Letters connecting the Cave to the Washington family at Mount Vernon have been located. A bespoke relic that belonged to George Washington is tied to the Cave and the local Freemasons. Once thought to be lost but recently "rediscovered," this national treasure highlights the entire narrative of Washington's associations with the ancient fraternity and his quest for a democratic republic instilled with civil liberties, especially religious freedom. This is the greyscale edition.

Freemasonry Defined

Book Description

Freemasonry Defined is a short read that packs a powerful educational punch for Masons the world over. Drawing on specific historical examples of positive actions by Masons and hardships against them, author Shawn M. Gorley lays out how the fraternity has persevered through the centuries. Gorley heavily researched each example showing the core of the tenets that make an upright man and Mason. I especially like the examples from war and repression and how Masonry emerged victorious in the end. Gorley did the Brotherhood a true heartfelt service in sharing his own personal passions through this book. I hope and anticipate more of the same as he continues to work his stone of knowledge.

Light on Masonry

Book Description

The author was a minister of the Genesee (N.Y.) Baptist association, who had taken fifteen degrees of masonry and was intimate secretary of the Lodge of perfection. He was among the first in that section of the country to recede from the order.

The Hidden Code in Freemasonry

Book Description

This is a book that should be read by all Freemasons, and all those interested in Freemasonry. It will provide a deeper understanding of the hidden information that the rituals of Freemasonry are trying to convey to those who seek Truth. There are thousands of books on Freemasonry and most of them cover literal interpretations of Masonic ritual and expand on the moral lessons to be learned from them. This book is different to most, in that it looks beyond the literal veil, and digs into the deeper messages embedded in the rituals, symbols, and ceremonies. The symbols and rituals of Freemasonry have always been mysterious, even to the average Mason. This book exposes the hidden code that underlies each of the Craft rituals and which points to the true meaning of these ceremonies. People join Freemasonry for different reasons: the camaraderie; self-improvement; charitable service - mostly to fill some void in their lives. Many, today, are looking for something deeper, but are not interested in the formal trappings of the various religions. Many of these are disappointed because they don't find what they're looking for in Freemasonry and, as a result, leave the organization. This is unfortunate because embedded in the truly amazing, multi-layered ritual, are messages from the Ancient Mysteries, which point out a clear path, through ancient knowledge, to spiritual consciousness. This knowledge, which constitutes the real "secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry", was regularly taught in the earlier days of the Craft, but seems to have been forgotten over the years. This book is aimed at reviving that knowledge and spreading it to Masons and non-Masons across the world, to reach those that seek Truth and Light, and gain the full benefit of what Freemasonry is all about.

The Book of the Words

Book Description

Masonry is permeated with powerful verbal and pictorial symbolism that arouses the mental, spiritual and intellectual life. One of the treasures of the SJ USA Supreme Council's Archives at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C., is Albert Pike's manuscript of The Book of the Words. The book was originally printed, in an edition limited to 150 copies, in 1874. This remarkable study is an exploration of the symbolic words in Freemasonry. It gives the correct spelling of, and analyzes all the "significant words" in the Scottish Rite from the 1st through the 30th degrees inclusive. Pike explores and explains their origin (Hebrew, Samaritan, Phoenician and English), meaning, symbolism and relevance to the degrees and gives his insights. In addition to being an etymological dictionary Pike explains why any given word was chosen for a given degree, thereby revealing the hidden symbolism of each word.

Freemasonry: Initiation by Light

Book Description

Modern Speculative Freemasonry was born at a Lodge meeting at the Rummer and Grapes Tavern, later moving to the Horn Tavern. The first three Grand Masters had changed the existing Operative Mason's rituals in some way, and the only way to find out what those changes were, was to compare the current ritual to the bits of ritual that exist prior to the establishment of the Premier Grand Lodge in 1717, the event Masonic scholar Albert Pike calls the "Revival." The allure of researching the early days of Freemasonry is that we can learn about the objectives of the first three Grand Masters, and thus answer some or all of the following questions: *Why the Lodge at the Horn Tavern was so different from the other three Lodges whose "Constitution is Immemorial." *What was the secret scroll owned by a librarian at the University of Oxford that might hold the formula for alchemy's ultimate prize, the Philosophers' Stone? *Why valuable documents were destroyed during the early days of the Grand Lodge of England. *How did the son of the only "black" queen of England become Freemasonry's first royal Grand Master? *Why the Bishop of London treated Pocahontas as "visiting royalty," and what became of her? *Who was the Chinese mandarin, who may hold the secret to one of the degrees? *Why a rival "Chinese" secret society tried to bring down Freemasonry. This book answers these questions, and many more!