Intrahousehold Inequality and the Theory of Targeting

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Here is a start at linking the literatures on targeting and on intrahousehold inequality which have developed rapidly but largely independent of each other.

Are Better-off Households More Unequal Or Less Unequal?

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Within the framework of intrahousehold bargaining, it is argued that (1) targeting of transfers to disadvantaged members of the household is important, (2) structural adjustment that favors cash crops over food crops may end up worsening intrahousehold inequality, and (3) as households become better- off, intrahousehold inequality may first increase and then decrease (in other words, there may exist a Kuznets curve for intrahousehold inequality).

Measuring Commercial Bank Efficiency

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Measuring bank efficiency is difficult because there is no satisfactory definition of bank output. International comparisons based on operating costs and margins are fraught with problems. These stem from substantial differences in capital structure (leverage), business or product mix, range and quality of services, inflation rates, and accounting conventions (especially about the valuation of assets, the level of loan loss provisioning, and the use of hidden reserves). Facile and uncritical use of ratios cannot substitute for detailed knowledge and understanding of banking structure and practice.

Privatization in the Soviet Union

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Economic initiative has passed from the center to the republics, some of which have already moved from legislation to implementation of their own republic divestiture policies. In an optimistic scenario, this trend will continue. But even under the most pessimistic scenario, it is unlikely that privatization processes identified in this study will be stopped.

Openness and Growth

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Correlations across openness measures are sometimes weak, but openness does seem to be positively associated with GDP growth - the more open the economy, the higher the growth.

The Legal Framework for Private Sector Development in a Transitional Economy

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Poland is rapidly developing a reasonable legal framework to support its transition to a market economy. Yet legal practice lags behind. Precedent and expertise must be built through training and experience.