Urbanismo Regenerativo

Book Description

We are living in a critical moment, a reality marked by environmental and socio-economic limits that requires innovative and realistic forms of action and planning. This is what regenerative urbanism proposes, a new approach based on utopian pragmatism that seeks to restore balance to the urban territory by designing systems that allow it to adapt and transform. It is a methodology that defines models that do not consume available resources, but rather generate new ones that ensure compatibility between economic and social prosperity and nature. Santander, Hábitat Futuro (Santander, Future Habitat) is the city model created from this methodology, a proposal for the transformation of this city for the year 2055. It is an open model based on innovation and citizen participation that prepares and adapts the territory for the different scenarios to come. Santander, Habitat Futuro is a guide that directs the commitment of the different social, economic and political agents towards a common goal: to achieve a circular, sustainable, resilient, vertebrate, prosperous, vital and inclusive city. A model that, due to its innovative nature, can serve as an example to other intermediate cities around the world.

Integrative Systems Approaches to Natural and Social Dynamics

Book Description

At the start of the new millennium, mankind is challenged by a paradox: the more we know about the world the more uncertain we become in understanding and predicting how it works. This book presents an outline of a new basis for Systems Science, and a methodology for its application in complex environmental, economic, social, and technological systems.

Architectural Rhetoric and the Iconography of Authority in Colonial Mexico

Book Description

This book investigates the Casa de Montejo and considers the role of the building’s Plateresque façade as a form of visual rhetoric that conveyed ideas about the individual and communal cultural identities in sixteenth-century Yucatán. C. Cody Barteet analyzes the façade within the complex colonial world in which it belongs, including in multicultural Yucatán and the transatlantic world. This contextualization allows for an examination of the architectural rhetoric of the façade, the design of which visualizes the contestations of autonomy and authority occurring among the colonial peoples.

Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction

Book Description

This is the first academic publication to highlight the linkages between Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Key issues and challenges related to CCA-DRR synergy and interactions are highlighted throughout, mostly drawing lessons and experiences from the field practices and greatly increasing current awareness.

Green and Smart Technologies for Smart Cities

Book Description

The book starts with an overview of the role of cities in climate change and environmental pollution worldwide, followed by the concept description of smart cities and their expected features, focusing on green technology innovation. This book explores the energy management strategies required to minimize the need for huge investments in high-capacity transmission lines from distant power plants. A new range of renewable energy technologies modified for installation in cities like small wind turbines, micro-CHP and heat pumps are described. The overall objective of this book is to explore all the green and smart technologies for designing green smart cities.

Manual de Urbanismo (Bogota, 1939)

Book Description

Unlike European countries where the consolidation of town planning was based on legislative reforms, Latin America’s urbanismo mainly stemmed from urban plans for national capitals and metropolises. Austrian academic and planner Karl Brunner was hired in Chile, Colombia and Panama from the late 1920s to advise in the professional and academic domains, marking a shift from the so-called École Française d’Urbanisme (EFU) of Haussmannesque descent towards the Austrian-German Städtebau, While coordinating the municipal office and plan for Bogotá, Brunner translated his Manual de Urbanismo – the first textbook published in Latin America about the new discipline and the first to incorporate examples from local cities. Based on his 1924 course at Vienna’s National Faculty of Architecture Brunner’s Manual emphasized the ‘scientific system’ of the discipline. Brunner was the most influential figure of his time in the urban planning of the region, but has become overshadowed by Le Corbusier's and CIAM’s prevailing influence after the Second World War. Complete with a supporting introduction written by Arturo Almandoz, this volume includes the full copy of the original Manual de Urbanismo with an English translation of the synthesis. Further materials, including an extract of Karl Brunner's "Problemas actuales de urbanización" and an accompanying English translation of the text can be accessed at www.routledge.com/9781138778573

Urbanismo Ciclista - una Breve Introducción para Personas Que No les Importa un Carajo

Book Description

Las personas que les importa el urbanismo ciclista y la vida en la ciudad habrán leído "Copenhagenize - la guía global definitiva para el urbanismo ciclista" pero afrontémoslo: hay muchas personas que no lo han hecho y nunca lo harán. Este libro es para ellos. Los escépticos, los idiotas, los quejumbrosos, los desinformados. Las bicicletas pertenecen en las ciudades y este libro es una rápida y efectiva guía para entender los porqués y los cómo de las bicicletas como transporte.

Cuban Studies 18

Book Description

Essays in volume 18 include discussions of Cuba's approach to the Latin American debt crisis, its two-century-old race problem and its impact on Cuba's relations with Africa, differences between urban and rural living conditions and development, and the recent housing situation in Cuba. Examinations of scholarly research include a survey of major historical works on Cuba ofver the past twenty-five years and an analysis of how the revolution has affected the scholar's craft and access to manuscripts and archives. The Debate section features comments on discussions in Cuban Studies 17 of sex and gender relations in today's Cuba, as well as the ongoing issue of Cuba's economic planning and management system.

Diez lecciones sobre Barcelona

Book Description

A collection of lessons that Manuel de Sol-Morales gave during the course Introduction to Urbanism at the School of Architecture of Barcelona between 1975 and 1983. 10 theses by individual chapter show the why and how of Barcelona today. Morales updates the original text with his perspectives 25 years later.