Associated Motion

Book Description

This volume is the first book-length presentation of the grammatical category of Associated Motion. It provides a framework for understanding a grammatical phenomenon which, though present in many languages, has gone unrecognized until recently. Previously known primarily from languages of Australia and South America, grammatical AM marking has now been identified in languages from most parts of the world (except Europe) and is becoming an important topic in linguistic typology. The chapters provide a thorough introduction to the subject, discussion of the relation between AM and related grammatical concepts, detailed descriptions of AM in a wide range of the world’s languages, and surveys of AM in particular language families and areas.

An Outline of Silozi Grammar

Book Description

First published as a chapter in Language in Zambia: Grammatical Sketches by the Institute of African Studies (now the Institute of Economic and Social Research) in 1977, this is the second in a series of individual publications on Zambian languages and grammar. The intention of the series is to boost the meagre scholarship and availability of educational materials on Zambian languages, which became particularly in urgent in 1996, following the decision of the Zambian government to revert to the policy of using local languages as media of instruction. This volume provides a grammatical sketch of Lozi, a language related to the Sotho language group, and one of the languages spoken as the lingua franca all over the Western Province of Zambia. It is spoken on the central Barotse plain to the north and south of Mongu and on either side of the Zambezi river, all the way to Livingstone, where it is the main African language in use, and a considerable distance inland. It is the second administrative language of the country after English. The study provides a comprehensive survey of all the major grammatical features of the language.

A Grammar of Yeyi

Book Description

Language Science and Language technology in Africa

Book Description

This book provides a broad overview of current work on South African languages, language resources and language technologies. While it provides a fairly comprehensive overview, it also ties together the most recent knowledge state here, and is therefore truly innovative ? The book is therefore informed by current international trends in the respective fields of science, and feeds back into them ? There is absolutely no doubt that the book has an academic peer audience and is directed at specialists in the field. - Prof. Axel Fleisch, University of Helsinki, Finland

Atlantic Meets Pacific

Book Description

For review see: Peter Bakker, in New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, vol. 70, no. 1 & 2 (1996); p. 190-192.

A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement

Book Description

This book explores variation in Bantu subject and object marking on the basis of data from 75 Bantu languages. It specifically addresses the question of which features are involved in agreement and nominal licensing, and examines how parametric variation in those features accounts for the settings and patterns that are attested crosslinguistically.

Cross-border Languages

Book Description