Direct and Inverse Problems

Book Description

Rapid progress in quantum theory brings us new important results which are often not immediately clear to all who need them. But fortunately, this is also followed by simplifications and unifications of our previous concepts. The inverse problem method ("The most beautiful idea of the XX-th century" - Zakharov et aI., 1980) has just both these aspects. It is rather astonishing that it took 50 years after the foundation of quantum mechanics for the creation of the "pictures" showing the direct connection of obser vables with interactions. Recently, illustrations of this type began to appear in the literature (e. g., how potentials are deformed with thc shift of one energy level or change of some resonance reduced width). Although they are transparent to those studying the quantum world and can be included within the necessary elements of quantum literacy, they are still largely unknown even to many specialists. For the first time, the most interesting of these pictures enriching our quantum intuition are col lected here and placed at your disposal. The readers of this monograph have the advantage of getting the latest information which became available after the publication of the Russian edition. It has been incor porated here in the simplest presentation possible. For example, new sections con cerning exactly solvable models, including the multi-channel, multi-dimensional ones and with time dependent potentials have been added. The first attempts in solving the three-body inverse problem are also mentioned.

Inverse Schrödinger Scattering in Three Dimensions

Book Description

Most of the laws of physics are expressed in the form of differential equations; that is our legacy from Isaac Newton. The customary separation of the laws of nature from contingent boundary or initial conditions, which has become part of our physical intuition, is both based on and expressed in the properties of solutions of differential equations. Within these equations we make a further distinction: that between what in mechanics are called the equations of motion on the one hand and the specific forces and shapes on the other. The latter enter as given functions into the former. In most observations and experiments the "equations of motion," i. e. , the structure of the differential equations, are taken for granted and it is the form and the details of the forces that are under investigation. The method by which we learn what the shapes of objects and the forces between them are when they are too small, too large, too remote, or too inaccessi ble for direct experimentation, is to observe their detectable effects. The question then is how to infer these properties from observational data. For the theoreti cal physicist, the calculation of observable consequences from given differential equations with known or assumed forces and shapes or boundary conditions is the standard task of solving a "direct problem. " Comparison of the results with experiments confronts the theoretical predictions with nature.

Inverse Problems in Scattering

Book Description

Inverse Problems in Scattering exposes some of the mathematics which has been developed in attempts to solve the one-dimensional inverse scattering problem. Layered media are treated in Chapters 1--6 and quantum mechanical models in Chapters 7--10. Thus, Chapters 2 and 6 show the connections between matrix theory, Schur's lemma in complex analysis, the Levinson--Durbin algorithm, filter theory, moment problems and orthogonal polynomials. The chapters devoted to the simplest inverse scattering problems in quantum mechanics show how the Gel'fand--Levitan and Marchenko equations arose. The introduction to this problem is an excursion through the inverse problem related to a finite difference version of Schrödinger's equation. One of the basic problems in inverse quantum scattering is to determine what conditions must be imposed on the scattering data to ensure that they correspond to a regular potential, which involves Lebesque integrable functions, which are introduced in Chapter 9.

An Introduction To Inverse Problems In Physics

Book Description

This book is a compilation of different methods of formulating and solving inverse problems in physics from classical mechanics to the potentials and nucleus-nucleus scattering. Mathematical proofs are omitted since excellent monographs already exist dealing with these aspects of the inverse problems.The emphasis here is on finding numerical solutions to complicated equations. A detailed discussion is presented on the use of continued fractional expansion, its power and its limitation as applied to various physical problems. In particular, the inverse problem for discrete form of the wave equation is given a detailed exposition and applied to atomic and nuclear scattering, in the latter for elastic as well as inelastic collision. This technique is also used for inverse problem of geomagnetic induction and one-dimensional electrical conductivity. Among other topics covered are the inverse problem of torsional vibration, and also a chapter on the determination of the motion of a body with reflecting surface from its reflection coefficient.

An Introduction to Inverse Scattering and Inverse Spectral Problems

Book Description

Here is a clearly written introduction to three central areas of inverse problems: inverse problems in electromagnetic scattering theory, inverse spectral theory, and inverse problems in quantum scattering theory. Inverse problems, one of the most attractive parts of applied mathematics, attempt to obtain information about structures by nondestructive measurements. Based on a series of lectures presented by three of the authors, all experts in the field, the book provides a quick and easy way for readers to become familiar with the area through a survey of recent developments in inverse spectral and inverse scattering problems.

Inverse Problems and Inverse Scattering of Plane Waves

Book Description

The purpose of this text is to present the theory and mathematics of inverse scattering, in a simple way, to the many researchers and professionals who use it in their everyday research. While applications range across a broad spectrum of disciplines, examples in this text will focus primarly, but not exclusively, on acoustics. The text will be especially valuable for those applied workers who would like to delve more deeply into the fundamentally mathematical character of the subject matter.Practitioners in this field comprise applied physicists, engineers, and technologists, whereas the theory is almost entirely in the domain of abstract mathematics. This gulf between the two, if bridged, can only lead to improvement in the level of scholarship in this highly important discipline. This is the book's primary focus.

Inverse Spectral and Scattering Theory

Book Description

The aim of this book is to provide basic knowledge of the inverse problems arising in various areas in mathematics, physics, engineering, and medical science. These practical problems boil down to the mathematical question in which one tries to recover the operator (coefficients) or the domain (manifolds) from spectral data. The characteristic properties of the operators in question are often reduced to those of Schrödinger operators. We start from the 1-dimensional theory to observe the main features of inverse spectral problems and then proceed to multi-dimensions. The first milestone is the Borg–Levinson theorem in the inverse Dirichlet problem in a bounded domain elucidating basic motivation of the inverse problem as well as the difference between 1-dimension and multi-dimension. The main theme is the inverse scattering, in which the spectral data is Heisenberg’s S-matrix defined through the observation of the asymptotic behavior at infinity of solutions. Significant progress has been made in the past 30 years by using the Faddeev–Green function or the complex geometrical optics solution by Sylvester and Uhlmann, which made it possible to reconstruct the potential from the S-matrix of one fixed energy. One can also prove the equivalence of the knowledge of S-matrix and that of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for boundary value problems in bounded domains. We apply this idea also to the Dirac equation, the Maxwell equation, and discrete Schrödinger operators on perturbed lattices. Our final topic is the boundary control method introduced by Belishev and Kurylev, which is for the moment the only systematic method for the reconstruction of the Riemannian metric from the boundary observation, which we apply to the inverse scattering on non-compact manifolds. We stress that this book focuses on the lucid exposition of these problems and mathematical backgrounds by explaining the basic knowledge of functional analysis and spectral theory, omitting the technical details in order to make the book accessible to graduate students as an introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs) and functional analysis.

Inverse Scattering and Applications

Book Description

This book presents papers given at a Conference on Inverse Scattering on the Line, held in June 1990 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A wide variety of topics in inverse problems were covered: inverse scattering problems on the line; inverse problems in higher dimensions; inverse conductivity problems; and numerical methods. In addition, problems from statistical physics were covered, including monodromy problems, quantum inverse scattering, and the Bethe ansatz. One of the aims of the conference was to bring together researchers in a variety of areas of inverse problems which have seen intensive activity in recent years. scattering