Representation of warm conveyor belts in sub-seasonal forecast models and the link to Atlantic-European weather regimes

Book Description

This study systematically investigates the representation of warm conveyor belts (WCBs) in large reforecast data sets of different numerical weather prediction models and evaluates the role of WCBs for the onset and life cycle of Atlantic-European weather regimes. The results emphasize the importance of accurate forecast of WCBs for sub-seasonal prediction on time scales beyond two weeks and tie the low forecast skill of blocked weather regimes over Europe to misrepresented WCBs.

Perspectives on warm conveyor belts - sensitivities to ensemble configuration and the role for forecast error

Book Description

Warm conveyor belts (WCBs) are weather systems that substantially modulate the large-scale extratropical circulation. As they can amplify forecast errors and project them onto the Rossby wave pattern, they are of high relevance for numerical weather prediction. This work elaborates on two aspects of WCBs in the context of ensemble forecasts: (1) sensitivities of WCBs to the representation of initial condition and model uncertainties, and (2) the role of WCBs for forecast error growth.

Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research

Book Description

This first comprehensive review of airborne measurement principles covers all atmospheric components and surface parameters. It describes the common techniques to characterize aerosol particles and cloud/precipitation elements, while also explaining radiation quantities and pertinent hyperspectral and active remote sensing measurement techniques along the way. As a result, the major principles of operation are introduced and exemplified using specific instruments, treating both classic and emerging measurement techniques. The two editors head an international community of eminent scientists, all of them accepted and experienced specialists in their field, who help readers to understand specific problems related to airborne research, such as immanent uncertainties and limitations. They also provide guidance on the suitability of instruments to measure certain parameters and to select the correct type of device. While primarily intended for climate, geophysical and atmospheric researchers, its relevance to solar system objects makes this work equally appealing to astronomers studying atmospheres of solar system bodies with telescopes and space probes.

The South Atlantic

Book Description

The book presents results of recent projects in oceanography and marine geosciences (e.g. WOCE, JGOFS, PAGES, ODP) regarding present and past circulation in the South Atlantic. The objective of the book is to integrate results from both oceanographic and geological studies. As the connecting link between the Antarctic and the North Atlantic, the South Atlantic plays a crucial role with regard to the heat budget of the North Atlantic and to the biogeochemical budget of the global ocean. New results from studies of meridional water mass and heat transports are presented. The central theme of geological investigations is the reconstruction of current and productivity systems in the South Atlantic during the late Quaternary.

Quantification of the Downstream Impact of Extratropical Transition for Typhoon Jangmi and Other Case Studies

Book Description

The impact of extratropical transition on the midlatitude flow is quantified based on potential vorticity inversion. The detailed study of Typhoon Jangmi (2008) reveals the diabatically enhanced net transport of low-PV air to the tropopause as the key physical process determining the direct impact of ET. Relocation experiments and further case studies show the crucial role of the relative position of the TC and the midlatitude flow for the downstream impact of ET and the reduced predictability.