New Creation Realities

Book Description

Christianity has revealed the secret that psychologists have long sought--the "inward soul," the re-created spirit, the focus of God's great redemptive work on earth. The four Gospels give us a wonderful picture of the lonely man of Galilee, the humble Messiah who ends His earthly walk on Calvary. But Paul's Epistles give us the risen triumphant One, the conqueror of death, sin, and Satan. He provides the revelation of what happened on the cross and in the tomb, and how that affects who and what we are in Christ today. Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon delves deeply into Paul's teaching to give us a living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ, which made possible the new creation, a new race of men and women who can stand in God's presence without a sense of guilt, condemnation, or inferiority.

Upward, Inward, Outward

Book Description

This book is about discovering together how to understand and live the Greatest Commandment. We’re not after the “art of thinking about God a little differently.” We’re here to uncover the needs God created within us—needs for meaning, intimacy, honesty, humility, justice, compassion, and more—and how he designed us to find those needs fulfilled in him. This is the art of living Jesus’ spirituality. God gives us the key in the Greatest Commandment, but we’ve got to do this stuff in the right order. Imagine I invite you to my sweet cabin by the lake. To start hanging out in that cabin, you need to get the key from me, pack your car, follow the GPS, and so on. There’s a natural order to it. It’s the same with the Greatest Commandment. We begin upward, with loving God. The God. God of the Old Testament, God of the New Testament. God the Trinity—Father, Son, Holy Spirit. We continue inward, with understanding our true identities in Jesus. And when we get those things right, God’s Spirit sends us outward, on mission into the world. These three movements—upward, inward, and outward—mirror the Greatest Commandment and help us learn the art of living harmoniously together in a chaotic world.

The Inward Light

Book Description

True Identity

Book Description

Teens' Guide to Identity from FamilyLife All teens wrestle with the question "Who am I?" and wonder, What makes me special? Though these questions linger for life, they are most intense in the teen years, where confusion, awkwardness, and a desperate grab for identity reign. So how does a young person answer these critical questions? Where do young men and women find their significance, worth, and value? True Identity is perfect for parents and youth workers to give to the teenagers (14-16) in their lives to help them in their journey. Drawing on experiences and wisdom from a wide array of experts, the book provides compassionate answers to help teens discover who they really are, emphasizing their identity in Christ above all other ways our culture defines them. As the book walks teens through the steps to make their faith their own, it highlights healthy independence and God-honoring relationships. The Passport2Identity curriculum launched in April 2016, and True Identity is its trade book companion.


Book Description

¿Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.¿ 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJVThis profound scripture is a monumental description of the Christian faith. It exposes truths that many throughout history have struggled to understand. By reading this scripture, you may begin to wonder what really happens when a person has an encounter with God and receives the gift of salvation? What does the Bible mean when it says, ¿a new creation¿? These questions along with a multitude of others have been asked, discussed and preached about throughout the entire world. These discussions appear in conversations with coffee, Bible Study groups, and teaching series. The interest of this topic has been embarked upon to satisfy the desire of knowledge of many. Their goal is to understand who they really are which will occur after reading these uplifting words written by Dr. Wayne Frye.In the book INWARD, Dr. Wayne Frye takes you on a journey to discover the truth and principles surrounding one of the most important revelations that will change your life. By the end of this eye-opening book, you will now know, understand and be positioned to walk in your true nature in Christ. Open your heart and experience this journey INWARD.

The Inward Journey

Book Description

Chris Young became a Christian a few months ago. Now he writes to his older, wiser Uncle Bill, "I'd like to ask you... what part suffering will play in my life." Uncle Bill responds, and thus begins a series of personal letters from the seasoned Christian worker to encourage and guide his young relative in the Christian life. As we read these letters, we too gain great help and insight into how God transforms our character and fashions us into the image of Christ. The cross, suffering, transformation and God's ultimate purpose are the issues that unfold in this unique book by Gene Edwards. Though written for the new believer, it speaks with a depth and newness that will arrest even the most mature believer. The story spans time, space and eternity to deliver its beautiful, moving and profound message. The Inward Journey is the third of a three-book series entitled "Introduction to the Deeper Christian Life."

The Inward Light

Book Description