Is Christianity Sensible?

Book Description

Is the Christian faith an intelligent faith; Have Christians got some cogent proofs that Christ is the only true mediator between God and man; That the Bible is God's only true source of revelation to mankind; That God truly exists and Christianity can truly lead all genuine believers to heaven? This book answers these and many such questions which all true Christians must answer in defense of their faith.

Sensible Religion

Book Description

Around the globe religion is under attack. Humanists, secularists and atheists depict believers as deluded and dangerous. The aim of this book is to challenge this perception. Sensible Religion defends the validity and emphasises the excitement of the religious quest across the faiths. It demonstrates that the practice of sensible religion is often a courageous path pitted against religious extremism and secularism. Written by committed believers from the major world's faiths, the book endorses the term 'sensible' as expressing religious reasonableness as well as sensitivity to criticism and new insights. Followers of the different traditions live ordinary lives in the mainstream of the world. This volume therefore addresses beliefs and the manner in which these convictions relate to social, political and ethical action. Countering the argument that religion is at root extremist and irrational, Sensible Religion brings together thoughtful and critical reflections by leading thinkers about humanity's spiritual quest.

Is Christianity Sensible

Book Description

Defending Christianity and the Christian faith against all destructive and derogatory criticisms must not be approached with any parochial denominational interest or emphasis. It is a serious subject on which all Christians must unite irrespective of their denominational and doctrinal differences and persuasions. We need to bury all differences as Christians and together find convincing answers to great questions like: Is the Christian faith an Intelligent faith; Is Christ the only true mediator between God and man; Did the Lord Jesus Christ Truly Rise from the Dead to give indelible evidence and credibility only to Christianity; Is the Bible God's only true source of revelation to mankind; Is Christianity the only True way to God's Free Salvation; Does God truly exist and can Christianity truly lead all genuine believers to a place called Heaven which truly exists? This is what the Bible is telling us to do in Jude 1:3 in words: "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" NKJV because these facts and truths are the pillars and the foundation on which Christianity and the Christian faith rest. This is what this book aims at helping everyone who calls himself a Christian and a follower of Christ to do irrespective of their denominational or doctrinal emphasis. This is what makes this book a must for all true Christians like you wherever they are!

Sensible Religion

Book Description

Around the globe religion is under attack. Humanists, secularists and atheists depict believers as deluded and dangerous. The aim of this book is to challenge this perception. Sensible Religion defends the validity and emphasises the excitement of the religious quest across the faiths. It demonstrates that the practice of sensible religion is often a courageous path pitted against religious extremism and secularism. Written by committed believers from the major world's faiths, the book endorses the term 'sensible' as expressing religious reasonableness as well as sensitivity to criticism and new insights. Followers of the different traditions live ordinary lives in the mainstream of the world. This volume therefore addresses beliefs and the manner in which these convictions relate to social, political and ethical action. Countering the argument that religion is at root extremist and irrational, Sensible Religion brings together thoughtful and critical reflections by leading thinkers about humanity's spiritual quest.

Christianity and Sensibility: Truth, Tradition, and Myth

Book Description

I have spent three years researching in depth interested topics of the Bible and within Christianity. This book is filled with information, research, original languages, ancient understanding, and with that its Truths. This book reveals myths, and traditions that take away from the truth of the scripture that the modern day Christian church has silently embraced. My hope is to enlighten readers, Christians, Jews and interested persons alike to understanding the (history & science) and scipture go hand in hand and are not two opposing forces. They are two sides to the same coin. Topics include: Noah's Flood, Adam and Eve, Divorce, Homosexuality, Messiah, The law or Torah, The book of Revelation, and many more.

Sensitive and Strong

Book Description

Embrace the Unique Way God Designed You Perhaps you’re bothered by bright lights or you struggle to tune out background noise. Maybe you’re quick to notice the details others miss or you need more time to process events. You may feel emotions deeply and hear, “You’re just too sensitive.” But what if you learned you’re not “too sensitive”? What if your sensitivity is part of your design and comes with corresponding strengths? One in five people are HSPs—Highly Sensitive Persons—with the genetic trait of sensory sensitivity. As an HSP, you are not fragile or frail. You can be a strong friend in relationships, strong partner in business, and strong member of your community. Sensitive and Strong is your guide to navigating the HSP journey of exploration and growth. It will help you… discover you’re different, not defective understand your genetic disposition to an over-abundance of stimuli see how your sensitivities correlate to key strengths respond to stressful situations with confidence and calm harness your strengths to serve others Release the worry that you’re “too high maintenance” or just plain “too much” and embrace the many ways you can be both sensitive and strong.

Common Sense Christianity

Book Description