Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition

Book Description

Completely revised and updated, this best-selling introduction to programming in JavaScript focuses on writing real applications. JavaScript lies at the heart of almost every modern web application, from social apps like Twitter to browser-based game frameworks like Phaser and Babylon. Though simple for beginners to pick up and play with, JavaScript is a flexible, complex language that you can use to build full-scale applications. This much anticipated and thoroughly revised third edition of Eloquent JavaScript dives deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful, effective code. It has been updated to reflect the current state of Java¬Script and web browsers and includes brand-new material on features like class notation, arrow functions, iterators, async functions, template strings, and block scope. A host of new exercises have also been added to test your skills and keep you on track. As with previous editions, Haverbeke continues to teach through extensive examples and immerses you in code from the start, while exercises and full-chapter projects give you hands-on experience with writing your own programs. You start by learning the basic structure of the JavaScript language as well as control structures, functions, and data structures to help you write basic programs. Then you'll learn about error handling and bug fixing, modularity, and asynchronous programming before moving on to web browsers and how JavaScript is used to program them. As you build projects such as an artificial life simulation, a simple programming language, and a paint program, you'll learn how to: - Understand the essential elements of programming, including syntax, control, and data - Organize and clarify your code with object-oriented and functional programming techniques - Script the browser and make basic web applications - Use the DOM effectively to interact with browsers - Harness Node.js to build servers and utilities Isn't it time you became fluent in the language of the Web? * All source code is available online in an inter¬active sandbox, where you can edit the code, run it, and see its output instantly.

Composing Software

Book Description

All software design is composition: the act of breaking complex problems down into smaller problems and composing those solutions. Most developers have a limited understanding of compositional techniques. It's time for that to change.In "Composing Software", Eric Elliott shares the fundamentals of composition, including both function composition and object composition, and explores them in the context of JavaScript. The book covers the foundations of both functional programming and object oriented programming to help the reader better understand how to build and structure complex applications using simple building blocks.You'll learn: Functional programmingObject compositionHow to work with composite data structuresClosuresHigher order functionsFunctors (e.g., array.map)Monads (e.g., promises)TransducersLensesAll of this in the context of JavaScript, the most used programming language in the world. But the learning doesn't stop at JavaScript. You'll be able to apply these lessons to any language. This book is about the timeless principles of software composition and its lessons will outlast the hot languages and frameworks of today. Unlike most programming books, this one may still be relevant 20 years from now.This book began life as a popular blog post series that attracted hundreds of thousands of readers and influenced the way software is built at many high growth tech startups and fortune 500 companies

Head First JavaScript Programming

Book Description

What will you learn from this book? This brain-friendly guide teaches you everything from JavaScript language fundamentals to advanced topics, including objects, functions, and the browser’s document object model. You won’t just be reading—you’ll be playing games, solving puzzles, pondering mysteries, and interacting with JavaScript in ways you never imagined. And you’ll write real code, lots of it, so you can start building your own web applications. Prepare to open your mind as you learn (and nail) key topics including: The inner details of JavaScript How JavaScript works with the browser The secrets of JavaScript types Using arrays The power of functions How to work with objects Making use of prototypes Understanding closures Writing and testing applications What’s so special about this book? We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First JavaScript Programming uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. This book replaces Head First JavaScript, which is now out of print.

Programming JavaScript Applications

Book Description

Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient code that’s easier—yes, easier—to work with as your code base grows. JavaScript may be the most essential web programming language, but in the real world, JavaScript applications often break when you make changes. With this book, author Eric Elliott shows you how to add client- and server-side features to a large JavaScript application without negatively affecting the rest of your code. Examine the anatomy of a large-scale JavaScript application Build modern web apps with the capabilities of desktop applications Learn best practices for code organization, modularity, and reuse Separate your application into different layers of responsibility Build efficient, self-describing hypermedia APIs with Node.js Test, integrate, and deploy software updates in rapid cycles Control resource access with user authentication and authorization Expand your application’s reach through internationalization

JavaScript Crash Course

Book Description

A fast-paced, thorough programming introduction that will have you writing your own software and web applications in no time. Like Python Crash Course, this hands-on guide is a must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to code from the ground up—this time using the popular JavaScript programming language. Learn JavaScript—Fast! JavaScript Crash Course is a fun-filled, fast-paced introduction to programming with JavaScript. Dive right in and you’ll be writing code, solving problems, and building working web applications and games in no time. You’ll start by learning fundamental programming concepts, such as variables, arrays, objects, functions, conditionals, loops, classes, and more. Aided by engaging examples and hands-on exercises, you’ll build on this foundation and combine JavaScript with HTML and CSS to create interactive web applications that you can run right away. Then you’ll put your new skills into play with three substantial projects: a Pong-style game with a virtual opponent, an app that generates electronic music, and a platform for visualizing data fetched from an API. Along the way, you’ll learn how to: • Update web pages in real time by manipulating the Document Object Model • Trigger functions in response to events like key presses and mouse clicks • Generate graphics and animations with JavaScript and HTML’s Canvas element • Visualize data with the D3.js library and scalable vector graphics (SVG) • Make electronic music with Tone.js and the Web Audio API If you’ve been thinking about digging into programming, JavaScript Crash Course will get you writing real programs fast. Why wait any longer? Jump on your magic carpet and ride!

JavaScript: The Good Parts

Book Description

Most programming languages contain good and bad parts, but JavaScript has more than its share of the bad, having been developed and released in a hurry before it could be refined. This authoritative book scrapes away these bad features to reveal a subset of JavaScript that's more reliable, readable, and maintainable than the language as a whole—a subset you can use to create truly extensible and efficient code. Considered the JavaScript expert by many people in the development community, author Douglas Crockford identifies the abundance of good ideas that make JavaScript an outstanding object-oriented programming language-ideas such as functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, and an expressive object literal notation. Unfortunately, these good ideas are mixed in with bad and downright awful ideas, like a programming model based on global variables. When Java applets failed, JavaScript became the language of the Web by default, making its popularity almost completely independent of its qualities as a programming language. In JavaScript: The Good Parts, Crockford finally digs through the steaming pile of good intentions and blunders to give you a detailed look at all the genuinely elegant parts of JavaScript, including: Syntax Objects Functions Inheritance Arrays Regular expressions Methods Style Beautiful features The real beauty? As you move ahead with the subset of JavaScript that this book presents, you'll also sidestep the need to unlearn all the bad parts. Of course, if you want to find out more about the bad parts and how to use them badly, simply consult any other JavaScript book. With JavaScript: The Good Parts, you'll discover a beautiful, elegant, lightweight and highly expressive language that lets you create effective code, whether you're managing object libraries or just trying to get Ajax to run fast. If you develop sites or applications for the Web, this book is an absolute must.

Head First JavaScript

Book Description

Provides information on scripting Web applications with JavaScript.

Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition

Book Description

Completely revised and updated, this best-selling introduction to programming in JavaScript focuses on writing real applications. JavaScript lies at the heart of almost every modern web application, from social apps like Twitter to browser-based game frameworks like Phaser and Babylon. Though simple for beginners to pick up and play with, JavaScript is a flexible, complex language that you can use to build full-scale applications. This much anticipated and thoroughly revised third edition of Eloquent JavaScript dives deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful, effective code. It has been updated to reflect the current state of Java¬Script and web browsers and includes brand-new material on features like class notation, arrow functions, iterators, async functions, template strings, and block scope. A host of new exercises have also been added to test your skills and keep you on track. As with previous editions, Haverbeke continues to teach through extensive examples and immerses you in code from the start, while exercises and full-chapter projects give you hands-on experience with writing your own programs. You start by learning the basic structure of the JavaScript language as well as control structures, functions, and data structures to help you write basic programs. Then you'll learn about error handling and bug fixing, modularity, and asynchronous programming before moving on to web browsers and how JavaScript is used to program them. As you build projects such as an artificial life simulation, a simple programming language, and a paint program, you'll learn how to: - Understand the essential elements of programming, including syntax, control, and data - Organize and clarify your code with object-oriented and functional programming techniques - Script the browser and make basic web applications - Use the DOM effectively to interact with browsers - Harness Node.js to build servers and utilities Isn't it time you became fluent in the language of the Web? * All source code is available online in an inter¬active sandbox, where you can edit the code, run it, and see its output instantly.

Head First HTML5 Programming

Book Description

"Head First HTML5" introduces key features including improved text elements, audio and video tags, geolocation, and the Canvas drawing surface. Concrete examples and exercises are applied to reinforce these concepts.

Functional JavaScript

Book Description

How can you overcome JavaScript language oddities and unsafe features? With this book, you’ll learn how to create code that’s beautiful, safe, and simple to understand and test by using JavaScript’s functional programming support. Author Michael Fogus shows you how to apply functional-style concepts with Underscore.js, a JavaScript library that facilitates functional programming techniques. Sample code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/funjs/book-source. Fogus helps you think in a functional way to help you minimize complexity in the programs you build. If you’re a JavaScript programmer hoping to learn functional programming techniques, or a functional programmer looking to learn JavaScript, this book is the ideal introduction. Use applicative programming techniques with first-class functions Understand how and why you might leverage variable scoping and closures Delve into higher-order functions—and learn how they take other functions as arguments for maximum advantage Explore ways to compose new functions from existing functions Get around JavaScript’s limitations for using recursive functions Reduce, hide, or eliminate the footprint of state change in your programs Practice flow-based programming with chains and functional pipelines Discover how to code without using classes