Jesus: Fallen?

Book Description

Was Jesus Christ a fallen human being, like us? Was His human nature corrupt and sinful, inherently and necessarily subject to suffering and death? Did He inherit a fallen humanity? If His humanity was fallen how was He sinless? Did He have human ignorance? In what way was His human will involved in the plan of salvation? What effect did the hypostatic union have on His humanity? In Jesus: Fallen?, Emmanuel Hatzidakis, a Greek Orthodox priest, addresses these and other controversial questions pertaining to the human nature of Christ, which are debated in many Christian denominations, and in his own Church. The theology advanced in the book is the traditional theology of the historic Church. In all the modern confusio of multiple Christs, here we have the perennial image of the incarnate God, the Theanthropos Christ. The book should appeal to every serious Christian and student of theology, history of dogma and Church History who is comfortable neither with liberalism nor fundamentalism, but who is searching for the authentically true teachings of Christianity. Hatzidakis draws richly from the patristic inheritance of East and West in an original, refreshing, and accessible way. He refutes opinions formed by many eminent postlapsarian theologians. This pivotal study is the first to address this topic from an Eastern Orthodox perspective and in this regard it constitutes an important contribution to Christology. A well-researched study it sheds light from an Eastern Orthodox perspective on this intriguing and crucial topic. It maintains that the subject of Christ’s humanity and its understanding is neither a theologoumenon nor an abstract intellectual cogitation, but a matter of profound soteriological and anthropological import.

Divinity and Humanity

Book Description

The doctrine of the Incarnation lies at the heart of Christianity. But the idea that 'God was in Christ' has become a much-debated topic in modern theology. Oliver Crisp addresses six key issues in the Incarnation defending a robust version of the doctrine, in keeping with classical Christology. He explores perichoresis, or interpenetration, with reference to both the Incarnation and Trinity. Over two chapters Crisp deals with the human nature of Christ and then provides an argument against the view, common amongst some contemporary theologians, that Christ had a fallen human nature. He considers the notion of divine kenosis or self-emptying, and discusses non-Incarnational Christology, focusing on the work of John Hick. This view denies Christ is God Incarnate, regarding him as primarily a moral exemplar to be imitated. Crisp rejects this alternative account of the nature of Christology.

The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us

Book Description

In 2007, the author received a revelation that compared the church to a condemned building. Pam was asked, ""would you put up curtains at the windows of a condemned building?"" With that revelation came the understanding that the organized church was judged 3 decades ago. Not believing this word, Pam set out to disprove it by doing a study of church history. She also reviewed various occult, new age websites of mediums or channels who have been communicating with beings who first identified themselves as UFO's and then ultimately called themselves ""ascended masters."" The Fake Jesus is a record of what Pam discovered once she tried the spirits to see if they be of God. This book will open your eyes to the truth as to ""who the fallen angels are, who sent them, what is their agenda, and how to recognize if your church is under their influence. The hour is late. This book has traced that fallen angels have been among us since about 1830. Don't YOU be deceived by a fallen angel.

Christ's Humanity in Current and Ancient Controversy: Fallen or Not?

Book Description

Was Christ's human nature fallen, even sinful? From the 18th century to the present, this view has become increasingly prominent in Reformed theological circles and beyond, despite vigorous opposition. Both sides on the issue see it as vital for understanding the nature of salvation. Each side's advocates appeal to or critique the Church Fathers. This book reviews the history and present state of the debate, then surveys the connections, distinctions, and patristic interpretations of five of the modern fallenness view's proponents (Edward Irving, Karl Barth, T. F. Torrance, Colin Gunton, and Thomas Weinandy) and five of its opponents (Marcus Dods the Elder, A. B. Bruce, H. R. Mackintosh, Philip Hughes, and Donald Macleod). The book verifies the views of the ten most-cited Fathers: five Greek (Irenaeus, Athanasius, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory Nyssen, and Cyril of Alexandria) and five Latin (Tertullian, Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose, Augustine, and Leo the Great). The study concludes by sketching the implications of its findings for the doctrines of the Immaculate Conception, sin, sanctification, and Scripture.

Following Jesus in a Fallen World

Book Description

Pain: The Plight of Fallen Man

Book Description

Do you suffer from pain? At last–a book on “pain management” from a Christian viewpoint! Pain: The Plight of Fallen Man is a volume you can read with confidence that will direct those suffering from pain to God’s solution to the problem from Scripture. Dr. Jim Halla, a practicing rheumatologist and a National Association of Nouthetic Counselors fellow, knows from experience how to use the Scripture to help those suffering pain. In his medical practice, Dr. Halla regularly treats and counsels hurting patients. In Pain: The Plight of Fallen Man Dr. Halla shares his wisdom with those who hurt and those who are trying to help.

The Establishment: the fallen tent of David and God's end-time house of prayer

Book Description

This is a book about the workings of an establishment that God is doing in these last days. Prophesied from ancient times, the establishment is going on in communities across the globe. As centers for intercession, as centers for evangelism, and as strategic bases for mercy and justice, God is founding Houses of Prayer all across the earth: this is The Establishment!

The Gospel of the Fallen Angel

Book Description

'From humble beginnings as a private investigator in the Heavenly Court, Satan worked his way up the career ladder to become God's Chief Prosecutor. It wasn't long before he branched off and started his own global enterprise as Prince of The World. 'The Gospel of The Fallen Angel' is Satan's exclusive, honest account of the life and times of his greatest adversary, Jesus of Galilee.' When Jesus walked on earth he gave strict orders not to let anyone know who he was. My minions couldn't help themselves. They kept blurting it out! I had better self control. Until now! After 2000 years, I've finally broken my silence. Not bad going for the archetypal disobedient one! Satan Geraint's The Gospel of The Fallen Angel is a first to tell the story of Jesus from Satan's perspective. He tells the story of the real Jewish Jesus, not the fictitious Christ of the Christian church. A highly original, clever, often funny, alternative view of the Gospels. It has a lot to say about traditional Christianity that is interesting and uncomfortable. Its appeal is its modern message about what it means to be human, whether one is religious or not.

Restoring a Fallen Christian

Book Description

Greg S. Baker delivers a poignant and thought-provoking examination of the depth and struggles of a fallen Christian and the effort needed to help restore them back to the loving embrace of Jesus Christ. There has been much written on winning the lost to Christ, but very little focuses on those who have fallen away from Christ--and how to get them back. Restoring a Fallen Christian fills a gaping hole in Christian literature. The principles come straight from Scripture to provide insightful, practical, and thorough instructions to help bring someone back to Jesus Christ. We hear of tragic stories everyday of Christians who have fallen away, but the effort in bringing them back have become a hurdle for the church and a challenge for every believer. In many cases, these fallen Christians can and want to come back. Often, though, we don't know where to start or how to proceed in helping them be restored--and that is the point of this book. We are commanded to restore those who have fallen away. Greg S. Baker uses his experiences as a pastor and counselor to shed light on this sensitive subject. People fall away for many reasons, and he tackles most of them to provide the widest range of tools available to the Restorer. This book is a must-have for every Christian. If you don't need it now, there may come a time when you do.

Fallen Angels and Fallen Women

Book Description

The strange and enigmatic title "son of man" has intrigued biblical scholars for millennia. What does it mean and how does it describe Jesus in his role as the Christian messiah? Robin Jarrell surveys the mythological roots of the phrase in the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh and traces its development from the mythology of the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut's birth narrative, to the Baal Cycle in Ugaritic literature, to the story of Pandora, and finally to the story of creation found in the book of Genesis. The key to unlocking the mystery of the phrase "son of man" is embedded in the story of the first "son of man"--Noah--with the reference to "the sons of God" who found wives among the "daughters of men" and whose offspring brought devastation to the earth and the reason for the flood. In the hands of the Christian gospel writers, the parallel "son of man" figure found in the Dead Sea Scrolls reemerges in the identity of the last "son of man"--Jesus of Nazareth.