The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Book Description

Recommended to us as even better than The Imitation of Christ, and we think it is! Written for everyone, and everyone should own it. In this book Jesus is speaking to the reader -- through the author, of course -- in short, easy-to-understand chapters that are filled with wisdom. Thereafter the student of the spiritual life -- representing ourselves -- speaks to Jesus. Renders a unique and powerful effect upon the soul! One of the best spiritual books you can acquire; great for beginners as well as those advanced in the spiritual life. Impr. 734 pgs, PB

Secrets of the Sacred Heart

Book Description

Winner of a third-place award for spirituality books from the Catholic Media Association. Do you yearn for the peace, protection, and joy of a Christ-centered home? The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the answer. Bestselling and award-winning author Emily Jaminet takes up each of the twelve promises Christ made to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in a series of visions, puts a fresh new spin on the classic Catholic devotion, and invites you and your family to experience the profound spiritual benefits you will receive when you keep the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the center of your home. Appearing to her in a series of visions in 1673, Jesus promised St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that those who “expose and honor his most Sacred Heart” will find peace in the home, consolation in sorrow, and a source of refuge in times of trouble. In Secrets of the Sacred Heart, Emily Jaminet—executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network—weaves personal testimony, teachings, and reflection questions while exploring and applying each of Christ’s promises. Jaminet will guide you through a special enthronement ceremony to dedicate your home and inspire you to a lifelong devotion to the Sacred Heart. Whether you have already consecrated your home or are newly embarking on the journey of discovering the graces of this ancient practice, you will find a personal encounter with Jesus, who promises: peace in your home, safe refuge in life and death, blessings on your undertakings, an infinite source of mercy, and a restored and enlivened faith for those who surrender themselves wholly to Christ. Videos and additional resources can be found at

Jesus & the Sacred Heart

Book Description

Throughout this compelling book channelled by Robin L. Dow, Jesus corrects vital misinterpretations of His teachings in the Bible. He also corrects many religious beliefs and provides us with clarity of vision about the true nature of Him, ourselves, and God. According to some, God is both almighty love and wrath, and Jesus explains why He cannot be anything except love. Jesus makes it clear that we have individually created our world as it presently is, with our thoughts, attitudes and behaviour, and if we want a peaceful future for humanity and our world, we need to open our hearts to view ourselves and mankind in a radically different manner. We are provided with all the tools we need to change ourselves and thus our future into abiding peace, love and happiness, and Jesus outlines how truly simple it is to achieve this.. We are left in no doubt about the need to act NOW. The feeling of Jesus all encompassing love for mankind is intensely palpable throughout the book, as is His depth of understanding and compassion for us in our human frailty and confusion. Always encouraging, inspiring and ever our devoted loving companion, Jesus urges us to love all as He does unconditionally and without exception.


Book Description

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an ancient practice honoring Christ as the Merciful One who is love. This special prayer book can help you grow more deeply in love with Jesus and experience the love of his Sacred Heart in your life. Written and compiled by Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouv, FSP, it will help Catholics of all ages to enter into this very special devotion that is all about love.

A Heart on Fire

Book Description

In A Heart on Fire: Rediscovering Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Rev. James Kubicki, SJ, presents a persuasive and engaging guide to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an age-old and often misunderstood Catholic devotion. He delves into the rich theological and spiritual roots of the devotion and demonstrates how the faithful may encounter the Sacred Heart of Jesus in one another, scripture, the sacraments, and especially in the Eucharist. Fr. Kubicki, former national director of the Apostleship of Prayer (now the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network), brings to life the rich imagery associated with the devotion’s history and provides a contemporary look at traditional devotions like the Twelve Promises, family consecration and enthronement, the Sacred Heart Badge, the Litany of the Sacred Heart, holy hours, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Book Description

From its origins in the mid-seventeenth century visions of the French nun Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647–90) to its continuing employment in worship today, the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been controversial. Vigorously promoted by Jesuit spiritual directors, embroiled in the controversies of Jansenist writers, closely associated with Royalist political causes in France, and taken around the world by Sister Sophie Barat in the nineteenth century, the Devotion’s practices took on the shape of its evolving visual culture and iconography. This volume traces the unfolding visual biography of the sacred heart and shows how imagery documents the Devotion’s remarkable evolution.

Consoling the Heart of Jesus

Book Description

Endorsed by EWTN hosts Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, and Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, this do-it-yourself retreat combines the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Sts. Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowlaska, and Louis de Montfort. The author, Br. Michael Gaitley, MIC, has a remarkable gift for inspiring little souls to trust in Jesus, The Divine Mercy. As Danielle Bean, editorial director of Faith & Family magazine, puts it, "The voice of Christ in these pages is one that even this hopelessly distracted wife and mother of eight could hear and respond to." Includes practical helps an in appendices.

The Glories of the Sacred Heart

Book Description

"The Sacred Heart is, as Simeon prophesied of Jesus Himself, 'Signum cui contradicetur.' Like the title of His Blessed Mother, who is in very truth 'Mother of God, ' it has drawn to itself all the assaults of heresy. For it is a divine test of faith in the mystery of the Word made Flesh, 'ut revelentur ex multis cordibus cogitationes.' Those who have trusted with a yearning hope that the faith of Englishmen, in the Incarnation at least, was firm and clear were saddened and silenced when the pilgrimage to Paray-le-Monial elicited from some of the highest sources of the established religion a profession of simple Nestorianism. It was then that the first fifty pages in this book were published. Having been out of print for some time, they are now reprinted, as the doctrinal foundation of all that follows. The devotion of the Sacred Heart has two aspects: the one as the centre of all dogma; the other as the source of the deepest devotion. In this latter aspect it reveals to us the personal love of our Divine Redeemer towards each and every one for whom He died. It is a manifestation of His pity, tenderness, compassion, and mercy to sinners and to penitents. Nevertheless, its chief characteristic and its dominant note is His disappointment at the returns we make to Him for His love, and above all, His divine displeasure at the faults and sins of those who are specially consecrated at His service. He seems to be sadly upbraiding us with the three doubting questions which He put to Peter, 'Lovest thou Me?' and to be looking upon us as He turned and looked on him, when he had thrice denied his Master. Into this part of the devotion of the Sacred Heart I have not ventured. It has already been treated so profusely by others, and by many of whom I have only to learn; it is in itself so deep and intimately related to the personal life and mind of each, that I have always felt it better to use but few suggestive words rather than to draw out devotional acts, which to the writer are no doubt spontaneous, natural, and real, but to the reader may be a burden like Saul's armour to David. In the following pages, therefore, I have intentionally confined myself to the dogmatic side of the devotion; and for the following reasons. I believe firmly that when divine truth is fully and duly apprehended it generates devotion; that one cause of shallowness in the spiritual life is a superficial apprehension of the dogma of the Incarnation; and that one divine purpose in the institution and diffusion of the devotion of the Sacred Heart, in these last times, is to reawaken in the minds of men the consciousness of their personal relation to a Divine Master. He has foretold the dimness and coldness of these latter days: 'The Son of Man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on the earth? (S. Luke xviii. 8.)' 'Because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold (S. Matt. xxiv. 12).' In that day the disciples of the Sacred Heart at least will 'know whom they have believed.'"--

The Promises of the Sacred Heart

Book Description

This booklet outlines fpr Catholic Christians the twelve promises of the Sacred Heart.