Jewels of Gujarat: Bhimji Depar Shah & Sons

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It All Starts From Within An Indian rather unknown of in India, loved, respected and reckoned in Kenya, he mustered up courage enough to achieve what others could not dare dream of. Coming from a destitute family, he has risen to become one of the richest and has had a roller coaster ride to be featured among the Forbes’ Top 100 in Kenya. Why do the likes of Harvard Business School conduct study on Mr. Bhimji Depar Shah to inspire upcoming entrepreneurs? He shares.

Jewels of Gujarat: Vishram ‘V.J.’ Jadva Patel

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HE MADE THE WORLD HIS UNIVERSITY “Doing things better, every day” defines his life. A swimmer in the open sea, he has been trekking through places like Kailash, Mansarovar, Mount Kilimanjaro, to name a few and playing tennis for past many years. A certified pilot and diver, he is an avid traveller, travelled to far-offs like Arctic and Antarctica. How does Mr. Vishram Jadva Patel switch to being a builder of some of the most outstanding sites, an industrialist to look up to, an indispensible connect between India and Africa and a charismatic person?

Jewels of Gujarat: Chandrakant Babubhai 'C.B.' Patel

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THE VOICE OF THE SOCIETY When passion and purpose amalgamate, they raise excellence. His passion to achieve his purpose took him across the seven seas, but the strenuous journey couldn’t stop him, rather strengthened him unbound. From civil service to business to journalism, he has been there and done it all. Says Mr. Chandrakant Babubhai ‘C.B.’ Patel, only his desire to succeed took him all around.

Jewels of Gujarat: Ela Gandhi

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WALKING ON THE GANDHI’S PATH She comes from the family of a person who changed the entire course of India’s independence struggle. A gem at heart, with gray hair, she still takes forward the legacy that was started more than a decade ago. One among the few ladies who have done something great for humanity, here’s Dr. Ela Gandhi, an anti-apartheid activist from an early age, the granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi.

Jewels of Gujarat: Keshavlal Chandaria

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LIVING FOR GIVING A philanthropist par excellence and an exceptional community leader, Mr. Keshavlal Chandaria is a nonagenarian, reputed as someone to go to whenever help is needed. A poet and a master of 12 languages, his work with the Rotary Club of Toronto since 1977 has helped many across the globe. He is a prime example of those who have, against all odds, clawed their way to the commanding heights and are making a remarkable contribution to the economy.

Jewels of Gujarat: Rekha Bajaria

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INDUSTRIOUS, HUMBLE AND GRACEFUL Not just an entrepreneur, she is a bundle of energy, generous, successful businesswoman with a heart of gold. The Vice President and founder of Shriji Mandir and ex-President of SAHARA, she is a multi-tasking wonder-woman. Her strengths include maintaining relationships, empowering people and managing businesses. Ms. Rekha Bajaria's story is an inspirational anecdote of what a woman with a vision and spirit can do for upliftment of self and a community.

Jewels of Gujarat: Rasiklal Chhotalal Kantaria

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TOWARDS AN EQUAL SOCIETY He comes from a family who migrated to a foreign land around 125 years back and made the new country his own. Striving to help themselves survive, his family today has grown from a small shop to banking enterprises. Leading them today is he, who has come a long way realising his dreams, perpetrating equality, opportunities and a ‘never-say-never’ spirit for every Kenyan. Mr. Rasiklal Chhotalal Kantaria, a reflection of his father's ideals and beliefs, has a diligent business acumen, conviction and calibre to address the need of the hour.

Jewels of Gujarat: Mayur Thakorbhai Dalal

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COACHING TOWARDS THE WEALTH OF LIFE When he was three-years-old, his grandfather raised him gently at 4:30am each day with a smile on his face and took him to a temple. On the way, he would tell him stories and lessons he himself had learnt from his ancestors. Those stories carrying wisdom of hundreds of years became his treasure and today, more than five decades have passed, yet he lives by those wise teachings. Mr. Mayur Thakorbhai Dalal, a disciple of H.D.H. Pramukh Swamiji and 16 mentors, says, lessons in those stories and a few wise habits have transformed him.

Jewels of Gujarat: Bhupeshchandra Narottambhai Patel

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ONE STEP AHEAD, ALWAYS He was taught family values by his mother and life experiences by his father, and the blend of both made him achieve success. When it comes to spreading knowledge, culture and following scriptures, he is always at the forefront and enhancing togetherness among communities. One step ahead of what he wants, Mr. B.N. Patel believes education is the most powerful weapon to extract the best out of a person.

Jewels of Gujarat: Sunita Lyn Williams

Book Description

MAKING INDIA PROUD She is a born genius, who works hard with utter devotion and has set records on her two flights to the International Space Station. So successful is she, yet humility is her closest acquaint. A humanitarian, Mrs. Sunita Lyn Williams, lovingly called Suni, loves pets and thus dreamt of being a veterinarian but ended up being an astronaut, someone who holds the record for total cumulative spacewalk time by a female astronaut with 50 hours and 40 minutes, becoming a role model for young girls in Science and Technology.