Jingo Street

Book Description

Newly minted Oklahoma lawyer Anne Krease, 24, grew up sheltered like a hothouse flower. Sentenced to community service for accidental contempt of court, she encounters the gritty underworld of Jingo Street. There she meets Rosco, a mentally disabled man, and his younger brother, Max. Max Marcowitz killed his first man when he was eight. After failing in foster care, Max and Rosco were sent to the state boys home. Years later, they escaped and vanished into the streets. A natural con artist, Max did whatever was necessary to support himself and Rosco. Now 36, notorious, charming, and semi-retired, Max meets Anne, who sees in him a goodness no one has before. Badly mismatched, the chemistry between Max and Anne sizzles. But when Anne's life is threatened, Max makes a choice out of love that all but destroys the hope of having a life together.


Book Description

The day Jingo rode into Tower Creek, the town was busy celebrating its twentieth anniversary. The big event of the festival was a high-stakes poker game in Joe Slade’s saloon with Wally Rankin holding most of the chips. But it didn’t take long for Jingo to figure out why: Rankin was cheating. And it would only take a couple of well-placed bullets to reveal it to the others in the room.


Book Description

Discworld goes to war! Somewhere in the Circle Sea between Ankh-Morpork and Al-Khali, the Lost Kingdom of Leshp has emerged after hundreds of years beneath the waves. And so with no ships, no army and no money, Ankh-Morpork goes to war against the Klatchian army claiming the rock as their own. Undaunted by the prospect of being tortured to death by vastly superior numbers of enemy troops, a small band of intrepid men and a very thick troll set out under the command of Sir Samuel Vimes of the City Watch. If they can survive long enough, maybe they can arrest an entire army for breach of the peace...

Notes and Queries

Book Description

St. Giles and St. James

Book Description


Book Description

This book was written largely for the benefit of the writers children and grandchildren so they would know something of the life and hardships faced by their pioneering ancestors. It was inspired by their questions about our childhood and youth and their own memories of many visits to the Kansas farms of their grandparents and great grandparents. However, we think many other readers will enjoy learning something about what it was like growing up on a midwestern farm in the 1940s and 50s. A time that was in many ways much simpler but certainly not easy. We had the privilege of knowing personally grandparents and great grandparents who had lived through the many profound changes that occurred around the change of the century. Automobiles, tractors and telephones had only arrived on the farm about 30 years earlier and the grandparents’ barns and garages were still filled with horse-drawn equipment and harnesses from an earlier era. Electricity and graveled roads only occurred after WWII in our memory and running water and indoor bathrooms were still not common on many farms as late as 1955. It was a different and changing world of which we were privileged to be a part. Almost all our relatives lived nearby, and neighbors all knew us and didn’t hesitate to let our parents know if we were up to any mischief. We were expected to take responsibility, work hard, always be truthful, stay out of trouble, study hard and plant straight rows. All are excellent traits that unfortunately are not as valued today as they were then. In the book we have shared some history of the area and some stories of incidents from our lives that were not uncommon among farm families. We hope readers enjoy learning about us and our families.

Gunner Jingo's Jubilee

Book Description