The Microeconomics of Creating Productive Jobs

Book Description

The challenge for labor market policy in the transition economies has been to redress the sharp drops in employment and rises in unemployment in a way that fosters the creation of productive jobs. The authors first document the magnitude and productivity of job and worker reallocation. Then they investigate the effects of privatization, product and labor market liberalization, and obstacles to growth in the new private sector on reallocation and its productivity in Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. The authors find that market reform has resulted in a large increase in the pace of job reallocation, particularly that occurring between sectors and through firm turnover. Unlike under central planning, the job reallocation during the transition has contributed significantly to aggregate productivity growth. Privatization has not only stimulated intrasectoral job reallocation, but the reallocation is more productive than that among remaining state firms. The effect of privatization on firm productivity varies considerably across countries and is not always positive. The productivity gains from privatization have generally not come at the expense of workers but are rather associated with increased wages and employment.

Gross Job Flows in Ukraine

Book Description

In the Grip of Transition

Book Description

This book provides a detailed picture of the equity and efficiency of economic restructuring, focusing on the two most important successor states to the Soviet Union. Analysis is based on a careful examination of micro level data, documenting the experiences of workers, households and firms.

Unleashing Prosperity

Book Description

Over the past few years, the countries of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union have seen rapid productivity growth that has driven up living standards and reduced poverty. Unleashing Prosperity examines the microfoundations of the recent growth. The report shows that these countries have enjoyed substantial productivity gains from the reallocation of labor and capital to more productive sectors and firms, from the entry of new firms and the exit of obsolete firms, and from the more efficient use of resources. Unleashing Prosperity also illustrates that policy reforms that promote governance and macroeconomic stability, market competition, infrastructure quality, financial deepening, labor market flexibility, and skill upgrading are important in achieving higher productivity growth. However, significant challenges remain in sustaining productivity growth. The report argues that for the early reformers (most of the 10 new members of the European Union, plus Turkey), policy reforms aimed at improving the ability of firms to innovate and compete in global markets are a main concern. By contrast, for the late reformers (most of Southeastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States), policy reforms aimed at addressing the legacy of transition continue to be a top priority. Unleashing Prosperity shows why microeconomic reforms deserve more attention. It is a must-read for policy makers, government officials, researchers, and economists who are interested in furthering growth and prosperity in the region.

The Microeconomics of Creating Productive Jobs

Book Description

The challenge for labor market policy in the transition economies has been to redress the sharp drops in employment and rises in unemployment in a way that fosters the creation of productive jobs. The authors first document the magnitude and productivity of job and worker reallocation. Then they investigate the effects of privatization, product and labor market liberalization, and obstacles to growth in the new private sector on reallocation and its productivity in Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. The authors find that market reform has resulted in a large increase in the pace of job reallocation, particularly that occurring between sectors and through firm turnover. Unlike under central planning, the job reallocation during the transition has contributed significantly to aggregate productivity growth. Privatization has not only stimulated intrasectoral job reallocation, but the reallocation is more productive than that among remaining state firms. The effect of privatization on firm productivity varies considerably across countries and is not always positive. The productivity gains from privatization have generally not come at the expense of workers but are rather associated with increased wages and employment.