The Princeton Theological Review

Book Description

Includes section "Reviews of recent literature."

An Anthology of Single Land Tax Thought

Book Description

An understanding of the Single Land Tax (or the single tax on land value, as it is usually known) and of Henry George go hand in hand, for this was a major tenet of his political economy. This final volume in the Henry George Centennial Trilogy comprises selections from the works of distinguished scholars, both past and present, on the single land tax and its relation to Georgist philosophy. Drawing upon principles of land economics, they offer detailed and diverse insights into the concept of a single tax based on land value and the practical uses of land value taxation in industrialised economies as an effective and equable way to redistribute wealth.

Écrire son journal intime

Book Description

“J’écris pour vivre” ; dit Paule Régnier ; “pour ne pas m’oublier” dit Benjamin Constant, pour “emprisonner — avec des mots — le temps qui passe”, dit Julien Green ; les motifs sont variés, mais tous les auteurs s’accordent à reconnaître leur dette envers le journal intime. Les journaux que nous connaissons, ce sont ceux des gens célèbres ; mais les anonymes, les amateurs, peuvent éprouver le même bonheur à tenir leur journal et en espérer les mêmes bienfaits. Il n’est pas besoin de mener une vie hors du commun : chaque être est unique et c’est sa vérité intime qui nourrit le journal. Ni de “savoir écrire” ; le journal intime, c’est l’écriture en liberté. Ni de redouter les pannes d’idées : les plus grands écrivains les ont connues, et ont trouvé les moyens de dépannage décrits ici. Une seule condition est nécessaire : avoir envie d’écrire son journal intime, penser qu’on y trouvera plaisir et profit. Si ce n’est pas votre cas, ne le faites pas, mais ce livre peut vous aider à comprendre pourquoi votre fille de quinze ans écrit son journal... Cependant, une assistance dans cette entreprise peut se révéler utile, voire indispensable. Ce livre vous l’apportera, il vous éclairera par les commentaires des grands modèles, il vous encouragera par de multiples conseils pratiques (par exemple, comment éviter la “page blanche” du lendemain) ; il vous montrera aussi comment votre journal, au cours de son écriture, mais aussi par sa relecture, vous permettra de mieux vous connaître... et de mieux être.

Daily Life in Russia under the Last Tsar

Book Description

This book is a vivid account of life in Moscow, "the most Russian of Russian cities," in the year 1903, a year before Russia's disastrous war with Japan and two years before the momentous Revolution of 1905. Though the undercurrents of social change were running swiftly, the surface stability of the Tsarist regime show no indication of the turmoil ahead. The author, who is perhaps best known for his biography Tolstoy, describes Russian life through the eyes of a fictional young Englishman visiting a prosperous Russian merchant family. All facets of Moscow life are covered, from entertainment and night life to family life and the devotions of the Orthodox. We learn about Russia's factory workers and peasants, its soldiers and lawyers, its priests and its city officials, its Tsar and his entourage: what they do and what they wear, what they think and what they dream. Concluding chapters take our visitor to the famous fair at Nizhny-Novgorod, which was held every year from July 15 to September 10, and on a boat trip down the Volga.


Book Description

This “wonderfully gripping biography” digs beneath the famous legend to present a nuanced and revealing portrait of a serious-mined monarch (Allan Massie, Wall Street Journal). As the last Queen of France before the French Revolution, Marie-Antoinette was mistrusted and reviled in her own time, while today she is portrayed as a lightweight incapable of understanding the events that engulfed her. But who was she really? In this new account, John Hardman redresses the balance and sheds fresh light on her story. Hardman shows how Marie-Antoinette played a significant but misunderstood role in the crisis of the monarchy. Drawing on new sources, he describes how she refused to prioritize the aggressive foreign policy of her mother, bravely took over the helm from her faltering husband, and, when revolution broke out, worked closely with repentant radicals to give the constitutional monarchy a fighting chance. For the first time, Hardman demonstrates exactly what influence Marie-Antoinette had and when and how she exerted it. Named a 2020 Book of the Year by The Spectator

Romanic Review

Book Description

Les Livres de L'année

Book Description