Books In Print 2004-2005

Book Description

Web 2.0 How-to for Educators, 2nd Edition

Book Description

Ignite creativity by weaving Web 2.0 tools into the classroom. In this expanded and fully updated edition, the authors of the best-selling Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools introduce you to more collaborative tools and expertly lead you through classroom and professional applications that help expand student and teacher learning.

Reinventing Project-Based Learning, 2nd Edition

Book Description

Lead students through powerful learning experiences with Reinventing Project-Based Learning, a guide for educators, administrators and professional development specialists who want to make the shift to a more student-driven learning model. Explore proven strategies for overcoming the limitations of the traditional classroom, including a wealth of technology tools for inquiry, collaboration and global connection to support this new vision of instructional design.

El descubrimiento de sí mismo

Book Description

El movimiento es una fuente de placer y a la vez es fundamental para vivenciar, aprender y conocer. Trabajar el cuerpo en todas sus dimensiones favorece el autoconocimiento y la autoestima de los niños y niñas ayudándoles a relacionarse con el entorno y con los demás. El libro incluye una serie de ejercicios motrices: sobre esquema corporal, orientación espacial y temporal, coordinación, lateralidad, ritmo, expresión corporal, comunicación, autoestima, etc.

Desarrollo de las Destrezas Motoras

Book Description

Un libro especialmente pensado para las maestras y maestros de primera infancia. Tiene como objetivo ayudarles en la enseñanza, estimulación y supervisión de las habilidades y destrezas de motricidad gruesa de los niños y niñas: locomotoras, manipulativas, sensoriales, lúdicas, etc. Cada capítulo presenta, describe e ilustra, de manera científica y básica a la vez que práctica y sencilla, muchísimos juegos y actividades, individuales y de grupo, para desarrollar la psicomotricidad de los niños, a partir de los 18 meses de edad y durante toda la etapa de educación infantil.

Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities

Book Description

This book documents and disseminates experiences from a wide range of universities, across the five continents, which showcase how the principles of sustainable development may be incorporated as part of university programmes, and present transformatory projects and programmes, showing how sustainability can be implemented across disciplines. Sustainability in a higher education context is a fast growing field. Thousands of universities across the world have signed declarations or have committed themselves to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their activities: teaching, research and extension, and many more will follow.