Knowing the Unknown: Through Science and Sufism

Book Description

Knowing the Unknown Through Science and Sufism touches on the creation of the universe, starting from the Big Bang and following through the phases of evolution until the present day, discussing the appearance of life on earth after billions of years of turmoil. It looks at the early beginnings of religion in prehistoric societies and how this progressed into organized religion as we know it today. This book explores the similarities between the scientific concepts related to evolutionary change and the concepts that Sufis have highlighted with reference to verses of the Quran. It discusses the history of mankind and the journey through theological, philosophical, and spiritual phases. The book attempts to expand on the concept of time in relation to evolution and the difficulty in defining time and why the Quran mentions different times in different verses and also on an understanding of time in the present day. The subject matter is vast, but this book has attempted to address it in a more easily accessible way.


Book Description

In an effort to attain a ‘global’ character, the contemporary academic discipline of International Relations (IR) increasingly seeks to surpass its Eurocentric limits, thereby opening up pathways to incorporate non-Eurocentric worldviews. Lately, many of the non-Eurocentric worldviews have emerged which either engender a ‘derivative’ discourse of the same Eurocentric IR theories, or construct an ‘exceptionalist’ discourse which is particularly applicable to the narrow experiential realities of a native time-space zone: as such, they fall short of the ambition to produce a genuinely ‘non-derivative’ and ‘non-exceptionalist’ Global IR theory. Against this backdrop, Sufism: A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations performs a multidisciplinary research to explore how ‘Sufism’ – as an established non-Western philosophy with a remarkable temporal-spatial spread across the globe – facilitates a creative intervention in the theoretical understanding of Global IR.

The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan: Sufi Mysticism

Book Description

Mysticism is the essence and the basis of all knowledge, science, art, philosophy, religion and literature. These all come under the heading of mysticism. When one traces the origin of medicine, which has developed into the pure science it is today, one will find that its source was in intuition. It is the mystics who have given it to the world. For instance, Avicenna, the great Persian mystic, has contributed more to medicine than any other man in the world history of medicine. We know the meaning of science to be a clear knowledge based on reason and logic; but at the same time, where did it start? Was it by reason and logic? First, there was intuition, then came reason, and finally, logic was applied to it. Furthermore, in the lower creation there are no doctors, yet the creatures are their own physicians. The animals know whether they will best be cured by standing in the sun, by bathing in a pool of water, by running in the free air, or by sitting quietly under the shade of a tree. I once knew a sensible dog who used to fast every Thursday. No doubt many people of the east would say he was an incarnation of a Brahmin; but to me, it was a puzzle how the dog knew it was Thursday! People think a mystic means a dreamer, an impractical person who has no knowledge of worldly affairs. But such a mystic I would call only half a mystic. A mystic, in the full sense of the word, must have balance. He must be as wise in worldly matters as in spiritual things. People have had many misconceptions of what a mystic is. They have called a fortune-teller a mystic, or a medium, a clairvoyant, a visionary. I do not mean that a mystic does not possess all of these qualities, but these qualities do not make a mystic. A real mystic should prove to be an inspired artist, a wonderful scientist, an influential statesman. He should be just as qualified for business, industry, social and political life as is the materially minded man. When people say to me, 'You are a mystic, I thought you would take no notice of this or that,' I do not like it. Why should I not take notice of it? I take notice of every little detail, although every little detail does not occupy my mind so much that I take notice of nothing else. It is not necessary to be unconscious of the world while being conscious of God. With our two eyes we see one vision; so we should see both aspects, God and the world, as a clear vision at the same time. It is difficult, but not impossible.

Knowing how to Know

Book Description

Contemporary esoteric systems almost invariably play on the desire of mankind to seek or acquire knowledge. Almost universally neglected in such systems are the -- often unrecognised -- barriers which prevent knowledge and understanding. Before learning can take place, certain conditions and basic factors must be in place; in the individual or the group. Building on the foundations laid in Learning how to Learn and The Commanding Self, Idries Shah in Knowing how to Know illuminates those factors. Like an ultra-violet light shone onto the petals of flowers, it reveals concealed patterns, normally invisible to our customary modes of thought. -- Publisher description.

The Scientific Sufi

Book Description

The Scientific Sufi is the most definitive English language biography of Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, the father of modern science in India. In his time, he came close to, and many believe was robbed of, his due to winning at least two Nobel Prizes, if not one, for his work on wireless communication and the discovery of nervous system in plants. This biography carefully reconstructs his life, times, work, legacy, childhood, early years, influences and paint an intimate portrait of the father of modern science in India.


Book Description

The Sufis is the best introduction ever written to the philosophical and mystical school traditionally associated with the Islamic world.Powerful, concise, and intensely thought-provoking, it sums up over a thousand years of Eastern thought - the product of some of the greatest minds humanity has ever produced - into a single work, presenting timeless ideas in a fresh and contemporary style.When the book was originally published in 1964, it launched its author, Idries Shah, on to the international stage, attracting the attention of thinkers and writers such as J. D. Salinger, Doris Lessing, Ted Hughes and Robert Graves.It introduced to the Western world concepts which have subsequently become commonly accepted, varying from the psychological importance of attention and humour, to the use of traditional tales as teaching instruments (what Shah termed 'teaching-stories'), and the historical debt owed by the West to the Middle East in matters scientific, literary and philosophical.As a primer for the many dozens of Sufi books that Shah later produced, it is unsurpassed, offering a clear window onto a community whose system of thought and action has long concerned itself with the advancement of the whole of humankind, and whose ideas about individuals and society, their purpose and direction, need to be understood now more than ever before.

The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan: Philosophy, Psychology and Myst

Book Description

There are three steps which lead the seeker to the altar of divine wisdom. One is philosophy, the next is psychology, and the third is mysticism. Philosophy is learned by the analysis and synthesis of all that we perceive through the five senses. Psychology is learned by the analysis and synthesis of all that we can feel in human nature and in our character, and mysticism is learned by the analysis and synthesis of the whole of life, both that which is seen and that which is unseen. Philosophy therefore is learned by the study of things, psychology is learnt by thinking, and mysticism is learned by meditation. The one who takes these three steps towards divine knowledge completes his life's study; but he omits the first or the second step, philosophy or psychology, and arrives directly at mysticism, he leaves behind some knowledge that could have helped him impart his knowledge to others. Therefore it is most essential that these threes steps be taken one after the other. The words philosophy, psychology, and mysticism should not be interpreted in the sense in which they are generally used today. By philosophy is not meant a certain philosophy. By psychology is not meant a certain system. By mysticism is not meant a certain occult science. But by philosophy is meant the knowledge of things perceived through the intelligence or intuition, by psychology the knowledge of the human character and of human nature, and by mysticism the knowledge of being.

West Asia and the Region

Book Description

Contributed articles presented at the National Conference on "West Asia and the Region: Defining India's Role" held at the Centre for West Asian Studies on Aug. 21-22, 2006.

Science and Technology in World History, Volume 2

Book Description

Science is a living, organic activity, the meaning and understanding of which have evolved incrementally over human history. This book, the second in a roughly chronological series, explores the evolution of science from the advents of Christianity and Islam through the Middle Ages, focusing especially on the historical relationship between science and religion. Specific topics include technological innovations during the Middle Ages; Islamic science; the Crusades; Gothic cathedrals; and the founding of Western universities. Close attention is given to such figures as Paul the Apostle, Hippolytus, Lactantius, Cyril of Alexandria, Hypatia, Cosmas Indicopleustes, and the Prophet Mohammed.


Book Description

The perennial enigma the human mind has been encountering is the meaning of life and its place in the universe. On this subject, science and spirituality remained in discord with each other particularly for the last couple of centuries. The Theory of Relativity followed by quantum mechanics changed the worldview of traditional mindset altogether. The postulates of quantum physics paved the way for growing interest in philosophical spirituality. Theoretical physicist Fritjof Capra's book The Tao of Physics explored parallels between Eastern mysticism and modern science. Toshihiko Izutsu, in his book Sufism and Taoism, found similarities between Taoism and Muslim mysticism or Sufism. The book under review attempts to discover compatibility between Sufism and modern cosmology. It is basically a research book with more than seven hundred (700) citations of authorities of various disciplines, drawing from a vast array of diverse fields, such as physics, philosophy, biology, psychology and spirituality. The book probes into the nature and value of existence which ultimately leads to the direction of interconnection of the universe and human psyche; unity and integration of all things, and ultimately the unity of the whole universe and the whole person. These views are not placed on the shaky foundations of faith but they are based on philosophical logic and scientific facts--regarding importance of man as an observer in the universe, despite appearing insignificant on a point-like planet in the stunning vastness of empty space, and magnificent integration and harmony of the human psyche with the cosmos. These aspects of the book are unique in the sense that they amazingly reveal commonalities between physical and spiritual concepts and explain the phenomenon of existence as a compact whole in a coherent and logical sequence, with a glimpse of futuristic existence. This book may be of particular interest to the academia, research scholars, and students who may find the contents of the book unique and even startling. The author of the book is a research scholar from Pakistan who has been dedicated to exploring the reality of the physical world and human life. He has accentuated quite subtle and intricate issues in his book. His contribution to the relevant subject appears to have originality and, at times, remarkable distinction. The author believes that the contents of this book may not be found in any other single book published so far.