Kod Adı Pegasus

Book Description

1920 yılında Ankara’daki bir bağ evinde, Atatürk’ün de katıldığı gizli bir toplantı gerçekleşti. Bu toplantının etkileri, 2000’li yıllarda bile görülüyor olacaktı. 1939 yılına, Avusturya’nın haritada yeri bile belli olmayan küçük bir köyüne kadar uzanıyordu olaylar zinciri. Nazilere ait gizemli bir cihazın gömülü olduğu köyle birlikte Hitler’in anneannesinin mezarı da Nazi subayları tarafından tümüyle yok edilecekti. II. Dünya Savaşı’nın seyri Almanya aleyhinde değişince, o küçük köydeki gömülü cihaz dört Gestapo ajanı tarafından Tarsus’a kaçırılacaktı. 2012 yılında Tarsus’ta bir polisin öldürülmesiyle medyanın gündemine düşen “hazineci cinayeti” yıllar önce cereyan eden bu tarihi olaylara dayanıyor. Tarsus’taki gecekondu mahallesinde yer alan evlerden biri, büyük bir sırrı saklıyor aynı zamanda. Aylar boyunca ülke gündemini meşgul eden ve gizemi hâlâ çözülememiş Tarsus kazısını konu alan KOD ADI PEGASUS adlı bu roman, gerçek olaylara ve belgelere dayanan, nefes kesici, gizem dolu bir kurgu...

Central Banking and Monetary Policy in the G20: Paradigms and Challenges

Book Description

Behind productive and prosperous economies are independent central banks that implement effective monetary policies. This observation is especially valid for the G20, which comprises the world’s top twenty economies in terms of gross domestic product and the largest stakeholders of the global economic system. These economies include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. Three features of this book, which focuses on central banking and monetary policy in the G20, an intergovernmental platform, stand out: Firstly, as contemporary theories and global practices confirm, the main purpose of central banks is to ensure monetary and price stability, not despite the government but in cooperation with it. This principle is strongly emphasized here. Governments, which must maintain fiscal discipline, are key to the success of central banks in combating inflation and deflation. Secondly, since the authors of the book chapters come from various countries and academic institutions, the book offers a range of perspectives and intellectual richness. Without deviating from the book's main axis, the authors examine the changing paradigms in central banking and the increasing challenges of monetary policy. This examination is based on developed and emerging economies, integrations, financial organizations, and economic crises within the G20, informed by significant sources. Thirdly, this book offers university researchers, professional business practitioners, and curious readers the opportunity to explore and reflect on new concepts such as green central banking, digital money, and interest-free monetary policies, which have gained prominence in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, alongside mainstream topics. It is hoped that this book, consisting of 14 chapters, will inspire those who wish to conduct new and renewed academic studies on global central banks and monetary policies and will fill a gap in the literature.

A Study of Siouan Cults

Book Description

Cult, as used in this book, means a system of religious belief and worship, especially the rites and ceremonies employed in such worship. The present book treats of the cults of a few of the Siouan tribes—that is, with two exceptions, of such tribes as have been visited by the author. "Siouan" is a term originated by the Bureau of Ethnology. It is derived from "Sioux," the popular name for those Indians who call themselves "Dakota" or "Lakota," the latter being the Teton appellation. "Siouan" is used as an adjective, but, unlike its primitive, it refers not only to the Dakota tribes, but also to the entire linguistic stock or family. The Siouan family includes the Dakota, Assiniboin, Omaha, Ponka, Osage, Kansa, Kwapa, Iowa, Oto, Missouri, Winnebago, Mandan, Hidatsa, Crow, Tutelo, Biloxi, Catawba, and other Indians.

My Little Pony: The Journal of the Two Sisters

Book Description

As seen on the hit animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Learn all about the history of Canterlot and Equestria in this replica of the magical journal kept by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Find out how they were crowned, learn about their struggles to protect the ponies of Equestria, and relive their ultimate battle against each other. Plus, learn more about Star Swirl and Bearded! (This abridged edition only contains The Journal of Two Sisters. The Journal of Friendship is available separately.)

Current Debates in Accounting & Finance

Book Description

This book is a product of the need of understanding the new debates both from the perspective of business management and economics. The first part discusses accounting education and accountancy. In the second part, the relationship between investment and development has been investigated according to entrepreneurship and environment. The next part deals with the current debates on investment in terms of microeconomics. In the fourth part, the factors influencing decision-making in financial markets have been discussed by focusing on volatility, timing, and financial performance. In the last part of the book, current debates are about how managing and hedging risks of new instruments in the financial markets.

Charms and Charming

Book Description

In the book are presented studies of 18 renowned researchers focussing on the verbal aspects of everyday magic, placing in the centre the richest and most poetic manifestation of verbal magic – the charm or incantatio. Incantations are in Europe well spread folklore genre, which contain very old magical elemrnts. The book covers wide spectrum of regions, from United Kingdom to Russia and Iran, and includes also Slovenia. The researchers have devoted their attention to phenomenological and theoretical studies of incantatio, and have discussed various topics, from the origin of charms and ancient European magical practices, to the receptions and diffusions of different types of charms. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Knjiga ('Zagovori in zagovarjanje: Študije o magičnem v vsakdanjem življenju') je skupno delo osemnajstih uglednih evropskih raziskovalcev verbalne magije in zdravljenja z zagovori. Prispevki so posvečeni fenomenološkim in teoretskim raziskavam zagovarjanja, pri čemer avtorji uporabljajo številne metodološke pristope in obravnavajo zelo različne teme, od vprašanj izvora ustnega izročila do recepcije in razširjenosti zagovarjanja. Osrednja tema raziskav je zagovarjanje, ki je najbolj poetična oblika besedne magije. Zagovori so v Evropi še vedno razširjen žanr in vsebujejo zelo stare elemente magije. Poleg pestrega metodološkega spektra zaobjemajo študije tudi široko geografsko območje: od Anglije do Rusije in Irana, vključujejo tudi Slovenijo.

The Buddhism of Tibet

Book Description

Facsimile Products

Book Description