Kommentar zu den simonideischen Versinschriften

Book Description

The work concerns 15 epigraphic and/or verse inscriptions, handed down from the writers of the 5th and 4th centuries BC. These inscriptions were probably commissioned from Simonides of Keos. The commentaries on the individual verse inscriptions form the centre of the investigation. Each commentary is introduced by a text for the sake of orientation concerning the epigram in question, by a brief apparatus criticus, and by a review of the relevant secondary literature. The historic, literary, and, when possible, architectural contexts are taken into consideration in the interpretations. The first part of the book includes studies on the archaic and classical epigram in the public space, on the sources and transmissions of the oldest Simonidean verse inscriptions, and on the status quaestionis regarding the authenticity of the claims of authorship. The concluding observations deal with epigrammatic competitions and with the historical reception of the verse inscriptions in the public space. Die Arbeit widmet sich 15 epigraphisch und/oder bei Autoren des 5. und 4. Jhs. v. Chr. überlieferten Versinschriften, die vermutlich bei Simonides von Keos in Auftrag gegeben wurden. Den Kern der Untersuchung bilden die Kommentare zu einzelnen Versinschriften. Ein zur Orientierung gedachter Text des jeweiligen Epigramms, ein knapper kritischer Apparat und ein Überblick über die Sekundärliteratur leiten die einzelnen Kommentare ein. In der Deutung werden die historischen, literarischen und, wenn möglich, architektonischen Kontexte berücksichtigt. Der erste Teil des Buches umfasst Studien zum archaischen und klassischen Epigramm im öffentlichen Raum, zu den Quellen und zur Überlieferung der ältesten simonideischen Versinschriften und zum status quaestionis bezüglich der Zuschreibungen. Der abschließende Ausblick gilt epigrammatischen Wettbewerben und der historischen Rezeption der Versinschriften im öffentlichen Raum.

Hellenistic Epigram

Book Description

This book offers scholars and students of Hellenistic and Roman literature an overview of Hellenistic epigram, a field closely related to other Hellenistic poetry and highly influential upon Roman poetry. In fourteen themed chapters, it foregrounds the literary, linguistic, historical, epigraphic, social, political, ethnic, cultic, onomastic, local, topographical and patronage contexts within which Hellenistic epigrams were composed. Many epigrams are analysed in detail and new interpretations of them proposed. Throughout, the question is asked whether epigrams are literary jeux d'esprit (as is often assumed without proper discussion) or whether they relate to real people and real events and have a function in the real world. That function may be epigraphic, for example an epigram can be the epitymbion for inscription at someone's grave, or the anathematikon for inscription on or beside a dedicated object, or a picture-label - an ekphrasis to accompany a painting or mosaic.

Book Description

The Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy

Book Description

Latin love elegy is one of the most important poetic genres in the Augustan era, also known as the golden age of Roman literature. This volume brings together leading scholars from Australia, Europe and North America to present and explore the Greek and Roman backdrop for Latin love elegy, the individual Latin love elegists (both the canonical and the non-canonical), their poems and influence on writers in later times. The book is designed as an accessible introduction for the general reader interested in Latin love elegy and the history of love and lament in Western literature, as well as a collection of critically stimulating essays for students and scholars of Latin poetry and of the classical tradition.

Commentary On The Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri

Book Description

This commentary is the sequel to G.A.A. Kortekaas' The Story of Apollonius, King of Tyre: A Study of Its Greek Origin and an Edition of the Two Oldest Latin Recensions. Whereas the critical edition (2004) could only briefly touch upon the numerous problems raised by the text concerning the origin (Latin or rather Greek?), the time and place of creation, the genesis of the text, the interrelation between the numerous manuscripts, especially between the two main recensions RA and RB, the present volume does address these issues in a detailed commentary, word by word and line by line. The many links with the Greek Novel, which today stands in the centre of scholarly interest, are striking. In this commentary the author attempts to show that the novel originated in Greece, or more precisely Asia Minor, possibly Tarsus. The two recensions (RA and RB) are closely compared, preference generally being given to RA. The volume discusses in detail the most recent publications on the subject. All these aspects make the present commentary attractive to scholars of many different disciplines.

Dialect, Diction, and Style in Greek Literary and Inscribed Epigram

Book Description

Language and style of epigram is a topic scarcely discussed in the related bibliography. This edition aspires to fill the gap by offering an in-depth study of dialect, diction, and style in Greek literary and inscribed epigram in a collection of twenty-one contributions authored by international scholars. The authors explore the epigrammatic Kunstsprache and matters of dialectical variation, the interchange between poetic and colloquial vocabulary, the employment of hapax legomena, the formalistic uses of the epigrammatic discourse (meter, syntactical patterns, arrangement of words, riddles), the various categories of style in sepulchral, philosophical and pastoral contexts of literary epigrams, and the idiosyncratic diction of inscriptions. This is a book intended for classicists who want to review the connection between the stylistic features of epigram and its interpretation, as well as for scholars keen to understand how rhetoric and linguistics can be used as a heuristic tool for the study of literature.

Sparta and the Commemoration of War

Book Description

Explores how the Spartan commemoration of war prompts reconsideration of the contemporary relationship between conflict and memory.

Governmental Intervention in Foreign Trade in Archaic and Classical Greece

Book Description

Trade was a necessity in the ancient Greek world, yet the prevalent scholarly view is that Greek states intervened in foreign trade only rarely and sporadically. This book studies four necessary commodities, gold, silver, ship-building timber and grain, from production through export to import. Through the re-evaluation of known evidence and the presentation of new avenues of research, the book shows that Greek and non-Greek governments in the archaic and classical periods intervened and involved themselves greatly in foreign trade. The book offers the student of the Greek economy a fresh perspective on state intervention in trade and the ways in which intervention worked in the Greek world.

Tombs of the Ancient Poets

Book Description

Tombs of the Ancient Poets explores the ways in which the tombs of the ancient poets - real or imagined - act as crucial sites for the reception of Greek and Latin poetry. Drawing together a range of examples, it makes a distinctive contribution to the study of literary reception by focusing on the materiality of the body and the tomb, and the ways in which they mediate the relationship between classical poetry and its readers. From the tomb of the boy poet Quintus Sulpicius Maximus, which preserves his prize-winning poetry carved on the tombstone itself, to the modern votive offerings left at the so-called 'Tomb of Virgil'; from the doomed tomb-hunting of long-lost poets' graves, to the 'graveyard of the imagination' constructed in Hellenistic poetry collections, the essays collected here explore the position of ancient poets' tombs in the cultural imagination and demonstrate the rich variety of ways in which they exemplify an essential mode of the reception of ancient poetry, poised as they are between literary reception and material culture.

Inscribing Sorrow

Book Description

Fourth-century Attic grave epigrams reflect a transitional phase in the evolution of the genre of epigram. They testify to a shift of interest towards social issues such as the family, the deceased’s age and profession. In a turbulent period of restlessness and uncertainty that followed the devastating Peloponnesian war, the commemoration of the departed in private monuments became an effective mechanism of displaying publicly a new set of social concerns. It is within these contexts that special emphasis has been put on the composition of sepulchral epigrams, their gradual autonomization and sophistication. This book explores this decisive phase in the evolution of the epigram by reconstructing as many ancient contexts as possible on the one hand, and studying sepulchral epigrams as a poetic art on the other.