Troubles de l'apprentissage chez l'enfant

Book Description

Les chemins qu’empruntent les enfants pour apprendre gardent toujours une part de mystère et réservent nombre de surprises, le plus souvent fort agréables. Lorsque des embûches se présentent, lorsque l’enfant peine pour apprendre, les parents, l’entourage familial ou éducatif au sens large ainsi que les enseignants, sont bien souvent pris au dépourvu. L’appel aux professionnels de santé est devenu un recours incontournable, dès que des « difficultés d’apprentissage » sont repérées chez un enfant. Écouter, observer... pour pouvoir aider au mieux, voici le défi auquel sont confrontés les soignants en collaboration avec la famille et l’équipe enseignante. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage – pédopsychiatres, psychologues, orthophonistes – s’appuient sur une longue expérience clinique de consultation hospitalière spécialisée dédiée aux troubles du langage et des apprentissages chez l’enfant (centre référent). L’enjeu d’un bilan pluridisciplinaire réalisé dans ce cadre est de proposer une analyse approfondie des difficultés, et de dégager, à partir des observations recueillies, des points d’appui et des leviers afin d’orienter les actions thérapeutiques et les remédiations dont pourra bénéficier l’enfant en difficulté. Les nombreuses vignettes cliniques décrivant le parcours des enfants au sein de ce centre référent ainsi que la description des outils de travail clinique utilisés, feront partager au lecteur l’expérience quotidienne de l’équipe d’auteurs cliniciens. Largement illustré par des cas cliniques évocateurs, ce livre intéressera tous les acteurs du soin – équipes de proximité (CMP, CMPP, SESSAD... ), équipes hospitalières spécialisées et praticiens libéraux (orthophonistes, psychologues, psychomotriciens, ergothérapeutes, psychopédagogues, pédiatres, pédopsychiatres, neuropédiatres...) – ainsi que les acteurs des champs pédagogique, éducatif et associatif, engagés auprès des enfants, sans oublier les familles.

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Current List of Medical Literature

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Includes section, "Recent book acquisitions" (varies: Recent United States publications) formerly published separately by the U.S. Army Medical Library.

Current Catalog

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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

Literature Search

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Global Perspectives on ADHD

Book Description

Examining ADHD and its social and medical treatments around the world. Attention deficithyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been a common psychiatric diagnosis in both children and adults since the 1980s and 1990s in the United States. But the diagnosis was much less common—even unknown—in other parts of the world. By the end of the twentieth century, this was no longer the case, and ADHD diagnosis and treatment became an increasingly widespread global phenomenon. As the diagnosis was adopted around the world, the definition and treatment of ADHD often changed in the context of different psychiatric professions, medical systems, and cultures. Global Perspectives on ADHD is the first book to examine how this expanding public health concern is diagnosed and treated in 16 different countries. In some countries, readers learn, over 10% of school-aged children and adolescents are diagnosed with ADHD; in others, that figure is less than 1%. Some countries focus on medicating children with ADHD; others emphasize parent intervention or child therapy. Showing how a medical diagnosis varies across contexts and time periods, this book explains how those distinctions shape medical interventions and guidelines, filling a much-needed gap by examining ADHD on an international scale. Contributors: Madeleine Akrich, Mari J. Armstrong-Hough, Meredith R. Bergey, Eugenia Bianchi, Christian Bröer, Peter Conrad, Claire Edwards, Silvia A. Faraone, Angela M. Filipe, Alessandra Frigerio, Valéria Portugal Gonçalves, Linda J. Graham, Hiroyuki Ito, Fabian Karsch, Victor Kraak, Claudia Malacrida, Lorenzo Montali, Yasuo Murayama, Sebastián Rojas Navarro, Órla O'Donovan, Francisco Ortega, Mónica Peña Ochoa, Brenton J. Prosser, Vololona Rabeharisoa, Patricio Rojas, Tiffani Semach, Ilina Singh, Rachel Spronk, Junko Teruyama, Masatsugu Tsujii, Fan-Tzu Tseng, Manuel Vallée, Rafaela Zorzanelli

Event-Related Brain Potentials in Man

Book Description

Event-Related Brain Potentials in Man contains the proceedings of a conference held on April 26-29, 1977, and sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health in Rockville, Maryland to assess the field of event-related brain potential (ERP) research. The papers explore findings on ERPs in man in relation to the link between brain and behavior, brain functions, mental states, and drug interactions. Organized into eight chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the functional neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of ERPs, along with their measurement. It then proceeds with a discussion of some applications of ERPs to patients with neurological and sensory impairment, the use of ERPs to analyze sensation as well as perception and attention, the endogenous components of the ERP, the ERP correlates of psychopathology, and the event-related brain potentials across the life span. The reader is also introduced to ethical issues regarding ERPs, with reference to the history of encephalography. An epilogue assessing the increased status and maturity of the ERP field, along with uncharted territories and future prospects, concludes the book. This book will be of interest to scientists and clinical investigators working in biological sciences, neuropsychology, psychiatry, and neurology.

Handbook of Applied Psycholinguistics

Book Description

First published in 1982. The chapters of this handbook contain critical integrative reviews of research and theory in the major areas of the field of applied psycholinguistics, the field in which applied problems of language and communicative functioning and development are approached from the standpoint of basic research and theory in psycholinguistics and related areas of cognitive psychology. The book was designed to meet the needs of researchers, practitioners and graduate students from such disciplines as education (including special education), language learning, linguistics, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, and speech and hearing for such reviews, although the state of research in an area and a desire to stress research and theory in substantive areas resulted in a decision not to include chapters on the measurement of linguistic maturity, language intervention, the language of the learning disabled child, language and environmental deprivation, language and mania, language and senile dementia, and the design of written and oral information and computer command language.