La diplomacia del clima de la Unión Europea

Book Description

La Diplomacia del Clima de la Unión Europea es la herramienta más poderosa de su acción exterior, con la que busca reafirmarse como una potencia normativa mundial que promueve la lucha contra el cambio climático a través de su apoyo al multilateralismo de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Para ello, la Unión Europea participa en el diseño de políticas globales y de instrumentos normativos y de soft law, de manera que, tras décadas de ser receptora de propuestas internacionales, ha pasado a ser su promotora y quien como potencia normativa las defiende en las instancias internacionales. Sin embargo, el multilateralismo ya no es la única solución que defiende la Unión Europea porque no ha alcanzado los resultados deseados. Sin cuestionar los elementos normativos fundamentales del multilateralismo o limitar su alcance, la Unión Europea ha tenido que renovar sus acuerdos comerciales y de asociación, incorporando capítulos que promueven el respeto y el cumplimiento del Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático, como en el caso de los nuevos acuerdos con el Reino Unido tras el Brexit, o el Acuerdo del MERCOSUR o la relación estratégica con China

Body Politics in Development

Book Description

Body Politics in Development sets out to define body politics as a key political and mobilizing force for human rights in the last two decades. This passionate and engaging book reveals how once-tabooed issues, such as rape, gender-based violence, and sexual and reproductive rights, have emerged into the public arena as critical grounds of contention and struggle. Engaging in the latest feminist thinking and action, the book describes the struggles around body politics for people living in economic and socially vulnerable communities and covers a broad range of gender and development issues, including fundamentalism, sexualities and new technologies, from diverse viewpoints. The book's originality comes through the author's rich experience and engagement in feminist activism and global body politics and was winner of the 2010 FWSA Book Prize.

The Foreign Policy of the European Union

Book Description

"Explores European foreign policy and the degree of European Union success in proposing itself as a valid international actor, drawing from the expertise of scholars and practitioners in many disciplines. Addresses issues past and present, theoretical and practice-oriented, and country- and region-specific"-- Provided by publisher.

Spain and the European Union

Book Description

Spain's membership of the European Union since 1986 has had a major impact. Driven primarily by political concerns to secure democracy, membership has also served as a catalyst to dynamic economic development in Spain. This book analyzes how the EU has helped shape the political process in Spain, focusing on the key institutions and the policy process. At the same time, Spain's increasingly proactive role within the EU is also explored, with particular attention given to the country's international position in post-Cold War Europe.

Wasted Lives

Book Description

The production of ‘human waste’ – or more precisely, wasted lives, the ‘superfluous’ populations of migrants, refugees and other outcasts – is an inevitable outcome of modernization. It is an unavoidable side-effect of economic progress and the quest for order which is characteristic of modernity. As long as large parts of the world remained wholly or partly unaffected by modernization, they were treated by modernizing societies as lands that were able to absorb the excess of population in the ‘developed countries’. Global solutions were sought, and temporarily found, to locally produced overpopulation problems. But as modernization has reached the furthest lands of the planet, ‘redundant population’ is produced everywhere and all localities have to bear the consequences of modernity’s global triumph. They are now confronted with the need to seek – in vain, it seems – local solutions to globally produced problems. The global spread of the modernity has given rise to growing quantities of human beings who are deprived of adequate means of survival, but the planet is fast running out of places to put them. Hence the new anxieties about ‘immigrants’ and ‘asylum seekers’ and the growing role played by diffuse ‘security fears’ on the contemporary political agenda. With characteristic brilliance, this new book by Zygmunt Bauman unravels the impact of this transformation on our contemporary culture and politics and shows that the problem of coping with ‘human waste’ provides a key for understanding some otherwise baffling features of our shared life, from the strategies of global domination to the most intimate aspects of human relationships.

Bodies in Resistance

Book Description

As part of the emerging new research on civic innovation, this book explores how sexual politics and gender relations play out in feminist struggles around body politics in Brazil, Colombia, India, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, Turkey, Nicaragua, as well as in East Africa, Latin America and global institutions and networks. From diverse disciplinary perspectives, the book looks at how feminists are engaged in a complex struggle for democratic power in a neoliberal age and at how resistance is integral to possibilities for change. In making visible resistances to dominant economic and social policies, the book highlights how such struggles are both gendered and gendering bodies. The chapters explore struggles for healthy environments, sexual health and reproductive rights, access to abortion, an end to gender-based violence, the human rights of LGBTIQA persons, the recognition of indigenous territories and all peoples’ rights to care, love and work freely. The book sets out the violence, hopes, contradictions and ways forward in these civic innovations, resistances and connections across the globe.

Spain and EC Membership Evaluated

Book Description