La ayuda al desarrollo

Book Description

Conocer con rigor si la ayuda al desarrollo reduce o no la pobreza es una tarea apasionante porque no parece que preguntas tan sencillas puedan entrañar respuestas tan complejas. En este libro se abordan cuestiones como la limitada capacidad actual para medir con exactitud la pobreza que hay en el mundo, qué es exactamente la AOD, cómo se mide y sus diferencias con otros flujos internacionales que pueden servir para reducir la pobreza (la ayuda privada que se suele gestionar a través de las ONGD), y las dificultades técnicas que tiene hacer un estudio económico y econométrico de amplio alcance para responder académicamente a si la ayuda, en promedio, es eficaz o no. Ante las dificultades que se describen, el autor propone ir respondiendo a la cuestión de la eficacia mediante evaluaciones de las intervenciones de cooperación para el desarrollo. Tras definir qué es una evaluación (y qué no lo es), qué hay que hacer y cómo puede hacerse (bajo multitud de metodologías), el lector se encontrará con que dispone de múltiples herramientas para trabajar en respuestas diseñadas para cada contexto e intervención.El lector de este libro no podrá resistirse a aprender a pensar evaluativamente y a vivir conforme a ese estilo de acercarse a la realidad, valorarla y tratar de mejorarla creativamente conforme a sus posibilidades.

Esenciales OCDE De la ayuda al desarrollo El combate internacional de la pobreza

Book Description

Este libro explora el mundo multifacético de la ayuda y la cooperación para el desarrollo. Rastrea la historia de la ayuda, explica su origen y su destino, y pregunta si se está logrando tanto como se pudiera.

Building Development Studies for the New Millennium

Book Description

This book brings together multiple critical assessments of the current state and future visions of global development studies. It examines how the field engages with new paradigms and narratives, methodologies and scientific impact, and perspectives from the Global South. The authors focus on social and democratic transformation, inclusive development and global environmental issues, and implications for research practices. Leading academics provide an excellent overview of recent insights for post-graduate students and scholars in these research areas.

In Review

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El Desarrollo Como Problema

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Descentralizacion para Satisfacer Necesidades Basicas

Book Description

Approximately 25% of Latin Americans live on less than $2 a day, and Latin America is the most unequal region of the world. Poverty and inequality cause suffering and slow development. The solution must include generating an inclusive development process through satisfying the basic needs of the poor that enhance their productivity, that enable them to contribute to the development process, and that enables them to earn the income necessary to live a full life. Decentralization of taxing and spending from the central government to lower levels of government can help to satisfy basic needs of the poor and create an inclusive development process. However, decentralization is a stepby-step process that must implemented by taking into account real-world circumstances such as a lack of administrative ability in local government, and by formulating policy accordingly. The book derives economic principles for implementing the process of decentralization, and it presents cases that illustrate the principles at work. It is an economic guide for policymakers and practitioners.

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Alfabetización, Conocimiento Y Desarrollo

Book Description

This publication contains the results of the conference "South-South Policy Dialogue on Quality Education for Adults and Young People" that took place in Mexico City in 2005. Articles were written by participants who presented their national programmes from the governmental perspective, which were reflected in the literacy policies, but there were also important contributions on basic education and competence recognition. Accent was put on the experiences of four countries that were considered as locomotives of development in the field: Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico. Nevertheless, dialogue was also enriched by information provided by other African, Asian and Latin American countries: Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Thailand, China, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the Arab States as a whole. This publication contains the following papers: (1) Adult Learning: Situation, Trends and Prospects (Chris Chinien); (2) Brazil's National Programme for Adult and Youth Education (Ricardo Henriques and Timothy Ireland); (3) India's National Adult Education Programme (Satish Loomba and A. Mathew); (4) Mexico's National Adult Education Programme (Luz-Maria Castro-Mussot and Maria Luisa de Anda); (5) South Africa's National Adult Education Programme (Morongwa Ramarumo and Vernon Jacobs); (6) Adult Literacy and Learning in Bangladesh: The UNESCO and NGO Experience (Ahmadullah Mia and Wolfgang Vollmann); (7) Thailand's National Programme of Adult and Youth Education (Roong Aroon and Wilaipan Somtrakool); (8) A System of Quality Education for Adults and Youth in China (Yuquan Qiao); (9) Adult and Youth Education in Nicaragua (Nydia Veronica Gurdian and Elizabeth Navarro); (10) Challenges for the Construction of a Policy for Quality Adult and Youth Education in Guatemala (Ilda Moran de Garcia and Otto Rivera); (11) Namibia's Adult Literacy and Learning Programme (Beans Uazembua Ngatjizeko); (12) Mozambique's Literacy and Adult Education Programmes: A Sub-sector Strategy (Ernesto Muianga); (13) Educating Adults and Youth in Tanzania: Complementary Basic Education (COBET) and Integrated Community-Based Adult Education (ICBAE) (Basilina Levira and Valentino Gange); (14) The Context of Literacy Development and Adult Education in Angola (Juao Romeu and Luisa Grilo); and (15) Adult Education in the Arab Region (Seham Najem, Aicha Barki and Nour Dajani-Shehabi). Also included are: (1) Index of Persons; (2) Index of Subjects; and (3) Index of Subjects by Country. Individual papers contain figures, tables, footnotes and references. [This paper was created with the Mexican National Institute for Adult Education (INEA).].