La Clave Oculta Del Poder De Dios

Book Description

Apóstol Paúl Young es el fundador y pastor de la lglesia Palabra de Vida Fellowship en Salem, Oregon. Él ha estado en ministerio desde 1974 y fundo Palabra de Vida en 1987. Él es conocido por su predicación directa y dinámica de la Palabra de Dios no adulterada. Con un corazón para equipar al pueblo de Dios, el Apóstol Young ha viajado a muchos paises de todo el mundo para enseñar y predicar, llamando a la gente a vivir de acuerdo con los principios de la Palabra. Es el anfitrión del programa de televisión semanal de hora, "La Vida De Hoy". Como propietario de un negocio exitoso y CEO, tiene visión de gran alcance y la sabiduría enel campo de los negocios y es conocido como un coche de la vida y mentor que motiva a la gente a su destino.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

Book Description

Are you a leader, clergy or lay, in a Catholic parish wrestling with how to bridge the multiple ethnic, linguistic, and racial communities that increasingly comprise your parish? With these cultural backgrounds frequently come diverse perspectives on everything from how to communicate with each other to how to understand God. In addition, such cultural divisions all too often manifest differences in the access these communities have to parish decision-making structures. In Building Bridges, Not Walls - Construyamos puentes, no muros, John Francis Burke highlights the dramatic impact the growing Latino presence is having in parishes across the country, considers the theology of inculturation and intercultural ministry, and provides practical pastoral ministry suggestions on doing intercultural ministry. Includes full text in both English and Spanish. ¿Eres un líder, clérigo o laico que trabaja en una parroquia católica y que lucha todos los días por llegar a las diversas comunidades étnicas, lingüísticas y raciales cada vez más presentes en su parroquia? Estos grupos poseen como parte de su cultura diversas formas de ser y de pensar, desde cómo comunicarse con los demás hasta la misma concepción de Dios. Además, esas diferencias culturales a menudo implican una mayor o menor posibilidad de acceder a las estructuras de gobierno dentro de la parroquia. En Construyamos puentes, no muros - Building Bridges, Not Walls,John Francis Burke muestra el impacto tan grande que los latinos están teniendo en las parroquias del país; explica la teología de la inculturación y del ministerio intercultural; y ofrece sugerencias prácticas para quienes trabajan en este último. Incluye texto complete en Inglés y Español.


Book Description

Book Description

Your One-Stop Guide to the Bible

Book Description

Although the Bible is too big and deep for a single book to supply all the help a person needs, this collection is the perfect starting point for those wanting a solid introduction to the basic fundamentals. Clearly and compellingly, this simple guide orients readers to what the Bible is, teaches them how to make sense of it, and explains how they can read it as God's Word to them personally.

Histoire à débat

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Historia a debate/Congreso Internac ... v.3.

Divination on stage

Book Description

Magicians, necromancers and astrologers are assiduous characters in the European golden age theatre. This book deals with dramatic characters who act as physiognomists or palm readers in the fictional world and analyses the fictionalisation of physiognomic lore as a practice of divination in early modern Romance theatre from Pietro Aretino and Giordano Bruno to Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Thomas Corneille.

Taking the Guesswork Out of Applying the Bible

Book Description

Providing solid guidelines and using clear illustrations, Jack Kuhatschek explains how to uncover the timeless principles of Scripture. And he shows how to apply those principles to everyday experience. 163 pages, paper

Family Worship

Book Description

Gathering together for worship is an indispensable part of your family's spiritual life. It is a means for God to reveal himself to you and your loved ones in a powerful way. This practical guide by Donald S. Whitney will prove invaluable to families—with or without children in the home—as they practice God-glorifying, Christ-exalting worship through Bible reading, prayer, and singing. Includes a discussion guide in the back for small groups.