La faim et le role des march's

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First published in 2009. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

La Faim et la Sante

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First published in 2008, La Faim et la Sant is a valuable contribution to the field of Environment and Sustainability.

Marché Noir

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Explains the extent, necessity and importance of black-market activity in France during the Second World War.

2010 Global Hunger Index

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As the world approaches the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which include a goal of reducing the proportion of hungry people by half, the 2010 Global Hunger Index (GHI) offers a useful multidimensional overview of global hunger. The 2010 GHI is the fifth in an annual series that records the state of global, regional, and national hunger. The 2010 GHI shows some improvement over the 1990 GHI, falling by almost one-quarter, but overall the index for hunger in the world remains at a level characterized as serious. The GHI captures three dimensions of hunger: insufficient availability of calories, shortfalls in the nutritional status of children, and child mortality. Accordingly, the Index includes the following three equally weighted indicators: the proportion of people who are undernourished, as estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); the prevalence of underweight in children under the age of five, as compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO); and the under-five mortality rate, as reported by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The 2010 Index reflects data from 2003 to 2008, the most recent global data available on the three GHI components.

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Food, Technology and Culture in Africa

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This book is a multidisciplinary exposition of how scholars from various disciplines research food. The chapters unravel the crosscutting themes in the role of food in everyday realities of African societies. Food remains indispensable to humanity for a good healthy and quality life but accessibility is shrouded by poor quality food and food fraud thereby making the available food unsafe for consumption by the Nigerian citizens, and of course by people around the world. The underlying causes of this have largely been attributed to poverty and acquisitive economic gains, and to some extent poor food handling by consumers. In Nigeria, the state of poverty is so severe that the largest proportion of the citizens' daily and/or monthly income goes on food, which is barely enough to access quality and nutritional food. Consequently, majority of the citizens seek and take up poor quality food that might come their way. In the light of drive for unsafe food, the food fraudsters had capitalised on the poor Nigerians to make illegally adulterated and poor quality food available at cheaper prices. This situation has not only endangered the food distribution system and quality of consumed nutrition in Nigeria, but as equally put the health status of Nigerians at risk through long-term exposure and build-up of chronically toxic contaminants in the body.

L'Amérique et la France

Book Description

A peine la Révolution américaine était-elle terminée que, de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, la France entrait en révolution. Le bicentenaire de la Révolution française a été l'occasion pour des historiens spécialistes de l'une ou l'autre histoire nationale de jeter des regards croisés sur les deux événements. Plutôt que de s'interroger sur l'effet de relais d'une révolution à l'autre, ils posent des questions transversales sur les idées, sur les mouvements qui ont façonné les sociétés contemporaines et dont les origines révolutionnaires fournissent une clé. L'idée républicaine est perçue différemment en Amérique et en France ; elle évolue dans le temps bref de chacune des révolutions, chargée ici d'une conception primordiale de la liberté de l'individu face à l'État, là du primat du Bien public et du droit de l'individu à l'existence dans l'égalité. Les deux révolutions ont été traversées par des courants internationaux - franc-maçonnerie, piétisme des Quakers, millénarisme sécularisé - dont le dynamisme ou la résistance se sont manifestés des deux côtés de l'Atlantique selon les modes particuliers aux conjonctures nationales. Droits de l'homme ou Bill of Rights, républicanisme et nationalisme, souveraineté populaire et fraternité universelle : l'un des mérites communs aux deux révolutions fut d'être " des révolutions des anticipations.