La Novela En El Tranvia (Spanish Edition)

Book Description

Obra cuyo argumento se crea mediante los desv�os rutinarios y las travesuras mentales del narrador. Es el recuento de una larga y tortuosa serie de sucesos que pasaron al narrador mientras hac�a un mandado un d�a normal en Madrid. Su orginalidad en desarrolar el trama, la cual incorpora much�simos detalles frente a la compleja naturaleza de la acci�n capta al lector hasta el final.

La Novela en el Tranvia

Book Description

Relato que narra la historia de cierta condesa mezclada con noticias de periódico, conversaciones de viajeros, imágenes del tranvía, etc., hasta componer un divertido disparate.

The Canon and the Archive

Book Description

Ríos-Font re-reads nineteenth- and twentieth-century Spanish texts and authors that have tested the boundary between high and low, repositioning them within Spanish critical tradition. Through these self-reflexive readings, the book explores how the definition of literature has changed in more than two centuries of modernity in Spain, and the institutional and cultural negotiations behind this change."--Jacket.

La Novela del tranvía

Book Description

The Novel on the Tram

Book Description

This is a short story of a man who gets on a tram to return some books to a friend. He runs into a gossipy friend who starts telling him about what may or may not be a true story. The friend, a doctor, tells him about a stunning countess who has an imprudent admirer and a scheming butler. The narrator hardly listens to the tale until the doctor reveals the butler's mysterious hold over the countess. After his interest is aroused, the man is left hanging when the doctor leaves the tram without finishing the story. The narrator realizes the newspaper he has covered the books in has a feuilleton printed that seems to pick up the doctor's story. He reads it and, despite some variations with the doctor's tale, begins to imagine characters from it entering and exiting the tram. He overhears bits and pieces of stories on his return tram ride and assumes they are part of the countess' tale and several unexpected events follow. What happens later with the man unfolds later in this intriguing and unique story.

La novela del tranvía y otros cuentos

Book Description

A bordo de su tranv a, Manuel Guti rrez N jera (1859-1895) nos pasea en sus cuentos por un M xico que terminaba en la plaza de Regina -a 10 cuadras del Z calo- en compa a de su gracia y su talento y con habilidad tal que el lector puede exclamar con l: "Yo sigo en el vag n. parece que todos vamos tan contentos!"

Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men

Book Description

The wise fool, the sensible madman, and the village idiot, traditional characters in European literature, are best-known through Don Quixote. Galdós, Spain's most important novelist after Cervantes, contributed to this corpus with a number of principal characters whose affinity to Cervantes's hero is clearly recognizable. Bly demonstrates that a number of Galdós's secondary characters - the eccentric old men who appear with regular frequency in the realist social novels of his most important period of writing, 1876 to1897 - can be classified as a variant or sub-group of this type.

The Omnibus

Book Description

The introduction of omnibus services in the late 1820s revolutionised urban life in Paris, London and many other cities. As the first form of mass transportation—in principle, they were ‘for everyone’—they offered large swaths of the population new ways of seeing both the urban space and one another. This study examines how the omnibus gave rise to a vast body of cultural representations that probed the unique social experience of urban transit. These representations took many forms—from stories, plays and poems to songs, caricatures and paintings—and include works by many well-known artists and authors such as Picasso and Pissarro and Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins and Guy de Maupassant. Analysing this corpus, the book explores how the omnibus and horse-drawn tram functioned in the cultural imagination of the nineteenth century and looks at the types of stories and values that were projected upon them. The study is comparative in approach and considers issues of gender, class and politics, as well as genre and narrative technique.