La política social hoy

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El presente libro se organiza tanto con artículos que tratan las políticas sociales en los marcos de los sistemas regulados en lo económico, político y social por Estados interventivos, como por ensayos que abordan la temática en los contextos de transformaciones neoliberales y de reestructuración productiva. Producto de sólidas investigaciones y elaboraciones teóricas de autores consagrados.

Política social

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Analiza de modo sistemático los diversos problemas y dificultades que surgen ante la puesta en marcha de la política social y las complejas relaciones que aparecen entre los estados asistenciales y sus respectivas sociedades civiles teniendo en cuenta las condiciones económicas, las ideologías y las diversas presiones políticas a las que se encuentran sometidos.

Teoria de la politica social

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Participation in Change

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Es posible pensar una nueva política social para América Latina

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Se discute desde un punto de vista teórico, los diferentes enfoques de la política social y se analiza el fenómeno de la migración.

Private Troubles or Public Issues?

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This book bears testimony to the value of a progressive form of academisation of social work education in most European countries, including former communist countries which had to re-establish social work education. It also manifests the confidence of contributors in belonging to a serious academic discipline, and the fruitfulness of bringing research ‘home’ from neighbouring disciplines such as sociology, psychology, social policy, or pedagogy into the mainstream of social work. The contributions to this book converge on a small number of core issues for contemporary social work. These are methodologically the conceptualisation of different and interacting dimensions of diversity, and practically the defence of professionalism and discretion against encroachment by neo-liberal ideologies and cost-cutting regulations. In so doing, this underscores that theory matters in social work. Authentic social work research can demonstrate that social work practice has no reason to shy away from basing itself on evidence and being professionally accountable as long as its notion of evidence recognises and does justice to the complexity of social problems and acknowledges the value of inter-subjectivity in producing useable and ethically grounded evidence. This book was originally published as a special issue of the European Journal of Social Work.

Productivity, Growth and Poverty in Mexico

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Conditional cash transfer programs are based on a simple, yet powerful premise: creating adequate incentives today to stimulate the accumulation of human capital in poor families can provide future generations with the opportunity to generate their own higher incomes. Looking at the experience of Progresa-Oportunidades--the oldest such program whose results after 10 years provide valuable lessons--offers the opportunity to examine whether the youth of Progresa-Oportunidades, in a not too distant future, will be able to find productive jobs that allow them to escape the poverty that has trapped their parents. In this study, Santiago Levy looks at this question from an innovative perspective, analyzing how the intrinsic structure of incentives created by a set of social policies can aid or inhibit the achievement of the principal objective of Progresa-Oportunidades: to break the intergenerational transmission of poverty. This study can help spark a discussion in many countries on the links between social policy, productivity growth and, in turn, poverty reduction.