Como Mejorar La Sensomotricidad y La Psicomotricidad En El Nino

Book Description

El tratamiento en la evolucion de las capacidades motrices nos lleva a observar varias fuentes (genetica, psicologia, medicina, psiquiatria, educacion fisica, sociologia, etc.), ya que el conocimiento y profundizacion en el estudio del desarrollo motor nos obliga a hacerlo, porque el progreso de la motricidad va parejo con el resto de componentes de la conducta humana y esta la constituye una serie de dominios: afectivo, social, cognoscitivo y psicomotor (Gil, 2003). El objetivo principal en el estudio del desarrollo motor es "analizar el proceso evolutivo de la adquisicion de la competencia motriz necesaria para poder tener una interaccion eficaz con el medio, con objeto de que el individuo sea capaz de realizar un amplio abanico de actividades fisicas." (Sanchez Banuelos y Fernandez -coor.-, 2003). En la bibliografia especializada existen muchas taxonomias sobre las capacidades motrices, aunque para la mayoria estas integran al conocimiento del propio cuerpo y la lateralidad, el conocimiento del espacio y del tiempo, la coordinacion y el equilibrio. Todo ello permite abordarlo a traves de varias interpretaciones (Bottini, 2010). Nosotros veremos como es el desarrollo evolutivo general y las capacidades motrices, para despues centrarnos en aspectos generales de la senso y psicomotricidad.

Como Mejorar La Coordinacion y Equilibrio de Tu Hijo

Book Description

Este obra trata sobre las llamadas "capacidades coordinativas," "capacidades motrices" o "capacidades coordinativo-equilibradoras." Es decir, aquellas que se encargan de regular y organizar el movimiento, sus elementos cualitativos (Morente, 2005). No olvidemos que toda habilidad motriz tiene dos componentes muy ligados: fisico (mas aprisa, mas veces...) y motor (hacerlo bien). Si observamos unas acciones tecnicas en deportistas de elite, la elegancia y la economia de las mismas nos pareceran asequibles de reproducir. En realidad, esta aparente sencillez esta basada en una serie de complicadisimos mecanismos que, interactuando ordenada y sincronicamente unos con otros, dan como resultado ese movimiento digno de admirar (Conde y Viciana, 2001). El titulo del tema hace que coordinacion y equilibrio las veamos por separado aunque en su practica estan yuxtapuestas. Su nivel dependera de la genetica del individuo, y de las oportunidades y experiencias ludicas vividas desde las primeras edades (Rivadeneyra, 2003). Asi pues, veremos en la primera parte del libro todo lo relacionado con la coordinacion: concepto, definiciones, tipos, su evolucion y sus practicas escolares y en la segunda haremos el mismo procedimiento pero con el equilibrio. Ademas, un buen nivel coordinativo repercute decisivamente en un mejor y mas rapido de los aprendizajes basicos escolares.

Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities

Book Description

This book documents and disseminates experiences from a wide range of universities, across the five continents, which showcase how the principles of sustainable development may be incorporated as part of university programmes, and present transformatory projects and programmes, showing how sustainability can be implemented across disciplines. Sustainability in a higher education context is a fast growing field. Thousands of universities across the world have signed declarations or have committed themselves to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their activities: teaching, research and extension, and many more will follow.

Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology

Book Description

Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology with DSM-5 Updates, 8/e presents students with a comprehensive, research-based introduction to understanding child and adolescent psychopathology. The authors provide a logically formatted and easy to understand text that covers the central issues and theoretical and methodological foundations of childhood behavior disorders. Rich with illustrations and examples, this text highlights the newest areas of research and clinical work, stressing supported treatments and the prevention of behavior problems of youth.

Empirical Research in Education

Book Description

IBE-UNESCO pub. Report evaluating recent trends in educational research and experimental schooling - examines historical and theoretical aspects of empirical research, considers the role of cultural factors in the learning process, aspects of curriculum development, and attainment appraisal, discusses various research projects, and includes a directory of research centres. Diagrams and references.

Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Book Description

How do biological and environmental factors influence the development of childhood and adolescent disorders? There has been a substantial increase of interest in research into child and adolescent psychopathology. In this book, Cecilia Essau brings together contributions from the UK, the US and Canada to provide a comprehensive summary of the information available on the subject. Beginning with an introduction to general issues related to child and adolescent psychopathology, including theoretical models of normal and abnormal development, each chapter goes on to address the issues associated with specific disorders, such as: oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder eating disorders substance use disorders somatoform disorders. The contributors present a thorough overview of each disorder, including discussion of definition and classification, epidemiology, risk factors, comorbidity, course, outcome and prevention. Child & Adolescent Psychopathology will be welcomed by all mental health professionals seeking a reliable source of scientifically and clinically relevant information on the nature and treatment of child and adolescent disorders.

Shaping the future we want

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How to Measure Survey Reliability and Validity

Book Description

UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles Aimed at helping readers improve the accuracy of their survey, Litwin′s book guides in assessing and interpreting the quality of their survey data by thoroughly examining the survey instrument used. The book also explains how to code and pilot test new and established surveys. In addition, it covers such issues as how to measure reliability (e.g., test-retest, alternate-form, internal consistency, inter-observer, and intra-observer reliability), how to measure validity (including content, criterion, and construct validity), how to address cross-cultural issues in survey research, and how to scale and score a survey. "I found this work to be of very high quality with respect to both content and writing. It is commendable in terms of communicating and facilitating understanding of sometimes difficult concepts. It will make an excellent text for my introductory course on survey research and, I imagine, for many similar or related courses in the social sciences or education. All the pedagogical features, including the exercises, are excellent, and the level of writing throughout not only is appropriate for an introductory volume, but also engaging and lively." --Daniel U. Levine, Department of Education, University of Nebraska