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La théorie de l'esprit dans la psychologie de l'enfant de 2 à 7 ans

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Un nouveau champ de recherche a envahi la psychologie de l'enfant depuis les années 80 : l'étude du développement de la compréhension et de la prise de conscience de l'intentionnalité. Ce développement est identifié comme lié à l'acquisition par l'enfant d'une théorie de l'esprit. L'ouvrage expose les recherches menées dans ce domaine et présente les cadres explicatifs développés par les auteurs. « Copyright Electre »

The Hidden Structure of Interaction

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The idea of complexity states that most things tend to organize themselves into recurring patterns, even when these patterns are not immediately visible to an external observer. The general name for the scientific field concerned with the behaviour over time of a dynamic system is complexity theory. The dynamic systems - systems capable of changing over time - are the focus of this approach, and its concern is with the predictability of their behaviour. The systems of interest to the complexity theory, under certain conditions, perform in regular, predictable ways; under other conditions they exhibit behaviour in which regularity and predictability is lost. The concepts of stable and unstable behaviour are part of the traditional repertoire of physical science. What is novel is the concept of something in between - chaotic behaviour. For chaos here we refer to systems which display behaviour that, though it has certain regularities, defies prediction. How does the order emerge from the chaos? How can we predict the behaviour of a chaotic system?Over the last 30 years and more, trying to identify the hidden patterns behind chaotic behaviour became the focus of attention in a number of scientific disciplines. These range as widely as astronomy, chemistry, evolutionary biology, geology and psychology.

The British Journal of Psychology

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Issues for 1920-1947 include the proceedings of the society.

International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

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Since the early 1940s, when first identified as childhood psychosis and autistic psychopathy, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has continued to burgeon into a major focus of inquiry and interest among researchers, practitioners, and the public alike. With each passing decade, the number of scholarly articles addressing ASD and related disabilities continues to soar. Today, thousands of papers on autism are published annually across various disciplines and journals, making it challenging – if not impossible – to keep pace with, let alone synthesize, all the latest developments. Based on a solid historical foundation of autism theory and research, the International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders integrates the broad scholarly base of literature with a trenchant analysis of the state of the field in nosology, etiology, assessment, and treatment. Its expert contributors examine recent findings and controversies (e.g., how prevalent autism actually is), along with longstanding topics of interest as well as emerging issues. Coverage includes: A survey of diagnostic criteria and assessment strategies. Genetic, behavioral, biopsychosocial, and cognitive models. Psychiatric disorders in persons with ASD. Theory of mind and facial recognition. Diagnostic instruments for assessing core features and challenging behaviors. Evidence-based psychosocial, pharmacological, and integrative treatments. Interventions specifically for adults with ASD. Training issues for professionals and parents. A review of findings of successful and promising therapies, coupled with guidance on how to distinguish between dubious and effective treatments. The International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders is an indispensable resource for researchers, professors, graduate students, and allied practitioners in clinical child and school psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, education, social work, rehabilitation, pediatric medicine, and developmental psychology.

Archives de Psychologie

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Includes bibliographies

Jean Piaget

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Jean Piaget was one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century. His influence on developmental psychology, education and epistemology has been enormous. This text undertakes a reconstruction of the contexts and intellectual development of Piaget's numerous texts in the wide-ranging fields of biology, philosophy, psychoanalysis, child psychology, social psychology, theology, logic, epistemology and education. Richard Kohler reconstructs the often overlooked theological basis of Piaget's theories and analyses the influence this had upon the various areas of his research and reflections, particularly in relation to education.

Dictionnaire D’épistémologie Génétique

Book Description

L'epistemologie genetique ne se confond pas avec la psychologie gene tique et celle-ci n'est elle-meme pas identique a la psychologie de l'enfant. Cette derniere etudie l'enfant pour lui-meme, tandis que la psychologie genetique cherche dans l'etude de l'enfant la solution des problemes generaux, tels que celui du mecanisme de l'intelligence, de la perception, etc., car, ce n'est qu'en analysant la formation de tels mecanismes que l'on parvient a fournir leur explication causale. En effet, en psychologie comme en biologie, l'explication est inseparable du developpement. De meme l'epistemologie genetique a pour objet l'examen de la formation des connaissances comme telles, c'est-a-dire des relations cognitives entre Ie sujet et les objets: e1le fait donc la transition entre la psychologie genetique et l'epistemologie en general, qu'elle espere enrichir par la consideration du developpement. Mais si l'epistemologie comporte toujours des presuppositions psychologiques (meme dans les theories qui pretendent pouvoir negliger Ie sujet et reduire son activite a un simple {laquo}Iangage{raquo}), qu'il s'agit donc de sou mettre au controle de l'experience et des faits, il intervient en outre dans la theorie des connaissances des considerations de logique ou d'algebre generale, etc., qui ne re1event plus d~ la psychologie, mais de la formalisation ou de la deduction pure. L'epistemologie genetique est donc de par sa nature meme une recherche interdisciplinaire, ou la psychologie genetique joue un role necessaire mais nullement suffisant.