La transition démographique de l'Afrique

Book Description

Résumé : L'Afrique est sur le bord d'un lancement potentiel de croissance économique soutenue. Cette ascension peut être accélérée par un dividende démographique dû aux changements dans la structure par âge de la population. Les baisses de la mortalité infantile, suivies par la baisse de la fécondité, produisent une génération «renflement» et un grand nombre de personnes d'âge actif, donnant un coup de pouce à l'économie. Dans le court terme, une fécondité plus faible engendre une baisse des taux de dépendance des jeunes et une plus grande participation de la population active féminine en dehors de la maison. La réduction de la taille de la famille signifie également qu’il reste davantage de ressources à investir dans la santé et l'éducation par enfant, augmentant ainsi la productivité future des travailleurs. Au long terme, une durée de vie accrue résultant de l’amélioration dans le domaine de la santé signifie que cette vaste cohorte aux gains élevés sera également désireuse d’épargner pour la retraite ainsi que pour la création de l'épargne et des investissements plus conséquents, conduisant ainsi à d'autres gains de productivité. Deux choses sont nécessaires pour que le dividende démographique génère un décollage économique de l'Afrique. La première consiste à accélérer la baisse de la fécondité qui est actuellement au point mort ou lente dans de nombreux pays. La seconde est les politiques économiques qui profitent de l'occasion offerte par le changement de la démographie. Alors que l'évolution démographique peut produire plus, et des travailleurs de meilleure qualité, cette main-d'œuvre potentielle doit être employée si l'Afrique se doit de récolter le dividende. Cependant, une fois en route, la relation entre l'évolution démographique et le développement humain fonctionne dans les deux sens, c’est-à -dire qu’elle crée un cercle vertueux susceptible d’accélérer la baisse de la fécondité, le développement social et la croissance économique. Les recherches scientifiques montrent trois facteurs clés pour accélérer la transition de la fécondité: la santé des enfants, l'éducation des femmes et l'autonomisation des femmes, notamment par l'accès à la planification familiale. Exploiter le dividende démographique nécessite la création d'emplois pour les grandes cohortes de jeunes qui entrent en âge de travailler et qui stimulent les investissements étrangers jusqu'à faire augmenter l'épargne intérieure et l'investissement. La combinaison appropriée de politiques dans chaque pays dépend de leur stade de transition démographique. Etant la dernière région à subir la transition démographique, l’Afrique peut tirer les leçons des réussites et des échecs des autres régions dans l'exploitation d'un dividende démographique. Le succès exige (i) l'accélération de la transition démographique; (ii) une économie dynamique produisant des revenus et des investissements plus élevés pour une jeunesse mieux éduquée et en meilleure santé.

Demography: Analysis and Synthesis, Four Volume Set

Book Description

This four-volume collection of over 140 original chapters covers virtually everything of interest to demographers, sociologists, and others. Over 100 authors present population subjects in ways that provoke thinking and lead to the creation of new perspectives, not just facts and equations to be memorized. The articles follow a theory-methods-applications approach and so offer a kind of "one-stop shop" that is well suited for students and professors who need non-technical summaries, such as political scientists, public affairs specialists, and others. Unlike shorter handbooks, Demography: Analysis and Synthesis offers a long overdue, thorough treatment of the field. Choosing the analytical method that fits the data and the situation requires insights that the authors and editors of Demography: Analysis and Synthesis have explored and developed. This extended examination of demographic tools not only seeks to explain the analytical tools themselves, but also the relationships between general population dynamics and their natural, economic, social, political, and cultural environments. Limiting themselves to human populations only, the authors and editors cover subjects that range from the core building blocks of population change--fertility, mortality, and migration--to the consequences of demographic changes in the biological and health fields, population theories and doctrines, observation systems, and the teaching of demography. The international perspectives brought to these subjects is vital for those who want an unbiased, rounded overview of these complex, multifaceted subjects. Topics to be covered: * Population Dynamics and the Relationship Between Population Growth and Structure * The Determinants of Fertility * The Determinants of Mortality * The Determinants of Migration * Historical and Geographical Determinants of Population * The Effects of Population on Health, Economics, Culture, and the Environment * Population Policies * Data Collection Methods and Teaching about Population Studies * All chapters share a common format * Each chapter features several cross-references to other chapters * Tables, charts, and other non-text features are widespread * Each chapter contains at least 30 bibliographic citations

West African Studies Regional Atlas on West Africa

Book Description

This atlas describes the West African region, its population, settlement, territories, its economy and its vulnerabilities. It analyses the developments and the ways in which West Africa is conforming to a constantly changing global environment.

Population Dynamics in the Mediterranean

Book Description

This open access book makes a comparative overview of the demographic evolution of the Mediterranean populations. It addresses all the demographic issues since 1950 such as fertility, mortality, growth, demographic aging, and the age structure of the population. The book discusses the major demographic changes and its consequences for the Mediterranean region and describes the socio-economic and societal opportunities such as the silver economy, improvement in health of the population, and progress in education. By providing insights into the past demographic evolutions and analyzing the most recent indicators, this book constitutes an essential reference work for those who wish to better understand the major transformations that Mediterranean societies are undergoing.

Ralentissements, résistances et ruptures dans les transitions démographiques

Book Description

En matière de démographie, bien des pays ont un chemin assez classique. Mais d'autres ont connu une histoire plus mouvementée : des résistances profondes au changement, des ralentissements dans les progrès en matière de fécondité, de nuptialité ou de mort

African Economic Outlook 2016 Sustainable Cities and Structural Transformation

Book Description

This report presents the continent’s current state of affairs and forecasts its situation for the coming two years. It examines Africa’s performance in crucial areas: macroeconomics, financing, trade policies and regional integration, human development, and governance.

Demographic Dynamics and Development

Book Description

One of the major challenges facing the world today is the interaction between demographic change and development. Demographic Dynamics and Development reviews the dominant demographic theory, demographic transition, and then presents a thorough investigation covering aging, fertility, contraception, nuptiality, mortality and migration, which are all aspects that drive these changes. Each chapter combines the latest empirical data with theoretical reflections on the implications for development. This book thus offers an overview of worldwide demographic data, studied with a view towards development. In doing so, it provides researchers and specialists with clear information through in-depth case studies, focusing on a country, a region or a particularly important scientific sub-theme.

Strategies for Sustainable Financing of Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Book Description

Investment in secondary schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa has been neglected since the World Conference on Education for All at Jomtien. The World Education Forum at Dakar began to recognize the growing importance of post-primary schooling for development. Only 25 percent of school-age children attend secondary school in the region--and fewer complete successfully, having consequences for gender equity, poverty reduction, and economic growth. As universal primary schooling becomes a reality, demand for secondary schools is increasing rapidly. Gaps between the educational levels of the labor force in Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions remain large. Girls are more often excluded from secondary schools than boys. Secondary schooling costs are high to both governments and households. This study explores how access to secondary education can be increased. Radical reforms are needed in low-enrollment countries to make secondary schooling more affordable and to provide more access to the majority currently excluded. The report identifies the rationale for increasing access, reviews the status of secondary education in Sub-Saharan Africa, charts the growth needed in different countries to reach different levels of participation, identifies the financial constraints on growth, and discusses the reforms needed to make access affordable. It concludes with a road map of ways to increase the probability that more of Africa's children will experience secondary schooling.

Governing Health Systems in Africa

Book Description

Drawing on various disciplinary perspectives, this book re-focuses the debate on what makes a good health system, with a view to clarifying the uses of social science research in thinking about health care issues in Africa. The explosion of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the persistence of malaria as a major killer, and the resurgence of diseases like tuberculosis which were previously under control, have brought about changes in the health system, with implications for its governance, especially in view of the diminished capacity of the public health facilities to cope with a complex range of expanded needs. Government responsibilities and objectives in the health sector have been redefined, with private sector entities (both for profit and not-for profit) playing an increasingly visible role in health care provisions. The reasons for collaborative patterns vary, but chronic under-funding of publicly financed health services is often an important factor. Processes of decentralisation and health sector reforms have had mixed effects on health care system performance; while private health insurance markets and private clinics are pointers to a growing stratification of the health market, in line with the intensified income and social differentiation that has occurred over the last two decades.These developments call for health sector reforms.

Algeria in Transition

Book Description

This book, by providing an up-to-date, systematic analytical account on transformations in Algeria, makes a valuable contribution to the literature on this country that has not yet received much attention in the Anglo-American academy. Its distinctive feature is that it entirely focuses on Algeria, thus departing from existing studies dealing with the entire geographical area of North Africa or the Maghreb.