The Transition to Stable Employment

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This report suggests that efforts to improve the school-to-work transition need to focus on those specific groups who fare worst in their early labor market career--most notably, high school dropouts.

The Price of Independence

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More and more young men and women today are taking longer and having more difficulty making a successful transition to adulthood. They are staying in school longer, having a harder time finding steady employment at jobs that provide health insurance, and are not marrying and having children until much later in life than their parents did. In The Price of Independence, a roster of distinguished experts diagnose the extent and causes of these trends. Observers of social trends have speculated on the economic changes that may be delaying the transition to adulthood—from worsening job opportunities to mounting student debt and higher housing costs—but few have offered empirical evidence to back up their claims. The Price of Independence represents the first significant analysis of these economic explanations, charting the evolving life circumstances of eighteen to thirty-five year-olds over the last few decades. Lisa Bell, Gary Burtless, Janet Gornick, and Timothy M. Smeeding show that the earnings of young workers in the United States and a number of industrialized countries have declined relative to the cost of supporting a family, which may explain their protracted dependence. In addition, Henry Farber finds that job stability for young male workers has dropped over the last generation. But while economic factors have some influence on young people's transitions to adulthood, The Price of Independence shows that changes in the economic climate can not account for the magnitude of the societal shift in the timing of independent living, marriage, and childbearing. Aaron Yelowitz debunks the myth that steep housing prices are forcing the young to live at home—housing costs actually fell between 1980 and 2000 once lower interest rates and tax subsidies are taken into account. And Ngina Chiteji reveals that average student loan debt is only $3,500 per household. The trend toward starting careers and families later appears to have more to do with changing social norms, as well as policies that have broadened access to higher education, than with changes in the economy. For better or worse, the current generation is redefining the nature and boundaries of what it means to be a young adult. The Price of Independence documents just how dramatically the modern lifecycle has changed and offers evidence as an antidote to much of the conventional wisdom about these social changes.

Order from Chaos?

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This paper examines the consequences of initial periods of churning,' floundering about,' or mobility' in the labor market to help assess whether faster transitions to stable employment relationships--such as those envisioned by advocates of school-to-work programs--would be likely to lead to better adult labor market outcomes. Our interpretation of the results is that there is at best modest evidence linking early job market stability to better labor market outcomes. We find that adult labor market outcomes (defined as of the late 20s or early to mid-30s) are for the most part unrelated to early labor market experiences for both men and women. This evidence does not provide a compelling case for efforts to explicitly target the school-to-work transition, insofar as this implies changing the structure of youth labor markets so that workers become more firmly attached to employers, industries, or occupations at.

Early Careers and Life Course Transitions for Three Cohorts of Young Adults

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A common claim among social scientists and commenters is that today’s young adults do not follow the “traditional,” direct road to adulthood and instead follow meandering, individualized paths. Increased and prolonged attachment to higher education, an increasingly mobile labor force, rising home prices, and changing norms around marriage and parenthood all contribute to this view of contemporary young adults as unmoored from traditional markers of adulthood. However, this characterization may overestimate differences between generations and underemphasize the substantial gender, racial, and class variations that occur within a generation. In this dissertation, I link the new employment narrative to the life course perspective to examine young adults’ career and life trajectories at different moments in the labor market to empirically test claims about individualization and variation. Using a mixed-method approach and data from two cohorts of young adults, I investigate how employment structures and economic contexts influence individuals’ movement through the labor market and how their labor market experiences are linked to other spheres of life, chiefly marriage and parenthood. In Chapter 2, I evaluate how employment transitions affect wage level and wage growth. Contrary to expectations, I find that voluntary mobility in the early career period has not increased and, in fact, workers in the 1980s have more employers in their early careers than workers in the 2000s. While moving from job-to-job increases wages for workers in both the 1980s and 2000s, both the prevalence and negative consequences of involuntary mobility is lower for workers in the 2000s. These findings suggest that there is less scarring from non-voluntary mobility for contemporary young adults and that voluntary, strategic mobility can be used to build financially rewarding careers. In Chapter 3, I compare sequences of employment, school, marriage and parenthood for two cohorts of young adults. I find that there has been a substantial increase in the concentration of young adults in trajectories defined by education and employment suggesting that contemporary young adults are prioritizing attending college and establishing their careers over starting a family in their 20s. This finding is especially pronounced for women. In Chapter 4, I use data from 19 interviews with young professionals living in Seattle to explore how they make sense of their employment and life experiences in the context of a fast-paced, changing economy. I find that these young professionals use narratives of decision making and personal responsibility to make sense of their own life paths and to define adulthood, ultimately reinforcing and reproducing their own privileges. Lastly, in Chapter 5, I compare the results of the sequence analysis conducted in Chapter 4 to the themes that emerged from the interviews in Chapter 4 to underscore the need for mixed-methods research to understand the both the empirical patterns and meaning making of the transition to adulthood. Overall, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of coming of age in the 21st century by explicitly comparing employment and family formation patterns for two distinct cohorts, exploring variations along gender lines, and delving into the ways these patterns reproduce social privilege and inequality. Broadly speaking, I find that life course for contemporary young adults is primarily organized around the labor market, and that for professional Millennials this orientation is reflected in narratives of personal and financial responsibility. This dissertation also advocates using both quantitative and qualitative research to fully understand the complexities of coming to age under evolving social structures and norms.

Diversity and the Transition to Adulthood in America

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What does it mean to become an adult in the face of economic uncertainty and increasing racial and immigrant diversity? Nearly half of all young people in the United States are racial minorities, and one in four are from immigrant families. Diversity and the Transition to Adulthood in America offers a comprehensive overview of young people across racial and immigrant groups and their paths through traditional markers of adulthood—from finishing education, working full time, and establishing residential independence to getting married and having children. Taking a look at the diversity of experiences, the authors uncover how the transition to adulthood is increasingly fragmented, especially among those without college degrees. This book will introduce students to immigrant, racial, and ethnic diversity in the transition to adulthood in contemporary America.

Rights Of Passage

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First Published in 1995. This original and timely analysis of the transition from youth to adulthood breaks with traditional ideas about the labour market and demographic processes and makes an important and general contribution to understanding social change. Significant developments in the timing and experience of transition have not been satisfactorily addressed, nor understood in relation to general change in household and employment structure, Using primary data gathered in a survey of young adults and their parents, and existing evidence on the organisation of employment and demographic trends, the author analyses developments in the social organisation of dependence, independence and obligation. Delayed parenting and other aspects of the 'rights of passage' are explored in depth, and explained within their wider social context.

The Youth Experience Gap

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“The education to work transition of young people is key to a successful work-life and to fight youth unemployment. The book provides an impressive outline of the facts and convincing insights of the potential causes. This offers a large and broader audience help to adjust properly to achieve a better life.” Klaus F. Zimmermann, IZA, Bonn, Germany This work points to the youth experience gap as a key concept to explain the meager employment opportunities and earnings many young people face.The transition from education to work remains a long dark tunnel around the world. However, this book shows that there are striking differences between countries: in Germany, the young people of today are no worse off than their adult counterparts, while in Southern European and Eastern European countries they fare 3 through 4 times worse. The current economic and financial crisis has further exacerbated the situation for young people in many advanced economies. Observers are divided as to the optimal design of youth employment policy. Liberalists believe that the market itself should address youth disadvantages. More flexible labor markets should also guarantee greater labor turnover, including temporary work, so as to allow young people to move from one job to the next until they accumulate the work experience they need to become more employable and find the right career. In contrast, other economists oppose approaches focusing on entry flexibility and temporary work, claiming that the former type helps only the most skilled and motivated target groups, while the latter only allows young people to gather generic, not job-specific work experience.

Investing in the Health and Well-Being of Young Adults

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Young adulthood - ages approximately 18 to 26 - is a critical period of development with long-lasting implications for a person's economic security, health and well-being. Young adults are key contributors to the nation's workforce and military services and, since many are parents, to the healthy development of the next generation. Although 'millennials' have received attention in the popular media in recent years, young adults are too rarely treated as a distinct population in policy, programs, and research. Instead, they are often grouped with adolescents or, more often, with all adults. Currently, the nation is experiencing economic restructuring, widening inequality, a rapidly rising ratio of older adults, and an increasingly diverse population. The possible transformative effects of these features make focus on young adults especially important. A systematic approach to understanding and responding to the unique circumstances and needs of today's young adults can help to pave the way to a more productive and equitable tomorrow for young adults in particular and our society at large. Investing in The Health and Well-Being of Young Adults describes what is meant by the term young adulthood, who young adults are, what they are doing, and what they need. This study recommends actions that nonprofit programs and federal, state, and local agencies can take to help young adults make a successful transition from adolescence to adulthood. According to this report, young adults should be considered as a separate group from adolescents and older adults. Investing in The Health and Well-Being of Young Adults makes the case that increased efforts to improve high school and college graduate rates and education and workforce development systems that are more closely tied to high-demand economic sectors will help this age group achieve greater opportunity and success. The report also discusses the health status of young adults and makes recommendations to develop evidence-based practices for young adults for medical and behavioral health, including preventions. What happens during the young adult years has profound implications for the rest of the life course, and the stability and progress of society at large depends on how any cohort of young adults fares as a whole. Investing in The Health and Well-Being of Young Adults will provide a roadmap to improving outcomes for this age group as they transition from adolescence to adulthood.