Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk

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EU SMEs have to bear in mind that ICT products are innovationintensive and often require the combination of different technologies to operate. Just think of the mobile sector: smartphones allow you to make calls, take photos, access the Internet, listen to music or make contactless payments. Those activities often involve the implementation of different technologies and creative works in the same product. All these components of the creation will, most likely, require different Intellectual Property Rights to ensure a full and adequate protection of your product.

Latin America IP SME Helpdesk

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With the rise and development of the Internet, using online channels has become a widespread option chosen by companies for marketing business and products. Key benefits of using this channel are the ability to reach and measure potential customers on a global level, low operating costs and quick access to different markets, among others. Unsurprisingly, European SMEs seeking to expand their businesses towards the Latin American region consider the Internet as a preferential channel to do so. With the Internet being such an easy entrance for new products and services, it can also be used by forgers from all over the world as an instrument to sell counterfeit goods or commit any kind of Intellectual Property (IP) frauds. Within this context, protecting your Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) online has become almost a necessity.

Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk

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The fashion sector is a highly competitive environment where differentiating your products from your competitors' ones may make the difference between success and failure. In addition, e-commerce allows your products to enter the Latin American markets even before you have decided to start distributing in these territories. Therefore, in some cases, you will be able to transfer your reputation and goodwill in Europe to Latin America thanks to a consistent branding and Trade mark protection strategy.

Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk

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Peru is considered to have high standards of IP protection. According to the International Intellectual Property Index (IPI) 2020, prepared by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, out of the 53 countries that were evaluated, Peru was identified as the fourth fastest growing country in the matter of IP protection and, amongst all Latin American economies, it has achieved the greatest overall improvement. European SMEs should be cautious when entering the Peruvian market to ensure that their intellectual property rights are adequately protected there. Remember that registered IP rights are territorial in nature and, therefore, they are only protected in the territory in which they have been registered. Consequently, IPRs registered in Europe will have no legal validity in Peru, until they are also registered in this country.