Le Cerveau de l'enfant expliqué aux parents

Book Description

Ce livre s’adresse à tous les parents qui veulent le meilleur pour l’éducation de leur enfant. Durant les six premières années de sa vie, le cerveau de l’enfant développe des potentialités exceptionnelles. Ce manuel d’éducation, écrit par un neuropsychologue, explique tout ce que les parents peuvent faire pour favoriser le développement cérébral de leur enfant. Des conseils pratiques et éducatifs qui agissent positivement pour l’aider à acquérir de bonnes compétences intellectuelles et émotionnelles. Une approche moderne, nouvelle et claire, qui permet de préparer son enfant à s’ouvrir au monde, à savoir se comporter avec les autres et à avoir confiance en lui. Comment aider votre enfant à développer son potentiel intellectuel et émotionnel. « Un livre que tous les adultes devraient lire. » Javier Ortigosa Perochena, psychothérapeute. « 100 % recommandé. Le meilleur cadeau qu’un parent puisse faire à ses enfants. » Ana Azkoitia, psychopédagogue, enseignante et mère. Álvaro Bilbao est un neuropsychologue espagnol, docteur en psychologie, et père de trois enfants. Formé à l’hôpital Johns Hopkins et au Kennedy Krieger Institute, il a collaboré avec l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), et ses recherches lui ont valu différents prix dans le domaine de la psychologie et des neurosciences. Expert en plasticité cérébrale, il travaille chaque jour à appliquer ses connaissances, en tant que psychothérapeute notamment.

Book Description

The Natural Laws of Children

Book Description

A powerful, neuroscience-based approach to revolutionize early childhood learning through natural creativity, strong human connections, spontaneous free play, and more. All children are born wired to learn and to love. As young children explore the world and interact with others, their brains can naturally develop in incredible ways. And yet, despite our best intentions, early education often fails to fully encourage this natural learning and empathy. The Natural Laws of Children draws on current research in childhood development to share powerful insights on how to enhance learning for all kids, regardless of income or access to resources. This book tells the story of Céline Alvarez’s pioneering work in early childhood education. Over three years in a low-income school, Alvarez’s students achieved exceptional results in math and reading, as well as outstanding social and emotional skills. The Natural Laws of Children shares, in a clear and accessible way, the main scientific principles that underpin human learning to revolutionize early childhood education by supporting strong human connections, spontaneous free play, and more.

Toxic Parents

Book Description

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Dr. Susan Forward's Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them. When you were a child... Did your parents tell you were bad or worthless? Did your parents use physical pain to discipline you? Did you have to take care of your parents because of their problems? Were you frightened of your parents? Did your parents do anything to you that had to be kept secret? Now that you are an adult... Do your parents still treat you as if you were a child? Do you have intense emotional or physical reactions after spending time with your parents? Do your parents control you with threats or guilt? Do they manipulate you with money? Do you feel that no matter what you do, it's never good enough for your parents? In this remarkable self-help guide, Dr. Susan Forward drawn on case histories and the real-life voices of adult children of toxic parents to help you free yourself from the frustrating patterns of your relationship with your parents -- and discover an exciting new world of self-confidence, inner strength, and emotional independence.

Changer les Récits Autour de la Protection Humanitaire et de la Violence Basée sur le Genre: Un Voyage Artistique

Book Description

A multimedia eBook showcasing a collection of pieces created by artists working with the New Community-Informed Approaches to Humanitarian Protection and Restraint project based at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). The different media are interspersed with non-academic, descriptive text written by the project’s Principal Investigator, Jeremy Allouche. Presented in the book are photography, theatre, dance, music, painting, writing, and slam poetry, in combination with some of the research findings. Collectively, they provide an alternative perspective on the experience of protection issues from the point of view of the arts, the social sciences, and the humanities.

Rest, Play, Grow

Book Description

Using the relational development approach of Gordon Neufeld, the author offers a road map to making sense of the behavior of young children and understanding their developmental growth.


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