La logistique durable

Book Description

La mondialisation, la question environnementale et les mutations de la société imposent à chaque entreprise d’être toujours innovante, tant sur le plan technologique qu’organisationnel. La modernisation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement constitue la suite logique de l’évolution de la logistique d’entreprise depuis les années 1950. Cet ouvrage présente les éléments nécessaires à la mise en place d’une logistique durable : - la prise en compte de la dimension économique qui met en exergue les poids et rôle des connexions intra et inter-organisationnelles. C’est la remise en cause des notions de logistique amont, interne, aval, de mutualisation des transports, de prestations logistiques, de traçabilité et de systèmes d’information ; - la dimension environnementale qui s’intéresse à des aspects tels que l’éco-conception, la re-production, la gestion des déchets, la logistique des retours ou encore le transport « vert » ; - la dimension sociale/sociétale qui permet de poser un regard sur les ressources humaines internes et externes. Pour assurer une bonne mesure de la performance, La logistique durable propose l’élaboration d’un tableau de bord logistique.


Book Description

As a first destination for Bac + 4 and above students, but also for teachers and researchers, this book presents in 42 sheets - from 4 to 5 pages each - the fundamental elements to the setting up of a logistics. Indeed, many books exist in logistics, but they usually focus on the development of a particular theme. In this case, the logistics in 42 sheets offers an overview of the key elements to consider for the implementation of a logistics. And to go further, each sheet offers a bibliography "development" themes and subtopics.

Competitive Inteligence 2.0

Book Description

The recent “concept of 2.0", a consequence of "Web 2.0", discusses the emergence of a new style, emancipated from the Web, which finds applications in all areas of social activity: management, innovation, education , organization, territory, etc. This book considers the implications of the changing paradigm for competitive, economic and territorial intelligence applied to innovation, value creation and enhancement of territories. Competitive intelligence is therefore in the "2.0" and its values: perpetual beta, user-generated content, social relations, etc., horizontality, a renewed legitimacy. This book, collecting contributions from international experts, testifies to the heterogeneity and richness of possible approaches. It provides a totally new way of evaluating the impact of 2.0 with concrete examples, while analyzing the theoretical models allowing the reader to develop in other contexts the described cases of success.

Corporate Innovation Strategies

Book Description

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is simply the maximization of a companys value over time, undertaken because, in the long run, social and environmental problems ultimately become financial problems. The justification for CSR is therefore associated with representing the nature and role of the company, as well as its purpose. Companies therefore regard CSR as a strategic investment that is part of a proactive, resilient, inclusive approach, based on the creation of shared value. This approach is capable of reducing negative societal impacts of their activities, or inducing positive impacts if they sustain a hybrid culture, all the while improving their competitive advantage. This book presents a theoretical development that analyzes the challenges of CSR strategies based on the creation of shared value. Two case studies are presented, analyzing the different forms of social innovation strategies capable of inducing this shared value creation.

Ethics in Marketing and Communications

Book Description

This book takes an international perspective on the topical issues of marketing ethics and ethical communications. The contributors are professors of business in various European institutions who bring their international background and experience to this body of work.

Le management d'une boulangerie

Book Description

Les boulangers sont des entrepreneurs qui évoluent dans un environnement très compétitif. Lorsqu'ils prennent en charge leur première affaire, même s'ils disposent d'une solide formation métier, il leur est difficile de repérer et de mettre en œuvre tous les leviers de la performance. Véritable guide pour le pilotage de leur entreprise, cet ouvrage vise à les accompagner dans la prise de décision dans tous les champs de la gestion. Le boulanger, comme tout chef d'entreprise, doit faire face à de très nombreuses situations. Il est nécessaire de compléter son savoir-faire par des compétences et des connaissances pour opérer les meilleurs choix face aux nombreuses questions pouvant se poser à lui, parmi lesquelles : quels sont les critères qui doivent retenir mon attention quand je choisis de créer ou de reprendre une boulangerie ? Comment évalue-t-on une boulangerie ? Quels choix juridiques dois-je opérer ? Comment manage-t-on une petite équipe ? Quelles sont les erreurs à éviter ? Quelles sont les obligations réglementaires auxquelles sont astreintes les boulangeries ? Les réponses apportées par l'auteur sont le fruit d'un travail de synthèse qui s'appuie sur des textes de loi mais aussi sur un inventaire des bonnes pratiques. Celles-ci sont issues à la fois d'entreprises de secteurs différents mais aussi d'une observation sur le terrain.

Book Description

Sport Brands

Book Description

Sport brands are a central element of modern sport business and a ubiquitous component of contemporary global culture. This groundbreaking book offers a complete analysis of the topic of sport brands from both a marketing management approach (strategy and implementation) and a psycho-sociological approach (consumption and wider society). In doing so it explores both supply and demand sides, offering a complete introduction to the nature, purpose and value of sport brands not found in any other sports marketing text. The book covers the whole heterogeneity of sport brands, going much further than the sport team and league brands covered in most other books. As well as teams and leagues, the book considers the brands of sports celebrities, events, media, computer games and governing bodies, as well as the ethical, professional and technological 'label brands' associated with sport. Richly illustrated with cases, examples and data, the book explores the tangible and intangible influence of sport brands, their economic and social value, and the subcultures and communities that grow up around them. It also introduces common strategies for growing brands, and growing through brands, and examines the challenges and threats that sport brands face, from boycotts and ambush marketing to counterfeiting. An understanding of sport brands is essential for a fully rounded understanding of contemporary sport marketing. As a result, this book is important reading for any student or practitioner working in sport marketing, sport business, or mainstream marketing management.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness

Book Description

This book investigates the preferences of young job seekers for different aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in comparison to other non-CSR related employer attributes. It takes into account the potential influence of cultural and socio-economic variables and provides a differentiated global perspective. In its first part the book gives an overview about the impact of CSR on employer attractiveness and explains the factors that potentially influence CSR preferences of young job seekers all over the world. In a second part the research design is outlined and employer related preferences of 4783 graduates and students coming from 22 countries across the globe are discussed. In the third part, research results are presented for different cultural clusters. The most important criteria for employer choice of respondents are reflected against the socio-economic background and against the characteristics of CSR of the countries in question. Finally, the results are summarized and implications for global employer branding are derived.

Resilient and Sustainable Cities

Book Description

The role of Cities in driving global economies has been well covered, and their impact on the larger ecosystem is well documented. Resilient and Sustainable Cities: Research, Policy and Practice explores how cities can be transformed into sustainable fabrics, while leading to positive socio-economic change. The topics include urban policy and covers the challenges cities experienced during the pandemic and resulting urban responses from federal, state, and local levels. This includes a transdisciplinary perspective dwelling on the city narrative, including Resources, Economics, Politics, and others. Resilient and Sustainable Cities serves as a valuable resource for leaders and practitioners working in Urban Policy and academia, as well as students in urban planning, architecture, and policy undergraduate and graduate level programs. - Explores the impacts of COVID-19 on cities and its socio-economic impacts - Provides regenerative avenues for cities in a post-pandemic context - Introduces the concept of the "15-Minute City" - Underlines urban regenerative avenues, including financing needs, for cities in the global south