Revival: Lead in Soil (1993)

Book Description

Until the publication of this new book there had been a lack of well-founded guidelines for evaluating concentrations of lead in soil and its relationship to human health. Thus, much confusion has existed among regulatory agencies, industries, public health officials, and the medical community about the evaluation and remedying of lead-contaminated soils. Lead in Soil: Recommended Guidelines represents the combined efforts of a multi-disciplinary international task force from the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) whose members are experts in the fields of lead pollution and toxicology. It provides an international consensus concerning environmental lead and blood lead-especially in children. The task force evaluated the evidence and made recommendations for guidelines to appraise lead concentration. It also studied the influence of soil and other sources of lead on blood lead concentrations. A model was prepared that allows the user to select appropriate target levels of blood lead while allowing for a variety of environmental situations or regulatory criteria.

Lead in Soil

Book Description

Until the publication of this new book there had been a lack of well-founded guidelines for evaluating concentrations of lead in soil and its relationship to human health. Thus, much confusion has existed among regulatory agencies, industries, public health officials, and the medical community about the evaluation and remedying of lead-contaminated soils. Lead in Soil: Recommended Guidelines represents the combined efforts of a multi-disciplinary international task force from the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) whose members are experts in the fields of lead pollution and toxicology. It provides an international consensus concerning environmental lead and blood lead-especially in children. The task force evaluated the evidence and made recommendations for guidelines to appraise lead concentration. It also studied the influence of soil and other sources of lead on blood lead concentrations. A model was prepared that allows the user to select appropriate target levels of blood lead while allowing for a variety of environmental situations or regulatory criteria.

Lead in Soil

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Lead Toxicity

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A Soil Fertility Test

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Health and Safety Management of Lead in Soil in U.S. Air Froce Bases

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Urban soils contaminated with lead can pose a health risk if vegetables and fruits from the garden are consumed. In general, we don't think our gardens as dangerous or toxic, but unfortunately some garden soils do contain toxic levels of lead. Chipping paint around older structures will raise the lead level in the soils directly adjacent to the building. Restrictions to lead paint started in the 1950's. Today lead paint content has been reduced; however paint companies are allowed to mix up to 0.05% lead in paints. Lead use has been reduced significantly, but not entirely eliminated. Soil can be contaminated with lead from other sources such as industrial sites, industrial sludge with heavy metals, auto emissions, old lead plumbing pipes or even old orchard sites in production when lead arsenate was in use. The main concern with lead in firing ranges is the fate and transport of heavy metals from bullets fragments accumulating in soil. Of these metals, lead is the predominant contaminant. Lead is considered the top environmental threat to children's health. The U.S. military alone has cleaned up more than 700 firing ranges across the country over the past several years. The U.S. Air Force conducted a study at Shaw Air Force base to determine the lead concentrations in ground water and soil collected from the Small Arms Firing Range in 1992. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of contamination in the soil in order to develop a restoration plan. The goal of the restoration plan was to clean up the land for future use. The Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) conducted a project at Beale Air Force Base to clean up contaminated lead soil and to prevent any future fine and environmental expenses for the base. The main goal was to protect the base population from the lead and other contaminants hazards. In 1992 the Air Force conducted an investigation that included environmental sampling of soil and lead of the Tyndall Elementary School grounds. The Air Force collected lead samples in areas where children play on the school ground. Because lead concentrations results were below the toxic levels for lead, the Air Force concluded that no further action was needed. Further investigation for soil removal took part in 1992 and 2009. Under the Critical Removal Action field activities included site preparation, waste characterization, investigative sample chemical analysis, contaminated soil excavation, dust control, disposal, backfill and grading, and site restoration. Over the years the Air Force has been able to educate the military community on health hazards in the base facilities especially lead exposure and have been able to implement programs dedicated to prevent any lead overexposure.

Lead in Soil

Book Description

The environmental protection agency (EPA) mandates cleanup of lead-contaminated soil at hazardous waste sites even if concentrations of lead are many times lower than allowed by residential lead hazard standards. Thus, at sites without children, the Superfund program requires more protective cleanup than the federal government requires or recommends for backyards. Yet, children are much more likely to be exposed to lead in their own homes than at hazardous waste sites. We recommend policies to regulate lead that would both reduce costs and improve children's health. These include setting less stringent standards for lead in soil at sites regulated under Superfund and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and allowing parties responsible for cleaning up hazardous waste sites to substitute clean up of lead dust in nearby residences. Implementing these recommendations may require Congressional action, because EPA already has the discretion to pursue a more cost-effective and environmentally sound policy but has not done so.

Lead in Plants and the Environment

Book Description

This book examines the way that lead enters the biosphere and the subsequent environmental impact. The contributing authors include international experts who provide methods for assessing and characterizing the ecological risk of lead contamination of soil and plants. Information is provided on the consequences for human health as a result of lead pollution. This book reveals that approximately 98% of stable lead in the atmosphere originates from human activities. Lead in Plants and the Environment reports on methods for detecting, measuring, and assessing the concentration of lead in plants. The authors provide a method for the measurement of 210Pb isotopes in plants. This method can be applied extensively in different environmental settings, not only as a way of revealing sources of lead, but also as a way to monitor lead transport in plants and animals that ingest them. The chapters include coverage on the following topics: · Lead bioavailability in the environment and its exposure and effects · Radioanalytical methods for detecting and identifying trace concentrations of lead in the environment · Lead contamination and its dynamics in soil plant systems · Lead pollution monitoring and remediation through terrestrial plants in mesocosm constructed wetlands · A review of phytoremediation of lead This book is a valuable resource to students, academics, researchers, and environmental professionals doing field work on lead contamination throughout the world.