Leading Culturally Responsive Gifted Programs

Book Description

Written by experienced leaders in gifted education, this book is a foundational guide for supervisors, administrators, and districts seeking to create culturally responsive and equity-focused gifted policies and programs. Engaging chapters supported by real-world vignettes and interactive contemplation corners outline key elements of culturally responsive leadership and the administrative actions necessary for disrupting systems of oppression within gifted programs. Topics covered include culturally responsive gifted education, multitiered systems of support, authentic family engagement, the use of data to inform systemic change, and more. Featuring authentic applications of culturally responsive gifted leadership practices and an innovative tool to evaluate gifted program inclusivity, this book is essential reading for all current and future leaders in gifted education.

Culturally Responsive Teaching in Gifted Education

Book Description

Culturally Responsive Teaching in Gifted Education is a professional learning tool for practitioners who are working to create more culturally responsive school and classroom environments. This book: Focuses on gifted and talented students from special populations, including those who are culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse. Is presented as a collection of essays written by educational advocates. Aims to increase the cultural competence of teachers and school leaders. Is organized in three sections: Culturally Responsive Practices; Race, Ethnicity, and Culture; and Gender, Sex, and Sense of Self. Provides readers with personal insights into the implicit biases that exist within the educational system and gifted programs. Each chapter illustrates the lived experiences of students from special populations and includes reflection questions for continued conversations and planning. Finally, an Educator Inventory is provided that tasks educators with reflecting on their own personal implicit biases and classroom practices related to the diverse populations of gifted and talented students in our schools.

Multicultural Gifted Education

Book Description

Explores issues involved in gifted programs for minority students such as curriculum and instruction, ethics, counseling, family involvement, and several other concerns, and includes case studies, scenarios, and sample activities.

Sparking Change to Promote Equity

Book Description

Sparking Change to Promote Equity illuminates the skills and practices that campus and district-level leaders of gifted and advanced programs need to encourage and support minoritized and marginalized student success in today’s classrooms. Designed to empower leaders and other educational stakeholders to build a more equitably represented student population within gifted and advanced programs, Sparking Change chapters offer a discourse on the benefit of incorporating culturally responsive gifted leadership practices to open the gateway toward recognizing, accepting and nurturing each gifted student according to their true needs, interests, challenges and abilities.By dismantling inequitable and oppressive systems that impede student potential, leaders can leverage CRGL behaviors to foster a more inclusive environment within advanced programs, allowing each student to flourish. In the context of the complexities of today’s schools and advanced programs, this book provides recommendations and strategies towards developing an equitable leadership stance that is needing in gifted and advanced education. Whether you're new to leadership, experienced, or an aspiring leader seeking to advance equity in gifted and advanced education, this book is a valuable resource for educational leaders to become more equitable in advanced level learning.

Achieving Equity in Gifted Programming

Book Description

Achieving Equity in Gifted Programming offers practical, research-based programming implementations to increase equity in gifted education and:

Gifted Education

Book Description

This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to giftedness and is written by leaders in the field. An excellent resource for special educators, administrators, mental health clinicians, school counselors, and psychologists, this volume addresses the different educational issues that impact this population.

Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners

Book Description

Grounded in a combination of evidence, personal narratives, interviews, data, and research, Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners: Meeting the Needs of Special Populations in Gifted Education is a guiding resource for all stakeholder groups in gifted education to shift the equity needle of gifted programs in America. Though it is the right of Black, Hispanic/Latinx, twice-exceptional (2e), low-income, and other special populations of students to have access to advanced academic programs in the American educational system, complex and deep-rooted systemic issues often block the way. This seminal text thoughtfully brings the conversation around historically underrepresented students in gifted education to the forefront, drawing on real-world examples to provide an accessible discussion of foundational, interdependent topics, including current research and promising educational practices. Readers will develop a basic theoretical understanding of the issues and be able to advance more responsive programs and experiences for low-income, racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse gifted students, and other diverse gifted populations. This text serves as a beacon to motivate K-12 educators, researchers, and scholars to carry the torch of advocacy on behalf of those students historically underrepresented in programs for the gifted and talented.

Identifying and Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students

Book Description

Identifying and Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students revolutionizes the identification and education of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) gifted and talented students. Written with the educator, administrator, and program developer in mind, this book will positively transform the educational system for working with CLD student populations. Correlated with the updated NAGC standards, the book examines existing program structures through the lens of over- and underrepresentation of CLD students in gifted programs. The book also features a formula for auditing current programs for CLD representation and an innovative model for identifying these students for gifted services.

Beyond Gifted Education

Book Description

Seeking a more comprehensive vision for gifted education, this book offers a modern vision of programs and services for gifted and talented students. Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and Implementing Advanced Academic Programs provides the first comprehensive look at designing and implementing advanced academic student programs. Written by four leading experts in the field, Beyond Gifted Education reviews the current range of traditional gifted education practices and policies. Then, the book offers the concerned gifted program coordinator or school administrator a more expansive approach to educating gifted learners. The authors lead readers through the process of identifying needs, responding with programming, and then finding students who are well-suited for and would benefit from advanced academic programming. Detailed examples walk the reader through real-world scenarios and programs common to the gifted coordinator on topics such as cluster grouping, acceleration, and increasing diversity. Throughout the book, connections are made to Common Core State Standards, Response to Intervention, and a wealth of outside research in order to support ideas.

Empowering Gifted Educators as Change Agents

Book Description

Through an accessible, research-based program of professional learning, this critical resource empowers gifted educators to become change agents for equity in their classroom, school, or district. Designed for practitioners seeking to increase the rate of identification and retention of underserved gifted populations, this book guides readers through the Four Zones of Equity-Driven Professional Learning Model, a practical set of tools specific to the field of gifted education. Readers will develop an all-inclusive professional learning plan specific to their teachers’ understanding of cultural norms, guiding participants to gain insight into the characteristics of gifted marginalized students, coaching faculty in ways to increase classroom support, and equipping educators with the tools necessary to build effective partnerships with parents and communities. Ideal for gifted educators, coordinators, and administrators, this playbook is packed with practical ideas, strategies, and activities to bring meaningful, equity-driven professional learning to life.