Lean Blowout and Its Robust Sensing in Swirl Combustors

Book Description

Lean combustion is increasingly employed in both ground-based gas turbines and aircraft engines for minimizing NOx emissions. Operating under lean conditions increases the risk of Lean Blowout (LBO). Thus LBO proximity sensors, combined with appropriate blowout prevention systems, have the potential to improve the performance of engines. In previous studies, atmospheric pressure, swirl flames near LBO have been observed to exhibit partial extinction and re-ignition events called LBO precursors. Detecting these precursor events in optical and acoustic signals with simple non-intrusive sensors provided a measure of LBO proximity. This thesis examines robust LBO margin sensing approaches, by exploring LBO precursors in the presence of combustion dynamics and for combustor operating conditions that are more representative of practical combustors, i.e., elevated pressure and preheat temperature operation. To this end, two combustors were used: a gas-fueled, atmospheric pressure combustor that exhibits pronounced combustion dynamics under a wide range of lean conditions, and a low NOx emission liquid-fueled lean direct injection (LDI) combustor, operating at elevated pressure and preheat temperature. In the gas-fueled combustor, flame extinction and re-ignition LBO precursor events were observed in the presence of strong combustion dynamics, and were similar to those observed in dynamically stable conditions. However, the signature of the events in the raw optical signals have different characteristics under various operating conditions. Low-pass filtering and a single threshold-based event detection algorithm provided robust precursor sensing, regardless of the type or level of dynamic instability. The same algorithm provides robust event detection in the LDI combustor, which also exhibits low level dynamic oscillations. Compared to the gas-fueled combustor, the LDI events have weaker signatures, much shorter durations, but considerably higher occurrence rates. The disparity in precursor durations is due to a flame mode switch that occurs during precursors in the gas-fueled combustor, which is absent in the LDI combustor. Acoustic sensing was also investigated in both the combustors. Low-pass filtering is required to reveal a precursor signature under dynamically unstable conditions in the gas-fueled combustor. On the other hand in the LDI combustor, neither the raw signals nor the low-pass filtered signals reveal precursor events. The failure of acoustic sensing is attributed in part to the lower heat release variations, and the similarity in time scales for the precursors and dynamic oscillations in the LDI combustor. In addition, the impact of acoustic reflections from combustor boundaries and transducer placement was addressed by modeling reflections in a one-dimensional combustor geometry with an impedance jump caused by the flame. Implementing LBO margin sensors in gas turbine engines can potentially improve time response during deceleration transients by allowing lower operating margins. Occurrence of precursor events under transient operating conditions was examined with a statistical approach. For example, the rate at which the fuel-air ratio can be safely reduced might be limited by the requirement that at least one precursor occurs before blowout. The statistics governing the probability of a precursor event occurring during some time interval was shown to be reasonably modeled by Poisson statistics. A method has been developed to select a lower operating margin when LBO proximity sensors are employed, such that the lowered margin case provides a similar reliability in preventing LBO as the standard approach utilizing a more restrictive operating margin. Illustrative improvements in transient response and reliabilities in preventing LBO are presented for a model turbofan engine. In addition, an event-based, active LBO control approach for deceleration transients is also demonstrated in the engine simulation.

Acoustic Characterization of Flame Blowout Phenomenon

Book Description

Combustor blowout is a very serious concern in modern land-based and aircraft engine combustors. The ability to sense blowout precursors can provide significant payoffs in engine reliability and life. The objective of this work is to characterize the blowout phenomenon and develop a sensing methodology which can detect and assess the proximity of a combustor to blowout by monitoring its acoustic signature, thus providing early warning before the actual blowout of the combustor. The first part of the work examines the blowout phenomenon in a piloted jet burner. As blowout was approached, the flame detached from one side of the burner and showed increased flame tip fluctuations, resulting in an increase in low frequency acoustics. Work was then focused on swirling combustion systems. Close to blowout, localized extinction/re-ignition events were observed, which manifested as bursts in the acoustic signal. These events increased in number and duration as the combustor approached blowout, resulting an increase in low frequency acoustics. A variety of spectral, wavelet and thresholding based approaches were developed to detect precursors to blowout. The third part of the study focused on a bluff body burner. It characterized the underlying flame dynamics near blowout in greater detail and related it to the observed acoustic emissions. Vorticity was found to play a significant role in the flame dynamics. The flame passed through two distinct stages prior to blowout. The first was associated with momentary strain levels that exceed the flames extinction strain rate, leading to flame holes. The second was due to large scale alteration of the fluid dynamics in the bluff body wake, leading to violent flapping of the flame front and even larger straining of the flame. This led to low frequency acoustic oscillations, of the order of von Karman vortex shedding. This manifested as an abrupt increase in combustion noise spectra at 40-100 Hz very close to blowout. Finally, work was also done to improve the robustness of lean blowout detection by developing integration techniques that combined data from acoustic and optical sensors.

Lean Blowout Mitigation in Swirl Stabilized Premixed Flames

Book Description

Lean, premixed combustion offers a practical approach for reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, but increases the risk of lean blowout (LBO) in gas turbines. Active control techniques are therefore sought which can stabilize a lean flame and prevent LBO. The present work has resulted in the development of flame detection, dynamic modeling, blowout margin estimation, and actuation and control techniques. The flame's acoustic emissions were bandpass filtered at select frequencies to detect localized extinction events, which were found to increase in number near LBO. The lean flame was also found to intermittently burst into a transient 'tornado' configuration in which the flame's inner recirculation zone would collapse. The localized extinctions were dynamically linked to the tornado bursts using a linear, first order model. The model was subsequently applied to predict tornado bursts based on optically detected localized extinction events. It was found that both localized extinctions and tornado bursts are by themselves Poisson processes; the exponential distribution of their spacing times could be used to determine blowout probability. Blowout mitigation was achieved by redistributing the fuel flow between the annular swirlers and central preinjection pilot, both of which were premixed. Rule-based and lead-lag control architectures were developed and validated.

Novel Combustion Concepts for Sustainable Energy Development

Book Description

This book comprises research studies of novel work on combustion for sustainable energy development. It offers an insight into a few viable novel technologies for improved, efficient and sustainable utilization of combustion-based energy production using both fossil and bio fuels. Special emphasis is placed on micro-scale combustion systems that offer new challenges and opportunities. The book is divided into five sections, with chapters from 3-4 leading experts forming the core of each section. The book should prove useful to a variety of readers, including students, researchers, and professionals.

Stabilization and Dynamic of Premixed Swirling Flames

Book Description

Stabilization and Dynamic of Premixed Swirling Flames: Prevaporized, Stratified, Partially, and Fully Premixed Regimes focuses on swirling flames in various premixed modes (stratified, partially, fully, prevaporized) for the combustor, and development and design of current and future swirl-stabilized combustion systems. This includes predicting capabilities, modeling of turbulent combustion, liquid fuel modeling, and a complete overview of stabilization of these flames in aeroengines. The book also discusses the effects of the operating envelope on upstream fresh gases and the subsequent impact of flame speed, combustion, and mixing, the theoretical framework for flame stabilization, and fully lean premixed injector design. Specific attention is paid to ground gas turbine applications, and a comprehensive review of stabilization mechanisms for premixed, partially-premixed, and stratified premixed flames. The last chapter covers the design of a fully premixed injector for future jet engine applications. Features a complete view of the challenges at the intersection of swirling flame combustors, their requirements, and the physics of fluids at work Addresses the challenges of turbulent combustion modeling with numerical simulations Includes the presentation of the very latest numerical results and analyses of flashback, lean blowout, and combustion instabilities Covers the design of a fully premixed injector for future jet engine applications

Emissions, Combustion Dynamics, and Control of a Multiple Swirl Combustor

Book Description

To achieve single digit NOx emission from gas turbine combustors and prevent the combustion dynamics encountered in Lean Premixed Combustion, it is essential to understand the correlations among emission characteristics, combustion dynamics, and dynamics and characteristics of swirling flow field. The focus of this dissertation is to investigate the emission characteristics and combustion dynamics of multiple swirl dump combustors either in premixing or non-premixed combustion (e.g. Lean Direct Injection), and correlate these combustion characteristics (emissions, combustion instability and lean flammability) to the fluids dynamics (flow structures and its evolution). This study covers measurement of velocity flow field, temperature field, and combustion under effects of various parameters, including inlet flow Reynolds number, inlet air temperature, swirl configurations, downstream exhaust nozzle contraction ratios, length of mixing tube. These parameters are tested in both liquid and gaseous fuel combustions. Knowledge obtained through this comprehensive study is applied to passive and active controls for improving gas turbine combustion performance in the aid of novel sensor and actuator technologies. Emissions and combustion characteristics are shown closely related to the shape and size of central recirculation zone (CRZ), the mean and turbulence velocity and strain rate, and dynamics of large vortical structures. The passive controls, mostly geometry factors, affect the combustion characteristics and emissions through their influences on flow fields, and consequently temperature and radical fields. Air assist, which is used to adjust the momentum of fuel spray, is effective in reducing NOx and depress combustion oscillation without hurting LBO. Fuel distribution/split is also one important factor for achieving low NOx emission and control of combustion dynamics. The dynamics of combustion, including flame oscillations close to LBO and acoustic combustion instability, can be characterized by OH*/CH* radical oscillations and phase-locked chemiluminescence imaging. The periodic fluctuation of jet velocity and formation of large vortical structures within CRZ are responsible for combustion instability in multiple swirl combustors.

Combustor Lean Blowout Performane Correlation with Pyrolysis Products from Jet Fuels - a Shock Tube Study

Book Description

Understanding the impact of fuel characteristic differences on combustion behaviors such as cold start, high altitude relight, and lean blowout (LBO) limit can determine the application of alternative jet fuels. The LBO limit is one of the parameters considered when approving a new jet fuel. The physical and chemical properties of aviation fuels influence the combustion process near the blowout condition. This dissertation work has made an extensive effort to contribute towards the understanding of the role of chemical composition and resulting chemistry of jet fuels at the earliest stage of combustion on lean blowout. In addition, efforts were made to find a correlation between the measured LBO from the referee rig combustor and the pyrolytic products of alternative and conventional jet fuels. This study was conducted in the heated shock tube facility at the University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI). In this work, attention was paid to studying the stable species from pyrolysis and their formation and consumption behavior by varying the experimental dwell time over a temperature range of 1050 - 1700 K. The data provides valuable information to comprehend the reaction kinetics and gain more insight on the decomposition pathway of fuels. Selected fuels include Jet A (A2), FT-Sasol, Gevo (C1), n-dodecane (n-C12), iso-dodecane (iso-C12), n-dodecane/ m-xylene (75/25 by Liq. vol.), and Jet A/ Gevo (80/20 by Liq. vol.). This list of fuels represents petroleum-derived jet fuel (Jet A), bio-derived alternative jet fuel (Gevo), synthetic alternative jet fuel (FT Sasol), petroleum/ bio-derived jet fuel blend (Jet A/ Gevo), long chain single compound paraffinic jet fuel surrogate (n-dodecane), branched single component alkane (iso-dodecane) and aromatic/ n-paraffin binary mixture (n-dodecane/ m-xylene). The measured emission indices of the light gaseous hydrocarbons (C1-C5) from the shock tube study were correlated with the measured LBO from a single nozzle combustor (SNC) study. A linear regression analysis was performed between each pyrolytic product emission index and the LBO for all the tested fuels. A strong correlation was observed between the LBO and ethylene EI measured for all the fuels at temperatures of 1050, 1250, and 1350 K at dwell times of 4 - 5 ms. The 1700 K condition showed a poor correlation between the LBOs and EIs for all pyrolytic products. LBO values were predicted using the obtained linear regression of the ethylene EI from the four temperature conditions in this study; despite the weak correlation with the ethylene EI from the shock tube at the 1700 K condition, all the predicted values are within ℗ł 5% of the measured LBOs. The strong agreement between the calculated and measured LBOs suggests the possibility of predicting the LBO combustion metric performance based on the fuel composition and the primary decomposition products without the need for costly real combustor testing. For this study, the following kinetic mechanisms were used to gain a better understanding of the pyrolytic reaction kinetics: SERDP 2015 (used for n-C12 and n-C12/m-xylene blend), HyChem high temperature (used for A-2, C-1, and A-2/C-1), and RMG, mmc iso-dodecane (developed by Mao et al.) and LLNL iso-alkane high temperature (used for iso-C12). The modeling simulations were performed for all four temperature conditions and six dwell times at the shock tube experimental conditions. The pyrolytic modeling results show better agreement with the experimental results at 1050 K and 1250K than the 1370 K and 1700 K conditions. All four kinetic mechanisms have poorly predicted the acetylene behavior at all four temperature conditions.