Learning about Migration Decisions from the Migrants

Book Description

Se investiga los determinantes del incremento en emigraciones interrregionales en España desde 1980, usando un gran archivo de datos de migraciones. Las condiciones de migracion son identificadas comparando la distribución de migraciones con las caracteristicas de la distribucion de las necesidades laborales. La proporción del empleo en la industria, desempleo, precios de viviendas y educación, etc. tienen un importante efecto positivo en las probabilidades individuales de la migración.

Understanding Migrant Decisions

Book Description

Examining how changing conditions in the Mediterranean Region have affected the decisions of those considering migrating from Sub-Saharan Africa to or through the Region, this book represents an important and overdue contribution to international policy-making and academic discourse. In current discussions relating to this migration phenomenon, the complexity of individual decision-making is often left unacknowledged, so that subsequent policy responses draw upon simplified models. In this volume, individual decision-making takes central stage by bringing together chapters that demonstrate very different types of decision-making frameworks. In this project, it is highlighted that people move for a variety of reasons such as being affected by conflict and insecurity, by economic pressures, and by desire for other forms of enrichment. Throughout, the book’s contributors find that events in the Mediterranean cannot be considered alone in understanding migration decision-making from Sub-Saharan Africa, but as part of an increasingly complicated global system not encompassed by one simplified theory or by looking at one regional context in isolation. Knowing why individual people are moving and how they decide upon which routes to take can help to ensure policy that promotes safer travel options, or makes genuine alternatives to migration available.

Regional Migration in Spain

Book Description

Understanding Migration and Education Choices Under Uncertainty

Book Description

This thesis is composed of two related and one independent chapters. The first two chapters use rich data on subjective expectations about migration decisions of highly educated young adults from a lagging-behind region of Spain (Andalusia) that I collected myself during their migration decision-making process. In Chapter 1, I study how expected pecuniary and nonpecuniary factors influence these individuals' migration decisions. To do so, I estimate a life-cycle model of migration choice that takes expected migration duration into account. Crucially, the collected data allow me to separate preferences from beliefs and to distinguish between pecuniary and nonpecuniary factors. Although there is sorting on expected labor market outcomes, my results show that the set of nonpecuniary factors, such as being close to family and quality of social life, play a larger role in choosing whether to migrate. Additionally, counterfactual exercises reveal that a human capital acquisition strategy has a limited effect on temporary migration plans, which are primarily driven by nonpecuniary factors. Chapter 2 studies their self-selection intentions into internal and international migration. I find that individuals who plan to migrate internationally come from the highest end of the grade distribution and are from more privileged family backgrounds relative to the other two groups. Despite being positively selected, students who plan to migrate internationally have the most pessimistic views about their career prospects in their home region. With their migration plans, they expect higher labor market returns to migration than internal migrants. International migrants are more likely than internal migrants to plan a long term migration as opposed to a temporary migration. If individuals follow their plans, my results suggest a future brain drain from the region as well as from the country. Chapter 3, joint with Josep Amer-Mestre and Marta C. Lopes, studies the impact of COVID-19 school closures on differences in online learning usage by regional academic performance in Italy. Using real-time data from Google Trends, we find that students in regions with a previously lower academic performance increased their searches for e-learning tools more than those with higher academic performance. Given evidence from survey and administrative data that lower performing regions were using no less online learning before the pandemic, our results suggest that the COVID-19 shock widened the e-learning usage gap between academically lower and higher-performing regions in Italy.

Migration in the Mediterranean

Book Description

Migration in the Mediterranean region is a widely debated and much studied topic. This is due to the present refugee crisis, consequences of Arab revolutions, the proximity with emigration and transit countries, but also to the involvement of southern European countries and the mass arrival of migrants. The management of Border controls, migration, development, human trafficking, human rights and the clash or convergence of civilizations has generated a great deal of controversy and media attention. Migration in the Mediterranean offers a unique multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological framework, bringing together scholars from different subject areas. This book aims to address the following research questions: What are the main characteristics of migration movements in this region? What are the most important theoretical challenges? What are the perspectives for the future? This book begins with an overview of the economic perspective of the Mediterranean migration model, with a particular focus on labour market outcomes of migrants. It then presents the original results of field studies on the unintended effects of the EU's external border controls on migration and integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region, before addressing the themes of mobility, migration and transnationalism. This volume focuses on migration with a multidisciplinary approach, with scholars from various areas including sociology, economics, geography, political science and history. This book is well suited for those who study international economics, migration and political sociology.

Migration and Skills

Book Description

The European Union (EU) is one of the most favored destinations for immigrants in the world. The subject of migration has been moving up the policy agenda of the EU for some time now. This increasing emphasis will continue with the EU 2020 (post-Lisbon) Strategy, which refers to the potential contribution of migration to EU growth and promotes the idea of labor mobility. Faced with an aging population, possible labor and skills shortages in the economies, and the need to compete for talent with countries such as Australia, Canada, and the United States, the EU is beginning to see legal migration as an opportunity and is thus taking a more proactive approach toward it. 'Migration and Skills: The Experience of Migrant Workers from Albania, Egypt, Moldova, and Tunisia' aims to unravel the complex relationship between migration and skills development. Based upon extensive field surveys carried out by the European Training Foundation and joint analysis of data with the World Bank, the book paints a precise picture of potential and returning migrants from four very different countries two traditional (Egypt, Tunisia) and two new (Albania, Moldova) sending countries. It describes the skills these migrants possess, the extent to which migrants are able to use their skills and training while abroad, and the impact that the experience of migration has on their skills development. The book also offers suggestions on how the governments of countries sending migrants and countries receiving them could move towards more eff ective policies for managing legal migration flows. Policies that address the increasingly circular nature of migration benefit all parties involved. By studying the phenomenon of migration in detail, 'Migration and Skills: The Experience of Migrant Workers from Albania, Egypt, Moldova, and Tunisia' seeks to promote a better understanding of the human faces behind migration: who they are and what they can offer, both to their host countries and their origin countries to which they return.

The Indirect Estimation of Migration

Book Description

This book presents the culmination of our collaborative research, going back over 15 years (Rogers & Little, 1994), and for one of us, even longer (Rogers, 1967, 1973). It addresses a dif?cult, yet necessary, area of demographic research: what to do in data situations characterized by irregular, inadequate, or missing data. A common solution within the demographic community has been what is generally referred to as “indirect estimation”. In our work the focus has been on the indirect estimation of migration, and our use of the term “indirect” follows the description given in the 1983 United Nations manual, which de?ned it as “techniques suited for analysis of incomplete or defective demographic data” (United Nations, 1983, p. 1). We wrote this book with a goal to make it accessible to a reader familiar with introductory statistical modeling, at the level of regression and categorical data an- ysis using log – linear models. It is primarily intended to serve as a reference work for demographers, sociologists, geographers, economists, and regional planners.