Leitura e Escrita: Da Escola para a Vida

Book Description

O livro Leitura e Escrita: da escola para a vida faz uma reflexão às práticas de oficinas de Leitura, Produção Textual e Reescrita, realizadas entre 2011 a 2013 nos três anos do Ensino Médio. Tais atividades se basearam, além de nas experiências do autor, numa fundamentação teórica compatível e necessária, desenvolvida paralelamente. Na obra, ressalta-se que a escrita e a reescrita são etapas fundamentais do processo de aprendizagem nos últimos anos do ensino básico.

Understanding Linguistic Prejudice

Book Description

This book discusses linguistic diversity, linguistic prejudice, and language variation and change from a Global South perspective by analyzing Brazilian Portuguese, Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) and indigenous languages spoken in Brazil. It brings together studies and reflections on linguistic prejudice and social discrimination based on data and examples from Brazil and aims to bridge the gap between academic findings and popular notions related to linguistic diversity to promote language diversity and fight linguistic intolerance. Chapters in this volume present contributions to understand the origins and motivations of linguistic prejudice and foster awareness of entrenched opinions regarding linguistic diversity. The first part of the book brings together chapters analyzing basic sociolinguistic questions concerning linguistic prejudice based on theoretical discussions and qualitative research. The second part is composed of chapters that analyze linguistic prejudice in Brazil in major communities that speak Brazilian Portuguese varieties and minor communities that speak native and sign languages. Understanding Linguistic Prejudice: Critical Approaches to Language Diversity in Brazil will be a valuable resource for researchers in sociolinguistics interested in language diversity, language justice and language policy. It will also be of interest to sociologists, anthropologists and other social scientist interested in the relationship between language, diversity, equity and inclusion.

Landscapes of Investigation

Book Description

Creating landscapes of investigation is a primary concern of critical mathematics education. It enables us to organise educational processes so that students and teachers are able to get involved in explorations guided by dialogical interactions. It attempts to address explicit or implicit forms of social injustice by means of mathematics, and also to promote a critical conception of mathematics, challenging the assumption that the subject represents objectivity and neutrality. Landscapes of Investigation provides many illustrations of how this can be done in primary, secondary, and university education. It also illustrates how exploring landscapes of investigation can contribute to mathematics teacher education programmes. This edited volume is the result of a collaboration established through the Colloquium in Research in Critical Mathematics Education, which took place in 2016, 2018, and 2019 in Brazil. Its twenty-eight contributors are young researchers from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India, Mexico and the USA, who are dedicated to the further development of critical mathematics education. Organised in eighteen chapters, the volume presents examples of engaging students from a diversity of social and economic backgrounds, age ranges, and abilities across different countries. The chapters present original findings on the social aspects of all levels of mathematics education. Landscapes of Investigation is of particular relevance to those with an interest in the potential of mathematics education to challenge social injustices.

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Media and information literacy

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Aucune information saisie


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Didáctica da língua e da literatura

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A linguagem ao vivo

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Os Meninos Nunca Morrem

Book Description

"E a estrada cheia de sonhos espalhados na berma, pedacos de ti, pedacos de vida desunidos, uma perna caindo do lencol, um bracinho branco escorregando dos dedos sem vida.... Pedacos de terra caiada de sangue a escorrerem da boca e da bola.... E a bola, cheia de lagrimas amarelas da cor da terra castanha, deixando cair uma perna e um bracinho sem vida.... E eu, ao lado do lencol sem branco, agarrando o teu bracinho pendente sem vida, sem dedos, passo-te a mao na cabeca adormecida e sussurro-te ao ouvido: Os putos nunca caem, os meninos nunca morrem... "